The wicked have their own wicked grinding

162 Who is this woman?

"How's the situation in Beijing?" Lin Yarong thought for a while. She looked up at Sun Jingbang and asked in a low voice, "Duke Zhou came with King An?"

Sun Jingbang nodded: "Yes, Eunuch Zhou came with your majesty's decree. King An was awarded the title of marshal by your majesty, and from the current situation, I infer that your majesty's situation is not very optimistic."

"What about the military charm? It's still in your hands, right?" Lin Yarong asked again.


Hearing that the green dragon charm and the tiger king tiger were still in Sun Jingbang's hands, Lin Yarong breathed a long sigh of relief. Anyway, as long as the military charm was still in Sun Jingbang's hands, there would be an extra guarantee.

Sun Jingbang raised his hand and stroked her eyebrows and whispered, "You are still sick. Don't think about those messy things. Have a good sleep. No matter what happens, I'm still here."

Lin Yarong couldn't help smiling: "I know."

Seeing the smile on her face, Sun Jingbang only felt that his heart was full of the woman in front of him. How annoying things were at this time were worth mentioning. Sun Jingbang also took off his shoes and slept until **. He carefully and gently held Lin Yarong in his arms. The two talked lowly and shallowly. After a while, Lin Yarong fell asleep. It's done.

Looking at her sleeping face, Sun Jingbang only felt that this moment was his most reassuring and warmest moment in the past two months, and he just wanted to grasp this moment firmly.

About half an hour later, Sun Jingbang walked out of the big tent, called Xu Ming to stay outside the tent, carefully told all unrelated people not to enter, and then he ordered people to call Jiang Jing.

Jiang Jing walked into the tent. Before he could speak, Sun Jingbang had said in a low voice, "Go on the order, and all armies retreat ten miles."

"What?" Jiang Jing was stunned and looked at Sun Jingbang puzzledly, "Marquis, what do you mean by this?"

"Mojiru bought artillery from the Yi people in the West."

"Cannon?" When these two words came to his ears, Jiang Jing couldn't help shouting, and his face was full of shock, "How can Mojiru have that?" Although he wanted to deny it, Jiang Jing also knew that Sun Jingbang could not deceive him with such a thing. I don't know how long it took, Jiang Jingyou breathed a sigh of light and asked, "I understand. I will send the order immediately."

Sun Jingbang said with a solemn face, "Before the reinforcements arrive, we should reduce casualties as much as possible. I estimate that Mojiru's first batch of artillery should arrive at Tama Station before dark today at the latest."

With a look of surprise on his face, Jiang Jing asked, "That means that Wei Mo's army may launch an attack tonight?"

Sun Jingbang looked at Jiang Jing and nodded heavily: "With Mojilu's personality, the first attack will not exceed tomorrow at the latest. With that kind of thing in hand, Mojiru will never give us too much time to prepare.

There has never been a moment when Jiang Jing's mood was so heavy and complicated. His eyebrows frowned tightly, and his heart seemed to be pressed by something, making him breathless.

"Why, I was scared as soon as I heard the artillery?" Sun Jingbang suddenly said something.

Jiang Jing looked up and then said unnaturally, "The marquis laughed. Naturally, he was not afraid of Mojilu, but... I've seen the power of artillery, and that thing is definitely not something that ordinary people can fight against."

"Yes, because of the great power of artillery, we can't risk the lives of our soldiers, because it will only be a white sacrifice. So..."


Jiang Jing looked at Sun Jingbang puzzledly. Isn't there any good countermeasure?

Sun Jingbang was not in a hurry to say what he thought. After careful consideration for a while, he ordered in a low voice, "Go and call the generals of all battalions."


After taking his order, Jiang Jing hurried out and walked to the door of the tent. Jiang Jing suddenly remembered something and turned around and said with a smile, "I haven't congratulated the marquis yet. It's really Buddha's blessing that my wife can return safely."

unconsciously, a smile hung on the corners of Sun Jingbang's mouth and tapped his head at Jiang Jingbang. Sun Jingbang motioned Jiang Jing to prepare, but when he was the only one in the big account, Sun Jingbang sighed gently.


Lin Yarong didn't know how long she had slept, but when she woke up, she felt indescribably comfortable. Although the wound was still painful, she had never felt so relieved.

Lying quietly for a while, she struggled to remember, but as soon as her body moved, the wound on her waist seemed to crack, so she couldn't help taking a breath.

"Madam, be careful."

A gentle voice came to his ears, and then someone put his hand behind her waist and held her up to the head of the bed. Lin Yarong turned her head and saw a woman she had never seen standing quietly by the bed with a soft smile on her face.

Who is this woman?

" are the concubine of King An."