The wicked have their own wicked grinding

153 Wolf Mountain

Lin Yarong knew that she was sitting in the carriage, but she couldn't open her eyes. Because there was no strength in her whole body, she could hear someone talking. The sound was like a white cloud floating in the sky, light, as if it could be blown away without a trace as long as the wind rises.

Where is she going?

Although she has no strength, she is conscious. She knows that she is going to a certain place, and that place seems to be full of danger. She tries to hear it clearly, but she doesn't know why, but she can only hear a few words.

Why is she so weak after taking the medicine given to her by Gu Yueyan?

There are too many doubts in her heart, but unfortunately she can't open her mouth and no one can tell her. But slowly, she seemed to find some differences. For example, she could feel that her limbs were gradually gaining strength and a warm breath was swimming all over her body, which was a signal that her body was slowly recovering.

She likes such changes.

But where is she going?

"Madam...Madam...Madam, wake up."

I don't know how long it took, someone spoke softly in her ear, and Lin Yarong finally opened her eyes.

"Great, madam, you finally woke up."

The first person Lin Yarong saw was Ashina. Seeing that Ashina's eyes were red and her eyes were full of worry, Lin Yarong saved her strength for a long time, and then said weakly, "This...where is this going?"

"Go to a good place."

She didn't hear Ashana's answer, but a low voice came from behind her.

Lin Yarong noticed that she was held in her arms.

"Good place?" She slandered in her heart that what Mojiru said was not a good place for her.

Does Madam suspect that I'm lying to you? Now we are going to a place that is good for your wife's condition. As long as we get there, she will recover soon.

No matter how good Mojiru said, Lin Yarong didn't believe it. She didn't even bother to say anything more.

Seeing that she didn't seem to be feeling well, Mojiru asked her to lean aside and poured a glass of water to feed her carefully.

After a while, someone jumped into the carriage and got in.

"Mr. Gu, my wife just woke up, and she looks better than the day before yesterday." Asana spoke, she stepped back a little and made way.

Gu Yueyan tapped her head, and then looked closely at Lin Yarong's face: "How do you feel, madam?"

Lin Yarong didn't say anything for a moment. Should she say yes or not? His eyes turned around Gu Yueyan's face, and Lin Yarong said, "My whole body is weak. I feel... very tired and very tired."

This is half true and half false. She really has no strength, but when it comes to "tired", Lin Yarong feels that she is in good spirits.

Gu Yueyan frowned.

Mojiru hurriedly asked, "Mr. Gu, isn't it..."

"It's no big deal. My husband will indeed feel a little weak when he wakes up, and it will be better to eat something. Come on, this is a ginseng pill. Madam, take it and drink some porridge before resting. After saying that, Gu Yueyan took out a pill and handed it to Lin Yarong.

After taking the medicine with warm water and eating two mouthfuls of porridge, Lin Yarong felt so sleepy that she could not open her eyes. She fell asleep after a while.

After seeing her asleep, Mojiru asked Ashana to go out first, and then he turned his head to look at Gu Yueyan and asked, "How sure, sir?"


Seeing that Gu Yueyan did not hesitate at all, Mojiru became uneasy: "Why are you so sure?" Mojiru also doesn't want to doubt Gu Yueyan's medical skills, but to be honest, today, he feels that everything is untrustworthy.

Gu Yueyan seemed to have guessed a few points. He asked Mojilu, "Why did the eldest prince say this? Doesn't the eldest prince believe me? Maybe the eldest prince thinks that my 'eighty' is a little high. In fact, the eldest prince should also know that at this time, we should worry not whether I can heal my wife, but whether we can go up to Langshan to find a hot spring.

Mojiru didn't say anything. Gu Yueyan was right. His biggest problem now is how to get to Wolf Mountain.

"The poison in my wife's body is more complicated than I thought, otherwise I don't have to toss around like this. Because the ice and snow jade lotus is too domineering, in terms of the wife's physique, the wife's breath and blood in her body will immediately freeze. If there is no hot spring water to maintain her normal body temperature, the lady will not be able to live. Gu Yueyan paused slightly, "Anyway, for the eldest prince at this time, it's all about letting go. In this case, we can only fight once."

In fact, before Gu Yueyan put forward this idea, Dahu was skeptical, because Dahu thought that as long as hot water could be done, there was no need to risk such a big risk to go to find a hot spring on Wolf Mountain.

But Mojiru knew in his heart that Gu Yueyan did not lie.

