magic weapon repair expert

174 small village

In an ordinary mountain forest, on the rather steep mountain wall, there is a small figure trying to climb up.

This is a thirteen or fourteen-year-old girl with two small braids and big eyes like a clear spring. Her beautiful little face is tightly tightened at this time, and her teeth gently bite her lower lip and concentrate on climbing up with the help of the bulges on the mountain wall and grass and vines.

On her back, she carried a small bamboo basket containing a small basket of various herbs.

The little girl looks petite and weak, but she seems to have a lot of experience in rock climbing and moves forward little by little on the mountain wall.

After a while, a trace of joy appeared on her tight little face, and her body tried to turn to the right. At the same time, she let go of the rock she was holding and stretched out to that side, trying to pick a herb growing in the crack of the stone.

" hiss..."

Just as the little girl's hand was about to touch the herb, there was a slight sound in her ear. She subconsciously looked up and saw a dark green snake with a flat head slowly coming out, and a pair of snake eyes were staring at her closely!!


Suddenly seeing such a poisonous snake, the little girl immediately changed her face and instinctively leaned back, but she forgot that she was on the mountain wall. With such a tilt, she naturally lost her balance and fell directly from the mountain wall!


The little girl waved her hands subconsciously, but she couldn't catch anything. She felt her body falling quickly. Her face was pale and her eyes showed despair.

"Are I going to die? Am I...huh?

When the little girl was thinking about this, she felt that her back was dragged, and then a soft force came to resolve her falling force. When she came to her senses, she found that she had stood safely on the ground, and next to her was a smiling young man standing. Zi.


Lin Feng saw that the little girl looked stupid and couldn't help asking, "Little sister, are you all right?"

Hearing his voice, the little girl woke up. Her eyes suddenly showed an unbelievable look. She looked up at him and shook her head and said, "I, I'm fine... Big brother, did you save me just now?"

Lin Feng smiled and said, "Well, I saved you. Fortunately, I happened to pass by, otherwise you would be in danger - why did you go to such a place alone to collect medicine? It's very dangerous."

The little girl was still surprised how Lin Feng had catched herself falling from such a high place, but when she heard his question, she suddenly crossed her little face and said sadly, "I'm here to collect medicine for grandma. She is sick and needs white sandalwood to cure it..."

Lin Feng frowned and said, "Even so, you don't need to collect medicine, do you? Where are your parents?"

"My parents went to Nanshan to collect medicine. They didn't want me to follow, but... I also wanted to help, so I quietly came here to collect medicine..."

"..." Lin Feng was a little speechless. He thought that the little girl was quite bold and dared to come out alone, but he was also moved by the filial piety of the other party. He looked up at the place where the little girl fell just now. With his eyesight, he clearly saw a white grass that was different from other weeds. He pointed there and asked, "Is the white sandalwood you mentioned there?"

The little girl nodded and said, "Well, that's, I finally found it. I was supposed to pick it, but I was scared by a snake, so I fell down..."

"Ha ha, then wait, I'll pick it for you."

Lin Feng smiled at the little girl, and then shot out like an arrow under his feet. He borrowed power one after another on the mountain wall, jumped up to dozens of meters high, picked down the white sandalwood grass, and then fell back to the ground lightly.

Handing the white sandalwood grass in front of the little girl, Lin Feng said with a smile, "Here, go home quickly. It's getting dark. It's not safe here."

"..." The little girl did not move, but stared at him with her eyes wide, her little mouth slightly open, and she looked stunned, which was so cute.

"Ah!!" Three seconds later, she suddenly came to her senses, subconsciously screamed, and looked at Lin Feng incredibly, "Big brother, how did you... do it? Can you fly?"

Lin Feng laughed and said, "I can't fly. I'm just good at it. Well, don't you want this herb?"

"I want! Yes!!" The little girl took over the white sandalwood in surprise and said happily, "Thank you, big brother!!"

"You're welcome." Lin Feng shook his head with a smile, then looked up at the sky and said to the little girl, "Little sister, let me take you home... In addition, I want to stay in your village for one night, okay?"

"Good, good!!" Because Lin Feng saved himself and picked herbs for himself, the little girl had little guard against him and nodded happily, "Big brother, come with me. Our village is over there!" When I go back, I will ask my mother to cook delicious food for you!!"

The little girl was so innocent and cute that Lin Feng couldn't help but smile. As he followed the other party down the mountain, he asked, " By the way, little sister, what's your name?"

"My name is Xia Xin. Big brother can call me Xiner. Big brother, what's your name?"

"My name is Lin Feng."

"Oh, Brother Lin Feng, where did you come from?"

"I am..."


Xia Xin is like a cheerful bird, chattering all the way. From her mouth, Lin Feng knew that her village was in was a small village with only more than 20 families. It was built on the mountain and rarely communicated with the outside world. It was rare for 'outsiders like him to appear for more than ten years.

About an hour later, when the sun was almost setting, Lin Feng finally saw a small mountain village in front of him. Before he approached, he saw a group of people running out of the village in a hurry. Those people then saw them and immediately accelerated their speed.

"Dad! Mother!!"

When Xia Xin saw two of them, she immediately looked happy and ran up quickly, and then threw herself into the arms of a middle-aged woman.

