The wicked have their own wicked grinding

125 just don't want to admit it

Does your feet really hurt?

No, Lin Yarong just doesn't want to admit her heartache, and tears just feel so painful that she can't help it. She didn't want to admit that she was afraid that Sun Jingbang would not come to save her. She was afraid to admit that she might never see Sun Jingbang again.

She was afraid, but she didn't want to admit it.

I don't want to admit anything.

It seems that only by thinking like this will make her feel better and make her stop thinking nonsense.

But the tears couldn't stop for a long time.

Mojiru waved his hand and let Ashana retreat.

He sat on the edge of the bed and looked at her in silence.

I don't know how long it took, Mojiru whispered, "Madam, don't cry." He reached out and patted her on the back of her hand. Mojiru also knew that Lin Yarong didn't like him to touch her.

"Madam, would you like some water?" After asking, Mojiru got up and walked over. He hung a clean handkerchief and walked back to the bedside. He handed the handkerchief to Lin Yarong.

After a while, Lin Yarong reached out and took it. She sat up, wiped her face silently, and then looked up at Mojilu: "What on earth do you want to do?"

Mojiru didn't say anything, and the dim candlelight shone on his face, and half of his face was hidden in the shadows. Lin Yarong couldn't really see what the expression was on his face.

Before Mojiru answered her, Lin Yarong said, "Prince, what on earth do you want from me? Although you don't know what you want, it may disappoint you.

"Why? Why did you say I would be disappointed? Mojiru looked into her eyes.

"After all, there are not many things in the world that can make the prince fall in love. What has the prince been asking for over the years? Although Sun Jingbang is my father-in-law, if the eldest prince thinks he can threaten Sun Jingbang with me, then the eldest prince is very wrong. Let me remind the eldest prince that you haven't forgotten what happened five years ago. If Sun Jingbang is the kind of man who sacrifices everything for women, I think the eldest prince could not enter Jinming Mansion five years ago.

Mojiru was silent for a long time: "Do you mean Mu Yunyan? That's really a beauty. Naturally, I never thought that Sun Jingbang was the kind of man who forgot the righteousness for the sake of his children's love, otherwise I would not bother to arrange Ling Cailan to come to him. However, there are too many things that surprise me this time, and some of them are completely out of my control, which makes me very uncomfortable. Madam should also know my temperament. I don't like to be led by the nose.

From Mojiru's words, Lin Yarong seemed to hear something. She calmed down and thought for a moment, and then asked, "The eldest prince means that the recent changes in Wei Mo's country are due to the secret layout of someone on our side?"

"Madam is really smart and elegant, so what did you guess?"

Seeing that Mojiru did not deny it, Lin Yarong suddenly sighed. Things were really surprising. It turns out that Your Majesty is not the invisible black hand, so who set such a big situation secretly?

Seeing that she had been silent for a long time, Mojiru did not urge her, but just looked at her quietly as if he were looking at something.

"Do you still remember the Zhongyuan Festival in the 18th year of Qingde?"

Okay, how to talk about this? Lin Yarong looked up at Mojiru. She knew what Mojiru wanted to say.

Mojilu smiled gently: "That was the first time I saw my wife. That year, my wife should have stood on the big stone bridge wearing a water-red thousand-water skirt combing her buds, with smiling eyes, and the lanterns under the bridge were not as bright as the lady's eyes. At that time, I stood under the stone bridge, which was the first time I went to Beijing. I thought, is this the girl of the imperial dynasty? What a beautiful girl."

In the past, if she had heard Mojiru talking about the past, maybe Lin Yarong would have blushed, but now, with her current mood, she has nothing but feel uncomfortable.

"Madam, to be honest, I really didn't expect to see you in Beijing this time. You know, I was really disappointed when I knew that Princess Eleven didn't exist. Mojiru did not hide what he wanted to show in his eyes, and he looked straight at Lin Yarong like that.

Lin Yarong suddenly raised her eyebrows. It turned out that she had mistaken some things back then, but...

Mojiru didn't say any more. Seeing that Lin Yarong didn't look good, he paused and said, "Madam, don't worry, I won't hurt you."

Lin Yarong reluctantly squeezed a smile on her face. Does she want to thank Mojilu? Whether he can say such words or not, at least Mojiru has shown an attitude.

After a moment of silence, Lin Yarong said, "Can you call Ashana in?"

"What does madam want to do? Are you hungry?" Seeing that she was about to get out of bed, Moguiru stood up to help her.

Irmenting Mojiru's outstretched hand, Lin Yarong insisted, "Call Ashana in."

Mojiru finally realized something. After looking at Lin Yarong, he opened the door and asked Ashana to come in.

After Mojiru went out, Lin Yarong said to Ashana, "Go and prepare some hot water. I want to take a shower."

Ashana was a little worried about her before, but when she saw that she looked much better than before, she went out to prepare.

After sleeping all day, Lin Yarong slept softly. She slowly got out of bed and went to the window to push the window open again. Maybe on the grassland, the moon looks big and round, and the moonlight sprinkles on the ground, like mercury leaking all over the ground. Inexplicably, she feels quiet and lonely.

