magic weapon repair expert

086 hidden formula

(Today's fifth update broke out, and the support of all book friends should be equally powerful! Click, red tickets and so on, the more the better!)


Thinking of the Li family, Long Xingtian was stunned and noticed... Just now, the Li family did not bid once?

This seems to be a little abnormal... Li Yanghui of the Li family is old, and he experienced a failure of Jiedan a few years ago. If you don't try Jiedan as soon as possible, I'm afraid there will be no chance, and Li Yanghuang has also built a foundation. Normally, they should also be in urgent need of Qingxu Dan. Why? But there is no reaction at all?

"Are you retaining strength?" Long Xingtian raised his eyebrows slightly, thought of a possibility, and said in surprise, "Is there any treasure behind that they are bound to get, so they have to keep the funds?"


The auction of two green bearded elixir also made Lin Feng feel a little excited. This kind of fierce bidding of hundreds of thousands of yuan made him feel very exciting. Just now, he almost couldn't help but participate in it.

He didn't expect to take this opportunity to bid for the next Qingxu elixir, but considering that he is only one layer of foundation now, and it is still far from the elixir, there is no need to be so anxious. Anyway, according to his plan, when the realm reaches the foundation is complete, it should already be in a bigger and more prosperous place. At that time, as long as there is a spiritual stone, it should not be difficult to buy Qingxu elixir. In addition, the Long family is bound to get the Qingxu elixir just now, so it is naturally difficult for him to participate in the competition.

"The first item is Qingxu Dan. I don't know what other good things are behind..."

Lin Feng thought to himself and couldn't help looking forward to the auction items behind.

Indeed, the appearance of Qingxu Dan ushered in a small high tide at the beginning of the auction. Now many monks in the venue are excited. Although they have not been able to get Qingxu Dan, they are a little eager to try the treasures behind.

The host Shilan was also very satisfied with this situation. After the beautiful girl took down the elixir, he said loudly again: "The auction of Qingxu Dan has been completed, so now he continues to present the second auction for you..."

While speaking, another bright girl came to him with a tray. He uncovered the red cloth on the tray, exposed an orange jade slip inside, and continued: "This second auction item is a magic called Sand Art. Presumably all Taoist friends should be familiar with it? This is an extremely practical earthen technique, and the grade is the middle grade of the human level. The reserve price is 10,000-grade spiritual stone, and now we will start bidding!"

Compared with Qingxu Dan, the level of martial arts in this area is much lower, but this is in line with the wishes of many monks present - they can't afford it at all if the level is too high. They can only watch the 'rich people' of those big families compete. What's the use? It is this lower grade that is the purpose of their trip.

The middle-class "Sand Art" was probably similar to the second-level sand charm during the foundation period. Lin Feng was not very interested, but watched others bid with great interest.

In terms of the excitement and intensity, this second lot is a little better than the last one, but the price is completely incomparable. After a fierce competition, the price was finally set at 38,000 pieces of spiritual stones, which was auctioned away by a repairman.

is followed by the third lot, but it is a top-quality treasure-level defensive armor, and Lin Feng is also not interested.

Then there were several auction items in a row, which were not eye-catching by Lin Feng.

"The next auction item is a special spell, called "Hidden Yuan Jue", which is a hidden spell of the top-level human level. Moreover, it is said that this "Hidden Yuan Jue" is one of the famous stunts of the Sanyuan Sect of Liang', which was once famous in the State. "San Yuan Jue" is divided into Guanyuan and Yinyuan. ni yuan san bu, this "Hinyuan Secret" is in the middle part. Although the effect of individual cultivation has been weakened, it is also the upper grade of the human level. It is said that if the three parts are trained together, the real "Sanyuan Secret" can be synthesized, at least it is the middle grade.

Another new auction item was presented. Shilan introduced its special features and then said, "This auction item has a reserve price of 100,000 yuan. Now it will start bidding."


After hearing Shilan's introduction, Lin Feng's eyes suddenly lit up and showed a surprised expression on his face.

"Three-yuan Secret?! Guanyuan, Yinyuan, Miyuan?!" He muttered these words in his heart and whispered, "Does this have anything to do with Guanyuanshu? Is "Guanyuanshu" also one of the "Three Secrets"?

Hearing Shilan's words, Lin Feng immediately went to the "Guanyuanshu" he got from Li Shi, which happened to have the word "Guanyuan". As for the "shu" and "jutsu" are actually similar. If it is not a coincidence, then it is likely that his "Guanyuanshu" is one of the so-called "Sanyuanjutsu" One!

"Whether it is or not... Take a picture and have a look!!"

After thinking for a while, Lin Feng made a decision in his heart. Even if this "Hidden Yuan Jue" has nothing to do with "Guan Yuan Shu", this spell is also worth photographing. The spell that hides the true Yuan breath is rare and very practical. If you go out in the future, you also need such a spell.

One of the most important precautions in the world of cultivation is not to expose your strength easily. If you have a hidden spell that can make the other party misevaluate your strength, then you have already occupied an advantage. When it comes to war, you can catch the other party off guard.

"110,000 spiritual stones!"





At this moment when Lin Feng was thinking, the auction had begun. As Lin Feng thought, this hidden magic was still wanted by many people, and many forces and scattered cultivation participated in the bidding one after another.

Even Long Xingtian and the previous head of the Zhao family also bid once, and this time it did not scare other monks. Everyone's bidding became more and more intense, and the price was soon raised to 280,000 lower grade spiritual stone.

"300,000 spiritual stones!!"

Suddenly, a new voice joined the bidding. The appearance of this sound stunned many people and followed the sound.

Seeing that almost everyone looked over, Lin Feng was slightly nervous and nodded friendlyly around - it was him who just bid.

"Oh? Is Lin Xiaoyou also interested in this spell? Ha ha, then I won't take away..."

Long Xingtian looked at Lin Feng with a little surprise, and then said with a smile.

Lin Feng also smiled and said, "Thank you, Elder Long."


And around, after seeing that the bid was Lin Feng, many people's appearance also became a little strange, seemingly a little surprised, and at the same time a little hesitant. Surprisingly, no one asked again.

Even the head of the Zhao family seemed to be a little hesitant at this time. He thought for two seconds, and then laughed loudly: "Since Lin Daoyou wants this thing, my Zhao family will not be loved."

Lin Feng was slightly stunned, then hugged him and said politely, "Then thank you, Lord Zhao."

He also saw that the other party did not want to compete with him to attract his dissatisfaction, so he took the initiative to withdraw from the bidding, and those hesitant monks must have the same idea.

It turns out that I already have such a big 'face'...

- Lin Feng thought proudly in his heart.