The wicked have their own wicked grinding

Extra two ten miles of cherry blossoms

"Wang, do you really want to go out?"

Haza looked at the man in front of him with a difficult look.

"Today is the Shangyuan Festival. There are beautiful fireworks and beautiful girls. You know I don't want to miss such an opportunity." The man changed his clothes and looked in the mirror. It's good. Put on a long shirt. If you don't look carefully, it's no different from the Central Plains.

After seeing that everything was right, the man walked out with a golden fan in his hand and hummed a little song.

Haza has a bitter face. What else can his master say when he is so capricious? With a slight sigh, Haza called the dark guard and carefully told a lot before running out reluctantly.

"Haza, don't look bitter. This is a rare festival in the Central Plains. Look..." The reverse fan tapped on Haza's head. The man pointed forward. A bright moon climbed the eaves of the Taiji Palace in the distance. Thirty-foot-high lantern trees outside Daxingmen lit up in turn, and tens of thousands of lanterns rose from low to high as petals. Generally, it blooms in the night sky, and the gold and silver tassels hanging from the lamp tree are reflected by the firelight, like water waves pouring down from the world, shining brightly, striking an unparalleled light sound in the wind.

No matter where you are in the capital, as long as you look up, you can definitely see this wonderful scene.

After not hearing the sound of the people behind him for a long time, the man turned his head and saw Haza open his mouth wide and his eyes wide, looking at all this in front of him in a daze.

The beauty who walked by. Mother squeezed her lips and smiled. Yes, no one is shocked to see such a scene from a foreign country, and even the local people will be proud of it. This is the capital.

"Is there anything else you want to say now?" The man laughed, and his bright star-like eyes provoked the girls beside him to whisper.

After a long time, Haza came to his senses: "Wang, I... Let's go to the front quickly. I heard that there will be a lantern party for a while." After saying that, Haza also felt a little embarrassed, but what he saw in front of him was really incredible, so magical and so beautiful.


After passing Pingzhongfang, the carriage could no longer move. It seemed that all the people in the capital came out of their homes, and the streets were full of people, blocking the whole Zhuque Street.

Ashana raised the curtain and looked at it. She turned her head helplessly and said, "Sister, it seems that we have to walk there."

Lin Yarong raised her hand and put Ashina's scattered hair back to her, stretched out her head and nodded: "Well, it seems that it's better to walk faster. What about Mr. Gu? I heard that he just returned to Beijing yesterday. Should you stay at home with him for a while? Ashina, don't think I talk too much. Mr. Gu is already old. Can you and your wife consider having children?

Ashana blushed and didn't say anything. It took a long time to say, "Sister, this... I'm not in a hurry. Besides, we have only been married for a year. Why are you in a hurry to have children?"

At this time, a voice came from behind Lin Yarong: "Ah, I said, don't you still get off the car? After a while, I don't know when I can walk to the big stone bridge.

Looking at each other with Ashana, Lin Yarong turned her head and said, "Ok, Mr. Ye, let's get out of the car now."

The servant moved down the stool, and Ashana helped Lin Yarong get out of the carriage. Ashana whispered, "Mr. Ye doesn't seem to be in a good mood."

Lin Yarong smiled and said nothing, but gently pinched Ashana's hand. She knew why Ye Hongqi was in a bad mood. Yesterday, Ye Hongqi went to the prison to see Ye Qiunan.

At this time, it was the tenth year of Xuanming, and the king of An ascended the throne in the spring of 29th year. In the same year, the former emperor collapsed and the former prince moved to Changchun. Palace, and Ye Qiu went to prison in the south. At that time, the previous emperor issued an order that all the princes and ministers who participated in the prince's uprising were not guilty and their families and only punished them. Therefore, although the undercurrents surged inside and outside the capital that year, the emperor finally survived a difficult moment under the empress of the former emperor.

