The wicked have their own wicked grinding

176 that year--

The prince suddenly smiled and said, "Madam, don't you want to say that Ling Cailan is my person?"

Lin Yarong shook his head: "No, Ling Cailan is definitely not your person. If she is your person, I'm afraid Your Majesty will not kill her at that time. After all, Ling Cailan knew that I had intended to let Sun Jingbang include her in the house at that time."

The prince said, "In this case, why did Madam mention that man? Although I have never seen it, I have also heard that Ling Cailan is as beautiful as a flower and a rare beauty.

Lin Yarong said in a slightly sarcastic tone, "Hasn't your Highness heard that Ling Cailan looks very much like Mu Yunyan? However, what I want to say is that I finally know how Ling Cailan died.

The prince raised his eyebrows slightly and only heard Lin Yarong continue to say, "The world says that Ling Cailan was killed by me, but in fact, she should have been killed by your highness."

At this time, Ye Qiunan looked up at her, but Lin Yarong did not look at Ye Qiunan.

"The green butterfly green orchid in my room is Your Highness's, and only the two of them can kill Ling Cailan in such a situation." Speaking of this, Lin Yarong couldn't help laughing. The little girl really made her miserable. I didn't notice it before, but now when I think about it carefully, I realize that Green Butterfly Green Orchid is not a simple person. Green butterfly is smart and sensible, and green orchid is lively and sophisticated. Can children from poor families have such a temperament at such a young age?

After saying this, seeing that the prince did not deny it, Lin Yarong looked at Ye Qiunan standing behind the prince and sighed faintly. She said, "After thinking about it, it should be that the green butterfly drugged Ling Cailan. Only the green butterfly knew the time I returned to the house that day. The medicine was the poison that sealed the throat of blood. It was given to the green butterfly by Lord Ye." It's true that she is a big blind man. Green Butterfly Green Orchid is the maid who waits with her room, and Ye Qiunan is her good friend, but these people who are very close to her always trick her and harm her, but now it's too late to understand.

I don't know how long it took, the prince said, "For this reason, it doesn't seem to be meaningful to hide any more." The prince looked at Lin Yarong and said, "Yes, those two maids are my people, but shouldn't the lady thank me? Whose person Ling Cailan is? Didn't you guess at all?

"Does Your Highness want to say that Ling Cailan is from Mojiru?" Lin Yarong nodded, "I already knew this, so did Your Highness say this to want me to thank Your Highness for removing my rival for me? Since Your Majesty is so kind, why did you splash dirty water on me? Since Your Highness wanted to stone two birds with one stone, why bother to pretend at this time and say that everything he has done is good for me?

Lin Yarong sighed gently and turned to look at His Majesty, who had never spoken.

"Your Majesty, you were right in those years. I really chose the wrong person. It seems that His Royal Highness not only wants your dragon throne, but also wants the world. Turning his head and looking at the prince, Lin Yarong said, "Does your Highness think it's the best way to hold Ipalk to the position of Khan?"

The prince shook his head: "How capable can that disabled man be? I've never looked at that rubbish Iparke. Even if I don't take action, I'm afraid it's not easy for Mojiru to retreat from this war.

"Then dare to ask Your Highness, what do you plan to do to Wei Moguo? Listening to His Highness's tone, it seems that you don't care about Iparke and Mojiru, so except for the eldest prince and the third prince, does Your Highness really want to support the second prince? I heard that this war was committed by the 12th Grassland Department first from the north, so what kind of agreement did Your Highness and the 12th Grassland Department have reached?

The prince smiled and said, "Madam, do you know? If I have the most admired person in my life, my wife must be one of them. If your wife is a man, I'm afraid that no one in the world is your opponent.

What does the prince mean? In Lin Yarong's view, the prince has admitted everything, and the prince has indeed reached some unspeakable agreements with the twelve parts of the grassland.

Lin Yarong frowned and looked at the prince. She asked, "Has your Highness ever thought about what would happen to the whole dynasty once the Wanli Pass was broken? Are you joking about the lives of the people all over the world?

The prince looked indifferent: "Madam, you don't understand, things are not so..."

"Your Highness wants to say that it's not that serious, right? Your Highness, you should know what Mojiru has in his hand since the beginning of the war. The artillery is extremely lethal. If Mojiru lifts the power of the lieutenant and the twelve grasslands to capture the capital, I'm afraid it will only be two or three months. You are raising a tiger."

After hearing her words, the prince had a gloomy face: "Madam, you don't have to be alarmist here. I know that Mojiru has artillery in his hand, but hundreds of thousands of people want to flatten my emperor's thousands of miles?"

"Your Highness is so ambitious that it is really touching. But Your Majesty, haven't you designed to remove Sun Jingbang? And I think Your Highness must not want to see Sun Jingbang come back from thousands of miles alive. If Sun Jingbang dies in battle, who can stop Mojiru in the whole dynasty? What if Your Highness and the twelve parts of the grassland reach an agreement? Did you promise to give them several state capitals? But does His Royal Highness know about those northerners? Is the picturesque and rich Central Plains more attractive than a few small cities? Your Highness, you are really wrong about this war.

Lin Yarong couldn't help shaking her head as she spoke. At this time, she didn't know whether to praise the prince's cleverness or mourn his natural thought of the war.

After all, the prince is also a smart person. As long as he thinks about Lin Yarong's words carefully, he can understand that some of them are really fake.

For a long time, the prince didn't say anything, and Lin Yarong never said another word.

The silence in the hall makes people feel an unspeakable sense of suffocation.

"But no matter what, the world is still mine." The prince suddenly said such a sentence, and then Lin Yarong saw the prince stand up and take two steps forward.


Your Majesty sat on the dragon's throne and remained motionless.

Taking a deep breath, the prince said, "Please give your order to the throne."

Lin Yarong looked at Ye Qiunan, with puzzlement and sadness in her eyes, and even indescribable lament. She looked at it for a long time and seemed to want to say something, but in the end she didn't say anything.

After a long time, His Majesty's voice sounded faintly in the hall: "Prince, you are also a lonely child."

I don't know why Lin Yarong felt a kind of sadness. She seemed to hear something from His Majesty's words. When Her Majesty fell ill, she heard a rumor that Her Majesty had been poisoned, and now it seems that those rumors do not seem to be false.

So, that is to say...

Lin Yarong didn't know how to describe her feelings at this time. It was very complicated and painful. There was a place in her heart that was pierced with a knife again and again.

The prince took another step forward: "Your Majesty, please meditate."

I don't know when Grandpa Zhou stood quietly behind His Majesty like a ghost. Lin Yarong could see that Duke Zhou was holding a wooden box in his hand. Lin Yarong also served in this Chongzheng Hall in her early years. She saw at a glance that it was a Kowloon box containing a jade seal.

Her eyebrows couldn't help frowning tightly. What should she do at this time?

There was uneasiness and dryness in the air, and everyone's face was tight. Under her sleeves, Lin Yarong's hands were tightly clenched. What would your majesty do under such circumstances?

Thinking of the prince's previous words, she really shouldn't come today.

However, this is also the only opportunity.

She stepped forward slowly and approached the prince slowly: "Your Highness." She gave a soft call.

When the prince turned his head and looked, Lin Yarong lowered her voice and said, "Your Highness, do you know who hurt King An back then? That knife was actually stabbed in the wrong position. I should have..."

The prince was stunned first, and then suddenly shocked. He only heard the prince shout harshly, "Lin Yarong, what are you going to do?"