The wicked have their own wicked grinding

143 What's wrong with her?

Lin Yarong looked at Mojilu in a stunned way, and half a day later she said, "Are you kidding?"

Mojiru said, "Madam, is it necessary for me to make such a joke with you?"

"Why?" Lin Yarong couldn't help frowning. Why did she go to war?

Mojiru didn't say anything.


Lin Yarong asked again, but she knew that what Mojiru said was true. An unexplicable sadness came to my mind. Why did such a thing happen? Is there something wrong?

After a long time, she asked softly, "What will happen to me in the future?"

Mojiru turned his head and looked at her. There were too many unknown looks in his eyes. He slowly said, "I don't know."

I don't know?

Lin Yarong suddenly laughed, and then she got up and walked into the room without saying anything.

Mojiru has been looking at her all the time.

Lin Yarong is not unfamiliar with the war. Although she has never been to the battlefield, she knows that the war is a sad and unsedable thing for most people. How many people have lost their homes, land and loved ones because of the war. At this time, her heart was full of uneasiness. All this happened so suddenly that she believed that there must be many people who were as unprepared like her.

She stared out of the window. The sun was so hot, but why did she feel cold all over her body?

Suddenly, she thought of something. Damn it, Wei Moguo should have been premeditated for a long time. This is a well-designed war. So it was not Mojiru's painstaking efforts to kidnap her and take her to Changdu.

That damn man.

There is anger burning in the chest, but what's the use of anger? Lin Yarong only thought of one thing at this time. She wanted to leave here immediately, leave Changdu, and stay far away from Mojiru.

But how should she leave?

Lin Yarong walked around the house uneasily. From the first day she was kidnapped by Mojiru, she has been thinking about leaving, but so far, she has not found a feasible way. Mojiru has stared at her so closely that she has no chance to find a way to leave.

Lang Yunling has not come to her for many days. Although she is also anxious to see Lang Yunling, according to the current situation, she can only wait for Lang Yunling to come to her.

Forced to calm down, Lin Yarong pecked. Since Wei Mo has declared war on the imperial dynasty, maybe Lang Yunling will find an opportunity to meet her in a couple of days. After all, her safety is more dangerous than ever at this time.

Outside the door, there was a gentle knock on the door, and Lin Yarong looked up at the door.

Mojiru stood there and looked at her quietly.

Lin Yarong frowned. Why hasn't he left yet?

Although there were too many dissatisfaction in her heart, Lin Yarong didn't say anything. She also looked at Mojiru quietly. No matter what this man said, she didn't believe it.

I don't know how long it took before Mojiru whispered, "Madam, I promised you that I would never leave you, and this will never change."

Lin Yarong remembered that she was attacked by wolves, but what's the point of saying such a thing at such a time? Is it possible that Mogilu wants something from her?

Lin Yarong didn't say anything and didn't even have much expression on her face. She just looked at Mojiru and looked at Mojiru with a strange look.

How terrible this man is. On the one hand, he wants to treat you well, and on the other hand, he stabbed you fiercely when you are not paying attention. Lin Yarong couldn't help taking a step back and looked at Mojiru standing at the door warily.

The precautions on Lin Yarong's face fell into Mojiru's eyes. The deepest part of his heart was the sadness that he could not say, and he felt uneasy. However, he didn't say anything, just looked at Lin Yarong quietly and kept watching.

"Madam, take a rest."

After taking a deep look at Lin Yarong again, Mojilu turned around and walked out of the courtyard.

It was not until the footsteps faded away and could no longer be heard that Lin Yarong took a long breath.

It's really a very bad feeling. Just at that moment, Lin Yarong suddenly felt an unspeakable fear. For the first time, she was afraid of Mojiru.

She really doesn't like this feeling, which makes her frustrated. How can she show timidity in front of that man?

Lin Yarong doesn't know what's wrong with her at all? She shouldn't be like this.

Ashaina walked into the room and didn't see Lin Yarong. When Ashaina turned into the inner room, she couldn't help but be shocked.

"Madam, what's wrong with you?"

On such a hot day, Lin Yarong curled up in the corner of the big bed wrapped in a quilt. Her face was pale, her forehead was covered with sweat, and her body trembled gently.

Seeing that she seemed to be sick, Ashana quickly reached out and touched it. The cold temperature under her palm couldn't help but surprise Ashana. It didn't seem to be hot.

"Water... I want to drink water."

For a long time, Lin Yarong squeezed out a sentence from her dry lips.

Ashaina hurriedly poured a glass of water and brought it over and carefully fed it one by one. Seeing that her clothes were soaked in cold sweat, Ashana was about to cry. What's the matter?

