magic weapon repair expert

242 Blood Sacrifice

"Brother Zhang!! Zhang..."

The monk Luo Mingzong's face was full of eagerness, and as soon as he turned the monk over, he saw a pair of eyes shining red. As soon as the shock appeared in his heart, he suddenly felt a pain on the side of his neck, and then his eyes were black, and he was no longer aware...

"Brother Zhang!!" Brother Wang!!"

The other three monks of Luo Mingzong were so scared that they were almost scattered, all of whom froze in place as if they had been cursed, and their faces were full of panic and disbelief.

"Oh!!" With a soft sound, the dagger inserted in the neck of the monk surnamed Wang was suddenly pulled out, but there was no blood splashing out strangely. Looking carefully at the monk surnamed Wang who fell to the ground, he found that he had become skinny in an instant, like a thousand-year-old corpse without any flesh and blood!

In an instant, he changed from a living person to a mummified body, and even didn't even see how he changed. When everyone's eyes were attracted, he saw the monk slowly standing up from the ground, bathed in blood, holding the dark red dagger in his right hand and shrugging his head. The bag stood, his head emanated like a fierce ghost, and there was a strange sound of 'hoho' in his mouth.


At this moment, the scene suddenly fell into extreme silence. Even Mu Qingfeng and others stopped fighting in shock and looked at this side with a shocked look.

It was only a second pause, but everyone felt as if it was extremely long. Suddenly, the monk suddenly raised his head, and the skin was completely red with blood and almost couldn't see the original face. A pair of eyes without any emotion flashed with a fishy red blood light, making everyone's scalp hair. Ma.

Then, everyone saw this monk's figure suddenly flashed...

Everyone only felt a flower in front of them, and then heard the sound of sharp objects into the flesh. Among the three Luo Mingzong foundation monks, the young man with short hair and thick eyebrows on the left looked stunned and felt that his neck was as painful as if he had been bitten by mosquitoes. He subconsciously turned his head and saw that his flesh had been blurred. His arm was placed on the side of his neck, and he vaguely saw it as if he was holding the handle of a dagger in his hand, that is to say, the dagger was sticking in his neck...

I thought of these in an instant, but the monk didn't even have a chance to scream. The vitality in his eyes dissipated in an instant, and his whole body seemed to be 'shrined' by a vented balloon. When he fell to the ground, he had become a mummified corpse like the previous monk surnamed Wang!!

At this time, everyone clearly saw the changes when the monk died, and they all felt that their backs were cold and all their cold hairs stood up.

"Brother Zhang!! What are you doing...ah!!"

Among the remaining two Luo Mingzong's foundation-building monks, the nun in yellow on the right finally reacted, but before she finished speaking, she suddenly screamed. As soon as she made a dodge, she froze in an instant, because the monk had flashed in front of her, and the dagger was also inserted in. In his neck...

"Ah!!" The remaining Luo Mingzong foundation monk was so scared that he screamed and turned around to leave, but after taking a step, he suddenly fell to the ground. When he fell to the ground, he had become a mummified corpse, and there was a hole in the back of his neck...

In the blink of an eye, in less than five seconds, the four Luo Mingzong monks who rushed to the monk died at their 'Brother Zhang', and even Mu Qingfeng, who was the highest cultivation there, hardly reacted.

"Zhang Daoyou!! What are you doing!!"

The Jindan monk next to Zhou Lihu was shocked and shouted in horror, but his subconscious questioning brought him the disaster of killing him. The monk surnamed Zhang, who had just killed four 'same family', suddenly turned his head and looked at him!

Not only looked over, but he also waved his hand and shot the dark red dagger in his hand!

In fact, when the words were first said, the Jindan monk of Jinyumen regretted it. Seeing that the monk surnamed Zhang suddenly did something to him, he was instantly scared and screamed, and his flying sword passed over his head and met the dagger that shot at him.

"When!!" A crisp impact sound, and then shocked everyone again - the monk's flying sword was directly smashed into pieces by the dark red dagger like paper!

"What..." The Jindan monk of Jinyumen had no time to react, and the dark red dagger shot into his chest!

"Brother Sun!!" It was not until the monk's body fell to the ground that Zhou Lihu's scream sounded. It happened so fast that he didn't even have time to intervene at all. Of course, even if he intervened, I'm afraid he can't save the Jindan monk.

In the blink of an eye, another person died, and he was also a Jindan monk. Now even Mu Qingfeng's face turned white, and he almost subconsciously retreated, afraid that the next attack by the monk Zhang would be himself.

"Wo!!" The red light flashed, and the dagger flew up from the already sered body of the Jindan monk and fell back into the hand of the monk. Just when everyone thought that he was going to continue to attack others, he was shocked to find that he turned to the sarcophagus aside as if he had not seen anyone else.

At this time, the monk could not feel any anger. His whole body seemed to be enchanted. He walked to the sarcophagus step by step, and then inserted the dagger on the sarcophagus with a stunned look of everyone!

Then, everyone saw that the skin surface of the monk surnamed Zhang began to sag, and in the blink of an eye, he turned into a mummified corpse, standing in place like a sculpture, and holding the dagger into the sarcophagus, like a rotten statue.

And this time, everyone saw more clearly that when the monk surnamed Zhang turned into a mummified body, all the blood on his body flowed along his arm into the dark red dagger in his hand!


The scene fell into a dead silence at this moment, and everyone else looked at the dead monk surnamed Zhang with confusion and horror. They really couldn't understand what had happened.

Although everyone didn't understand, some people had already reacted. Mu Qingfeng and Zhou Lihu slowly retreated. Lin Feng also subconsciously took Changgong Xiaojing's hand and winked at her. The two quietly moved back.


It's just that after only two seconds, the change will rise again!

The dagger inserted on the sarcophagus suddenly shone with dazzling blood light. If you look from above, you can see that on the sarcophagus, blood lines spread like spider webs from the place where the dagger was inserted, but in the blink of an eye, the whole surface of the sarcophagus lit up with blood like the dagger.

At the same time, a slight but dense 'crip' sound came to everyone's ears...