magic weapon repair expert

184 first results, and -- sneak down the mountain

After Lin Feng left the Nanyuan canteen, he went straight back to the mountain and entered the mountain forest.

With the experience of the first two times, Lin Feng became more familiar with it and was no longer as frightened as before. He quickly walked through the jungle and soon came to the territory of the green-horned rhinoceros, and was lucky to find the green-horned rhinoceros in the same place yesterday.

After greeting the other party from afar, Lin Feng still found a stone to put the ten best elixir prepared today, and then slowly retreated.

The green-horned rhinoceros seemed to be more active than the previous two days ago. When Lin Feng took out the elixir, it had already stood up and walked this way and walked to the small pile of the best elixir. It lowered its head and smelled it, and there seemed to be a touch of joy in its eyes, and then stretched out its tongue to roll the ten best elixirs into its mouth.

The other party took the best elixir yesterday, and today seems to be no different from eating a lot of waste elixir the day before yesterday. Lin Feng was secretly happy and felt more and more that his speculation was feasible.

After leaving the territory of the green-horned rhinoceros, Lin Feng went to find other spirit beasts in turn. It is worth mentioning that the purple-top thunder crane did not 'go out' today. Even when Lin Feng climbed the mountain, it had already flew down by itself. Lin Feng was afraid that it would take him away and took out ten best elixirs in horror. Throwing it out, the purple-top thunder crane turned gracefully above his head and took away ten elixir and did not fly back to the top of the mountain.

What reassured Lin Feng was that these spirit beasts did not seem to be dissatisfied with the change of the elixir, and they seemed to be quite satisfied.


Today's delivery of Dan was quite smooth. As Fei Biao said at noon, when Lin Feng returned to his residence, it was not completely dark.

Judging from the situation of feeding the best elixir to the spirit beasts in these two days, this method should be feasible, that is to say, as long as Lin Feng takes out a little bit of the repaired elixir to these spirit beasts in the future, then all the other elixir will be his.

This can be said to solve a problem, but Lin Feng is not happy at all, because he learned a more troublesome problem today...

New disciples can't go down the mountain for half a year.

This regulation can be said to erase all Lin Feng's previous plans. If this problem is not solved, the plan of feeding the spirit beast with the best elixir and then taking the remaining elixir as your own can't be implemented at all - if you can't go down the mountain and get more elixir, how can you repair it? Elixirs?

"We must find a way down the mountain, and the sooner the better..."

It was night. Lin Feng lay on ** and frowned at the roof and thought that there were not many materials on his body that could be used to repair the existing elixir. After using it, he could not repair the elixir. At that time, he was afraid that he would only have to take the waste elixir to feed those spirit beasts.


The next day, Lin Feng still studied the introduction of Dandao Yujian in the house in the morning. After lunch, he entered the mountain jungle and sent 'rations' to each spirit beast one by one.

On this day, he found a very happy situation, that is, several spirit beasts did not run around, and he could easily find them, which greatly reduced his time to find them.

When the forest wind came back from the forest, the sun had not even set.

The next day, the fifth day when Lin Feng came to the spirit beast garden, he finally saw the benefits of giving these spirit beasts the best elixir - when he entered the back mountain forest and entered the territory of those spirit beasts, he didn't even need to look for them, and these spirit beasts took the initiative to appear.

This finally gave Lin Feng a little feeling of being a 'breeder'. Of course, it's not that these spirit beasts were raised by him so easily, because their intelligence was not low and they knew that good things were coming, so they couldn't wait to appear by themselves. Lin Feng did not proudly try to deal with this. How close are some spirit beasts - he doesn't want to be bitten off his hand.

And this situation has also made Lin Feng's work of sending Dan extremely simple. Compared with the time wasted searching for these spirit beasts on the first day, this trip has been shortened by dozens of times.

The method of feeding with the best elixir has achieved initial results, but the elixir that Lin Feng can use has bottomed out, so he has to start implementing a plan that he has been considering in the past few days.