Wait for Lin Yarong to drink a glass of water, Ashana put down the glass and turned out. Ashina knew in her heart that Lin Yarong was definitely ill and very ill. Ashina knew that she must go to see the eldest prince immediately.

About a quarter of an hour later, Mojiru hurried into the room with Dr. Tian, followed by Dahur with a restless look on his face.

Asana had just changed a clean middle coat for Lin Yarong. Seeing that she had been drowsy, Asana's eyes couldn't help blushing. Looking at the pale and powerless Lin Yarong, Asana thought she was about to die.

"How is she?"

When he raised the curtain, Mojiru glanced and saw a pale face and bloodless lips. Lin Yarong lay like an angry doll**.

Mojiru's heart tightened, and something pricked his heart. He was fine in the morning. Why did he get sick at once?

"Big prince, please let the subordinate show it to your wife first."

Dr. Tian's deep voice came from behind him, and Mojiru realized it. He quickly leaned over and said anxiously, "Look, what's wrong with her? Isn't it a fever?"

Before, Dahu could not squeeze to the bedside. Seeing Mojiru get out of the way, Dahu immediately rushed over and said, "Ah, madam... What's wrong with this? Why is your face so pale?"

stared at Dahull fiercely. Mojiru pulled Dahu aside and whispered, "Shut up."

Although he knew that Mojiru was in a bad mood at this time, Koda Huer was also uncomfortable. These days, he was busy and couldn't have a good rest for a moment. What is that?

At this time, seeing Mojiru make his face, Dahul couldn't help shouting, "Mojiru, did you abuse your wife? How can you do this to a weak woman? Is it possible that you didn't like you because your wife likes me, so you hit your wife angrily? Look at how thin your wife is? You must have abused her."

From seeing Lin Yarong lying alive **, there was a fire in Mojiru's heart. At this time, after listening to Dahur's words, the fire burned more and more fiercely. Without thinking about it, Mogilu just slapped him in the face.

Fortunately, Dahuru is clever and has been defensive against Mojiru. As soon as Mojiru's hand moved, Dahuru suddenly took a big step back. Although he was not hit by Mojiru in the face, he was also scared to reach Huer.

Seeing that he was almost poisoned by Mojiru, this new hatred and old hatred surged into his heart, and Dahu returned it with a punch.

Just as the two brothers were about to fight, Ashana suddenly rushed between them and whispered, "Enough! Stop it all. Two princes, don't you know what's going on now? Madam is dying. Why are you still in the mood to fight here?

It's really rude. Although Mojiru is dissatisfied with Ashana's crimes, he must admit that what Ashana said is extremely true. This is not the time to fight.

Dahuer put away his fists angrily, and then stared at Mojiru fiercely. Whose fault is all this? This damn Mojiru.

From beginning to end, Dr. Tian seemed to have never cared about what happened behind him. His fingers rested on Lin Yarong's wrist, and his expression gradually became solemn.

"Is the situation...not good?" Mojiru frowned tightly.

Dr. Tian asked, "How long has she been like this?" Is there anything wrong today?

Mojiru looked at Ashana.

Ashaina hurriedly said, "It's okay in the morning. At noon, my wife has no appetite, so she didn't eat anything. She just drank a little mung bean soup and went to bed. There's nothing wrong."

Dr. Tian asked again, "Has she not eaten recently?" Then he seems to have something on his mind."

Ashana nodded quickly: "Yes, madam should have something on her mind. These days, she often doesn't say anything. She sits for a long time, and then she has no appetite and doesn't eat anything."

Hearing this, Dr. Tian showed a thoughtful look.

Seeing that Dr. Tian's face was not relaxed, he didn't wait for Mojiru to speak, Dahul rushed to ask, "Lao Tian, what do you mean? Didn't your wife get heatstroke? Is it possible that he was really abused? Speaking of this, Dahu couldn't help looking at Mojilu with a cannibal look.

"Madam..." Dr. Tian paused and continued to say, "On the surface, my wife's mind is condened, coupled with anxiety and irritability, and then she has been greatly stimulated recently, and her body can't stand it. But even so, there is no reason to be disordered and not angry. So..."

Seeing that Dr. Tian has not said the key points, Dahuer jumped quickly. Although Mojiru was also anxious, at least he was not as shocked as Dahuer.

Dr. Tian hesitated, gave Lin Yarong another pulse, and then looked at her eyelids.

Mojiru finally couldn't help it. He took a step forward and asked anxiously, "She is a little strange. Lao Tian, tell me the truth, madam, what's wrong with her?"

Tian Zaifu looked up at Mojiru, and then said in a low voice, "She is poisoned!"



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I'm studying a new article, but I've always wanted to write a fantasy.