And the war also ended peacefully one day two months later. With the secretly support of Sun Jingbang, Mojilu counterattacked Changdu and entered the palace, killed Iparke under his horse, and succeeded to the throne in the same year. From then to now, there has been no more war between the imperial dynasty and Wei Moguo.

When King An, also known as Qing Shao, ascended the throne, Sun Jingbang presented the two military charms in front of the emperor. Sun Jingbang was posthumously awarded the title of first-class prince and no longer participated in the government.

For such an ending, Lin Yarong was basically satisfied, but it was a pity that Emperor Qing Shao did not agree to let Sun Jingbang return to his hometown. At the beginning, Sun Jingbang wanted to wait for one day when he retreated and took Lin Yarong to find a beautiful place to live in mountains and rivers. Now although he has no serious trouble, he can't leave.

Speaking of which, she hasn't seen Ye Qiunan for nearly ten years. Although she didn't say it clearly, everyone who knows her well knows that she will never see Ye Qiunan in her life. It doesn't matter whether she forgives or not, but she can no longer face that man like her friends.

To really say, she has always understood Ye Qiunan. First of all, not to mention that Ye Qiunan mixed her with ecstasy medicine, and then said that why the ecstasy that had been extinct in the Central Plains suddenly appeared again. In the end, Ye Qiunan, as a pharmacist, could not escape it. In Lin Yarong's opinion, it was said that Ye Qiunan was helping Zhou to abuse a little. Not too much.

Thinking of this, Lin Yarong couldn't help sighing secretly. Ye Qiunan was a thorn in her heart and could not be touched.

Maybe Lin Yarong's sudden silence attracted Ye Hongqi's attention. At a glance, Ye Hongqi whispered, "Anan is very good. He eats well and lives well in it. The only thing... The only thing is that I feel sorry for you." Ye Hongqi doesn't want to say anything more. After these years, she understands Lin Yarong's mood. Sometimes Ye Hongqi will also think that if she were Lin Yarong, it may be worse in the face of her friend's injury, and maybe she will try to kill each other. Because strictly speaking, it was Ye Qiunan who apologized to Lin Yarong, and Ye Qiunan did not have any good intentions for Lin Yarong at the beginning.

Lin Yarong squeezed a smile on her face. Sometimes she thought about it. What's wrong with her? Although she doesn't want to care, she may not be very good in the past ten years.

Seeing that Lin Yarong was depressed for a moment, A Shana smiled and said, "Sister, let's go quickly. I heard that Dexinfang has made a pagoda lamp this year, and it will be better than Ping'anfang. This year's lantern fair will be very wonderful."

Hearing these words, Lin Yarong couldn't help laughing: "Look at you, why are you still like a child when you get married?" Although he said this, his feet couldn't help but be a little faster.

It was not easy to get to the big stone bridge, and both sides of the river were already full of people.

Ye Hongqi said angrily, "If I had known so many people, I should have gone to sit on the apricot flower building. Why come here to join the fun?" Xinghua Building is by the river. It is a four-storey building. In fact, two months ago, Sun Jingbang sent someone to book a place in Xinghua Building. Now the men are all drinking wine on the Xinghua Building. Lin Yarong has to squeeze into the crowd because she promised her mother to see her little sister set off lanterns this year.

Lin Yarong also thinks there are many people, but it's also interesting to squeeze around like this.

After comforting Ye Hongqi, Lin Yarong and others took a few more steps forward.

"Sister, look, my little sister is there!"

Ashana smiled and raised her hand and waved a few times to the other side of the river. Lin Yarong looked up and saw Lin Qingwei standing on the other side, dressed in a short dress. She was commanding several big men to push a huge lotus lamp into the water. The white petals were imprinted by the firelight and stained with a layer of red light. Below were water scales, not to mention how drifting it was. Bright.

Ye Hongqi couldn't help nodding when she saw it and praised, "Really, it looks so close that it has its own touching place, which is more beautiful than looking at the apricot flower building."

Ashaina also nodded repeatedly. The little girl's eyes were shining, and she wanted to run to the other side to set off the river lamp with Lin Qingwei.