At noon on the sixth day, Lin Feng ate in the canteen of Nanyuan as usual, and then entered the back mountain jungle and sent the elixir to each spirit beast as quickly as possible. Today, he gave each spirit beast 20 best elixirs. When he gave it, he specially explained to them, 'This is the amount of two days, Ming God, I won't come.

After that, Lin Feng did not return to his residence, but... walked to the depths of the back mountain!!

He has already thought about it. Since Ling Yuemen has a rule that the new disciple is not allowed to go down the mountain within half a year, it is definitely impossible to take the 'formal way' to go down the mountain, and he can't really wait honestly for half a year, so naturally he has to take the 'unusual way'.

Sneak out of the places in front of the mountain gate. Basically, don't think about it. It's too easy to be found, so Lin Feng chose to go out from the back mountain.

For other disciples of Lingyuemen, the back mountain jungle is an extremely dangerous place. Even if they form a team to practice, they dare not say it is absolutely safe, and no one dares to enter alone. If they sneak out from the back mountain, basically no one will think so. Even if they think about it, no one dares to do it. As Fei Biao said the other day, several disciples wanted to sneak out of the back mountain without knowing whether they were alive or not, but ended up with a miserable end.

However, these other disciples who can scare Ling Yuemen can't scare Lin Feng. With the few powerful magic weapons on his body, even if he meets monsters in the early or even middle of the third level, he is not bound to die. What's more, he doesn't really want to go to the deepest part, but just needs to go around the mountain gate of Lingyuemen. .

Generally speaking, whether someone wants to enter the back mountain from Lingyue Gate or from the back mountain to Lingyue Gate, they have to pass the level of those spirit beasts. If they want to sneak through their territory, it is basically impossible, but Lin Feng, the 'spirit beast breeder', directly jumps over this level. He not only swaggered through the territory of these spirit beasts, but also left under their sight.

When he left, the time was still in the afternoon. Lin Feng estimated that if he drove at full speed, he should be able to get out of the forest before dawn, and then rush to Lingyue City. With his own foot, he could get to the city in about half a day, and then seize the time to purchase the elixir. Half a day should be enough. Then I came back overnight, and I could probably return to Lingyue Gate the morning after tomorrow.

As Fei Biao said that day, his job can actually be regarded as very 'free', and basically no one will come to 'check the post', so even if he is occasionally lazy for a day or two, it is not easy to be found, so there should be no problem to leave secretly for a day like this.




A miserable wolf howled through the quiet night sky, and the last middle-level fire-backed demon wolf died under Lin Feng's red soul flying sword.

"Hu..." Lin Feng breathed a sigh of relief, wiped his cold sweat, took out a best Huiyuan Dan and threw it into his mouth. At the same time, he quickly collected the five wolf corpses on the ground into the collection ring, and then continued to walk forward.

Now it's almost dawn. From the beginning, Lin Feng quickly walked through the mountain jungle behind Lingyuemen. He has advanced spiritual defense magic weapons. Those first- and second-level monsters can't hurt it at all, and as soon as the red soul flying sword comes out, those monsters can't stop them at all, so he has been Like a broken bamboo, he was invincible, and all the monsters he met who wanted to attack him died under the red soul flying sword.

The small second-level fireback demon wolf group he just met was the biggest obstacle Lin Feng encountered along the way, but Fortunately, there was no danger. He solved this group of monsters with a powerful means.

After that, there were fewer and fewer monsters encountered. Finally, when the dawn came, Lin Feng came out of the dense forest nearly a hundred miles south of Lingyuemen Mountain Gate as expected.

In Lingyuemen, there are no disciples who have the ability to come out of the back mountain, but they are all the best among the core disciples. If they want to go out, why do they need to sneak out of the back mountain? Therefore, it can be said that Lin Feng should be regarded as the first outer disciple to slip out of the back mountain in the history of Lingyuemen... ...