And he also has reasons why he has to do so.

I don't know what she thought of. Mojiru turned her head and looked at Lin Yarong, who was sleeping. Her face had always pale and bloodless. Her chin was sharper than ever, and her face was as small as a child.

But Mogiru knew that the woman in front of him would die at any time.

Mojiru looked at it for a long time, and then said to Gu Yueyan, "My soldiers will try their best to attack Wolf Mountain. Although I don't know how long I can fight for you, I will try my best to lead the Wolf King out to make it easy for you to enter the innermost part. In the meantime, I hope you will do your best."

Before that, Mojiru has been appointed as the coach. He will personally go to Wanliguan to lead the army to attack the imperial dynasty. If it hadn't been for Lin Yarong's matter, he might have to wait a few days before leaving. However, Lin Yarong's situation was more serious than he thought. Mojiru had to give up sneaking into the palace to see Zamugada. Khan's plan was to start from Changdu in advance, but on the way he took 500 sergeants to Langshan, and the rest of the soldiers and horses still went to Wanliguan.

Gu Yueyan said, "Don't worry, big prince. Three hours is enough. This ice and snow jade lotus has the effect of resurrating the dead. As long as I get to the hot spring, I have a way to save my wife. And this time, I am fully sure that if I don't succeed, I will carry my head to see the eldest prince.

Seeing Gu Yueyan make a heavy promise, although Mojiru felt vaguely uneasy, he could only choose to believe the situation at present.

While talking, Ashana whispered outside, "Prince, the detective in front of you came to return that there would be ten miles to Langshan."

Mojiru breathed a soft breath and looked at Gu Yueyan and said, "Then everything will be Mr. Lao."

Gu Yueyan nodded cautiously and said, "Don't worry, the five people I brought on this trip are all masters, and everything will go smoothly."

After walking for about another quarter of an hour, the carriage stopped.

After getting out of the car, Mojiru looked at the mountain not far away and looked extremely solemn.

Ashana came forward and whispered, "Madam will be fine."

Half a day later, Mojiru hummed. He turned his head and looked at Shana and said, "If... I mean, if you can't reach the hot spring, you can turn back and make sure your wife's safety."

Ashana nodded, with a solemn look on her young face.

At this time, Gu Yueyan came over and stood several armed men in black. The four men and one woman did not look very old, but their bodies exuded a kind of murderous intent. Mojilu knew that these five people did not look like ordinary Jianghu guests.

Somehow, Mojiru suddenly frowned, then lowered his head and said two words in Ashana's ear in grassland language.

Asana was shocked and couldn't help looking up. There was an uneasy and frightened look on her face. Because she turned her back to Gu Yueyan, only Mojiru saw the look on her face.

Ashaina asked softly, as if she wanted to confirm something, but Mojiru didn't say anything, but the look on his face said everything.

For some reason, Ashana suddenly sighed, and then turned to Gu Yueyan and walked over.

When Ashina took Lin Yarong down from the carriage, Mojiru suddenly pointed to the person behind Gu Yueyan and asked, "This strong man's name is Gao?"

It was a sword-browed man. His face was cold. Seeing Mojilu ask him, the man was not only not happy, but frowned. Half a day later, the man said, "My name is Lang Yunling. I'm a southerner. Isn't the eldest prince worried about giving his wife to us southerners to protect him?"

No, Mojiru nodded honestly: "Yes."

Lang Yunling sneered: "Now that the two countries are at war, I will give my wife to the protection of us Southerners. If I am in the position of the eldest prince, I am really worried. In this case, the eldest prince might as well walk with us. We are responsible for the peripheral security, and the safety of his wife is the responsibility of the eldest prince. What does the eldest prince think?"

As soon as Lang Yunling said this, Axihan, who followed Mojiru, rushed to open his mouth and said, "Bold, how can Your Highness test the risk with such a noble identity? Nonsense."

Lang Yunling seemed to have expected this for a long time. After listening to Axihan's words, he didn't say anything, but his face raised an undisguised contempt.

Mojiru raised his hand to stop Asihan from saying anything more. Looking at Gu Yueyan, Mojiru said, "Sir, I hope there will be good news in three hours."

After saying that, Mojiru waved his hand, and 500 sergeants behind him pushed a few big boxes up from behind. After the boxes were opened one by one, everyone looked up and couldn't help but change their faces when they saw the thing clearly.

Is this the cannon?