For a while, the river was full of different sizes of river lights, red, green and strange shapes, attracting people on both sides of the river to point out.

Suddenly, a huge muffled sound came. Lin Yarong subconsciously looked up and saw a huge flower suddenly blooming in the night sky, instantly illuminating the whole sky, followed by fireworks blooming in the sky one after another. This was the most wonderful time of the night.

"The imperial city began to set off fireworks!"

It reflects the huge fireworks in the sky, and the crowd exclaims from time to time.

Looking up for a while, Lin Yarong only felt that her head was a little heavy. As soon as she turned her head, a huge fireworks suddenly exploded on the top of her head. Under the clearly extinguished firelight, she was stunned and looked at the person opposite for a long time.

I don't know how long it took, Ashina pulled Lin Yarong's sleeve and smiled, "Sister, little sister is coming. Let's go to Xinghua Tower."

Lin Yarong raised her eyebrows slightly. She was stunned, looked at the other side again, and then turned her head and whispered, "Well, let's go back." Turning around and leaving, her face was as usual, and no one would notice her gaffe at that moment.

But there was a slight movement in his heart, just like the calm water surface was suddenly broken by small stones and ripples.


Looking at the huge fireworks in the sky, Haza's face was full of excitement.

"Ah... Wang, look, this fireworks are so big, just like blooming above our heads. Ah, the capital is so good. Haza said with emotion. After saying that, he didn't get a response for a long time. Haza turned his head and saw his master staring at the other side of the river for a long time.

What's wrong with the master?

Hazza looked at the opposite side curiously, but the other side of the river was also full of people, although there were many beautiful beauzes. Mother, but what did his master see?

Hazza didn't dare to ask. To be honest, he was scared because he had never seen such a look on his master's face - sweet and sad, with lingering affection in his eyes, but there was unspeakable pain hidden in that affection. Why was it like this? Although Haza was full of curiosity, he did not dare to ask.

I don't know how long it took Haza to hear his master say, "Go back."

Ah, are you going back? Haza felt that he had not seen enough, but looking at his master, he had no happiness before going out, and replaced him with an unspeakable loss.

But after two steps, they stopped again.

At this time, someone rushed towards them.

Ha Zha's eyes were sharp, and he saw the man in front of him. He quickly whispered, "Wang, it's Prince Dahu and General Huyan."

"Wang, why did you come here?" Hu Yan came forward and complained with one mouth.

Dahur looked excited, and his look was comparable to Haza's. He looked around and smiled, "The festival in the Central Plains is really lively, but why are there so many people on the street?"

The man standing in front of him hasn't spoken for a long time.

After a while, Dahu noticed something wrong. Dahu quickly turned his head and asked, "Mojiru, what's wrong with you? What's wrong with you with a lost look?

Mojiru didn't say anything. He just looked back. Just now, he thought he had forgotten, but there, at the Great Stone Bridge, he saw a man, as vivid as he had seen for the first time more than ten years ago, as he imagined. But when the man turned around and left, Mogiru suddenly realized that he could never go back.

He shook his head. There is unspeakable pain in my heart.

Dahuer looked at it and looked at Mojilu a few times. Seeing that he didn't look like a person in trouble, Dahu laughed. He looked left and right, and suddenly pointed to the front and said, "That pagoda lantern is a little interesting. The bottom is made into a flat boat, and the top is a pagoda. Isn't it meaningful? There are still words on the pagoda - Jinhaigu drunken Yuchun, ten miles of cherry blossoms and ten miles of dust..."

- The man in the painting at the bottom of the tree, Jinzhaigu is drunk and drunk. The shadow of the whip car hurried away, ten miles of cherry blossoms and ten miles of dust.

The beauty of the past will one day turn into dust, and we will finally say goodbye. Then I will never see you again.

A bitter smile floated at the corner of Mojiru's mouth, and he closed his eyes gently.