"Xin'er, Xin'er... Where have you gone? You're scared to death..." The middle-aged woman hugged Xia Xin and cried with joy, looking scared.

"Mom, I went out to collect medicine for my grandma, and I found white sandalwood grass! Look..."

"Silly girl, didn't my mother tell you not to go out? Why are you so disobedient? In case something happens to you, what should you let your mother do..."

"It's okay, mother won't cry, didn't I come back?"


Seeing that Xia Xin was fine, the rest of the people were also relieved. Through their talk, Lin Feng knew that Xia Xin's parents had just come back from the mountain. He found that Xia Xin was missing and was frightened. He immediately wanted to go out with some villagers to look for her. Unexpectedly, he met the two people who came back as soon as they came out. .

"Yes! Mother, this is Brother Lin Feng. He saved me! He also helped me pick white sandalwood from the cliff..."

After a while, Xia Xin thought of Lin Feng. After listening to her words, her parents naturally thanked Lin Feng for their kindness. When they heard that Lin Feng wanted to stay in the village for one night, they immediately agreed. The villagers also showed great enthusiasm and invited Lin Feng into the village.


The enthusiasm of the villagers made Lin Feng feel warm in his heart. In the past two days, he was alone in the mountains and forests, which was quite boring, so he thought of staying in the village for one night after seeing Xia Xin.

After following Xia Xin and his parents back to their home, Xia Xin's mother first boiled the herbs she had picked for the sick old man, and then opened a table of food and warmly greeted Lin Feng for dinner.

During the dinner, during the chat, Xia Xin's father Xia Zhongshan casually asked Lin Feng, "Lin Feng, why did you come to a place like us?" Where are you going?"

Lin Feng said, "I'm going to Lingyue City. Because I want to take a shortcut, I passed by here."

"Are you going to Lingyue City?" Xia Zhongshan was obviously stunned and then said, "Do you also want to join Ling Yuemen?"

"What? Brother Lin Feng, are you also going to Lingyue City? Great!! We can go together!" Before Lin Feng answered, Xia Xin said in surprise, "I also want to join Ling Yuemen!" I want to be a fairy!! I want to learn to make elixirs, and then let my parents and grandma live an immortal!!"

"Stupid girl, say stupid things..." Xia Xin's mother touched her head lovingly and couldn't help saying, "If you have the honor to join Xianmen, my mother will be satisfied..."

"Join Ling Yuemen?" Lin Feng was stunned for a moment, and then said in surprise, "You mean that Ling Yuemen is taking apprentices in Ling Yue City?"

Xia Zhongshan nodded and said, "Yes, just three days later, it was an elder in the village who heard the news after he went to the county town that all children over 10 years old and under 20 years old can take the test, so I plan to take Xin'er to have a try. I should have left a few days ago, but my mother suddenly fell ill. , that's why it was delayed. Now, thanks to your help to collect the medicinal materials, there should be no problem with my mother's illness, so I plan to take Xin'er to Lingyue City tomorrow morning. If I hurry up, I should be able to catch up with it. If I can really worship Xianmen, I will be glorious..."

For ordinary mortals, practitioners are 'fairymen'. They are usually called 'fairy masters' and have great awe of all 'fairy masters'.

"So it is..." Lin Feng suddenly saw a trace of thought in his eyes and nodded, "That's just right. Let's go on the road together tomorrow, so that everyone can take care of it."


In the evening, Xia Xin's parents insisted on giving up their room to Lin Feng, and they went to squeeze a small room with Xia Xin. Lin Feng refused and had to agree.

Entering the room, Lin Feng walked to the bed, took out a yellow 'sphere' from his arms and put it on the edge of the pillow.

Looking at the hill sleeping like a little pig, Lin Feng couldn't help showing a trace of helplessness and said to himself, "This sleep, I slept a little long... Is it because of Lingjing?"

After coming out of the Python Mountain that day, Xiaoqiu nibbled the piece of spiritual crystal that belonged to it and fell into a deep sleep as if he were full, and slept for two days without any sign of waking up.

Xiaoqiu's 'life habits' are really too strange. Lin Feng also bought some classics about monsters when wandering in the Star City before, but he still did not find any information related to Xiaoqiu, not even any records of monsters similar to it.

Now it has been basically confirmed that Xiaoqiu has the power of 'treasure hunting', but those recorded treasure hunting spirit beasts do not have the characteristic of 'eating spirit stones', so I'm afraid Xiaoqiu is not just as simple as treasure hunting spirit beasts.

And Xiaoqiu has become more and more sleepy recently. Lin Feng also has some speculation. He thinks that Xiaoqiu is likely to be 'advanced', so he needs more and more spiritual stones. Now it has eaten a little spiritual crystals. Although it is only the size of a fingertip, the amount of aura contained in it may not be better than the middle-grade spiritual stones it used to eat. How many times more, it fell into a hibernation-like sleep after eating it, which is likely to have entered the final stage of progress.

Although it's just a guess, Lin Feng is still looking forward to it and wants to know what will happen after Xiaoqiu's 'advancement'...

However, I don't know how long the little guy will sleep, so Lin Feng can only wait patiently. Anyway, looking at his comfortable sleep, there should be no problem.


Lying upright, with his hands on the back of his head and looking at the roof, Lin Feng's eyes showed a little thought.

"Alchemy? Maybe you can really learn..."