She has been away from the capital for almost a month. I don't know if her mother, Shaoteng and little sister have been safe. Will the old lady be happy without her in front of the Marquis of Zhenguo? She thought of Sun Liyun and Xiaoduo, but what she wanted most was Sun Jingbang.

Mojilu's words made Lin Yarong realize that Sun Jingbang did not know that she was still alive, which made Lin Yarong feel sad. She didn't know what Sun Jingbang was doing at this time and whether she would think of her.

She sighed faintly.

I don't know how long it took. Lin Yarong was about to turn around, but she saw a person coming out of the shadow of the courtyard. The man raised his head and looked at her quietly.

It was a teenager about 17 or 18 years old, with a high nose and green eyes, and the moonlight shone on his face, making the teenager look extremely handsome.

This scene is so familiar. At this moment, Lin Yarong suddenly remembered the Zhongyuan Festival in the 18th year of Qingde. She stood on the big stone bridge, and the third prince stood beside her with a flower lamp. Under the stone bridge were all kinds of river lights. It was her first time to leave the palace. When she saw those beautiful river lights on the river, she couldn't help but see it. . Then she looked up and saw a foreign teenager smiling at her in a gorgeous beard under the wide leaf tree beside the stone bridge. That was the first time she saw Mojiru.

Ah, she didn't forget it.

The teenager in the courtyard was still standing there. Lin Yarong looked at it for a while, then quietly closed the window and turned back into the room.

Even if no one told her, she knew that the teenager was Dahu.

The third prince of Wei's last country.


Sun Jingbang has not been going to court for nearly ten days in a row. It's not that there is no discussion in the court, but speaking, it's just that the Marquis of the town misses his dead wife for too long.

After going to court this day, Ye Qiunan did not return to Yefu and ordered the carriage to turn to the Marquis of Zhenguo.

But as soon as he entered the house, he was blocked by Ye Hongqi.

"Anan, what are you doing here?"

Ye Qiunan frowned at his aunt and said dissatisfiedly, "Auntie, why are you here?" In fact, his question was superfluous. From the first seven days of beating Lin Yarong, Ye Hongqi spent most of the day in the Marquis's Mansion of Zhenguo.

"I'm here to see the old lady." Ye Hongqi saw that Ye Qiunan was still carrying a medicine box and said dissatisfiedly, "You are not here to see the marquis, are you?"

"Auntie is really a god." Ye Qiunan laughed and said, "No, the marquis hasn't been going to court for many days. Your Majesty and the prince are very worried and specially ordered the magistrate to come to treat the marquis."

Seeing Ye Qiunan's official tone for her, Ye Hongqi snorted coldly: "Our old Ye family, in terms of qualification and medical skills, you are at the end. With me, the marquis is fine.


"The marquis is not sick. This disease is in his heart. Alas, Anan, you have to understand the marquis's mood. Even the two wives died. People in the capital said that the marquis defeated his wife, and the marquis was also sad. Speaking of this, Ye Hongqi looks sad.

Real? Is Zhen Guohou really sad because of these boring rumors? Ye Qiunan doesn't believe it.

"What others like to say is up to them. The marquis doesn't have to do that. As a marquis, many girls will rush to marry her in the future. The marquis will not lack women.

Ye Hongqi stared at Ye Qiunan with wide eyes. Is the child stupid or something? Why are you so unpleasant?

Hate that the iron can't become steel hit Ye Qiunan's head heavily. Ye Hongqi said angrily, "You little son of a bitch, are you still a human being? Is it better for you to die? Who can't sleep all night these days, drink alone until dawn, and often feel sad? Who is it?

Ye Qiunan couldn't help but turn pale: "Auntie, you can't say this nonsense. I... How can I be like that?"

Ye Hongqi obviously doesn't want to mention this matter. She sighed and said, "Okay, okay, I know. I won't mention this matter again. The marquis is in the room. Go in and have a look. In other words, it's not easy for your majesty to ask.

Ye Qiunan followed Ye Hongqi to Sun Jingbang's room and entered the inner room. Ye Qiunan saw Sun Jingbang lying facing **, as if he were sleeping.

Ye Qiunan was embarrassed to disturb him, so he stood outside and listened quietly for a while. The marquis's breathing was long and stable, but he didn't look sick. Thinking of Ye Hongqi's words, Ye Qiunan knew that Sun Jingbang was a heart disease, which was indeed difficult to treat.

Standing quietly for a while, Ye Qiunan gently retreated.

"How's it going? What do you see?"

Looking at Ye Hongqi, Ye Qiunan said, "Heart disease, marquis, this is heart disease."

Ye Hongqi stared at Ye Qiunan with contempt. Isn't this nonsense? She seems to have just said the same thing.

Touching his nose in dismay, Ye Qiunan said a few words with Ye Hongqi, and then left the Zhenguo Hou Mansion.

As soon as Ye Qiunan left, Ye Hongqi entered Sun Jingbang's room.

The person who originally slept in ** turned over and got up and said dissatisfiedly, "Mr. Ye, how long will it take for me to be like this?"

Ye Hongqi smiled and said, "Miss, don't say you really look like a marquis."

Sun Liyun couldn't laugh or cry when she heard this. If it hadn't been for the help, she didn't want to pretend to be her eldest brother.

What about Sun Jingbang?