
Chapter 13 Advanced Mind Method

Chapter 13 Advanced Mind Method

"These things have become a thing of the past. You don't need to understand them so clearly. You just need to know that they have been there. The master now teaches you some cultivation methods. Listen to the mountain tiger."

"Both spells and spells start from apprenticeships. Through the cultivation of heart magic and spells, you are the potential of magic spells. Naturally, you have to practice in the way of the soul. After being strong and improved, the soul will produce a kind of power. They are soul power, mental power, energy, physical strength and mana. Taken together, they are the five elements. When they reach a certain When the base number, level and intensity of, it can be progressively advanced as Dharma Master, Dharma Book, Dharma Book, Dharma Book and Dharma Fu Master.

The advancement of the charm profession is: charm master, rune book, big rune book, rune master. Yuan Fengming explained tirelessly. At the same time, he also taught Chang Feihu some of his own experience and methods.

After the edification of Zichen, the operation of Chang Feihu's mind has been greatly improved. Although it can't be forgotten, listening to it once is enough to firmly put this knowledge into his head.

He listened to the master's explanation and the knowledge contained in the spell. Although he still had many things he didn't understand, he was still unwilling to interrupt the master.

These things sound boring and not fun at all, but Chang Feihu did not dare to relax at all. He forced himself to write down every word the master said. If he missed a sentence for his own reasons, the master had to tell it again.

He did not have the courage to test the master's patience. The scene of scolding his brother just now made him tremble. At this time, he would rather listen more carefully, even if he memorized it to satisfy the master.

Chang Feihu whispered and rhythmically. He was repeating every word the master said in an extremely subtle voice. Yuan Fengming was a little annoyed when he saw that his apprentice did not listen carefully and was talking about something.

He began to be slightly stunned. After listening carefully, joy surged into his heart. The sudden joy brought a great impact on Yuan Fengming. Among the apprentices he had taught, there was no such a careful and serious person to Chang Feihu. After a moment, Yuan Fengming came to his senses and continued with some satisfaction in his eyes. :

"The five elements force is like a tree, which is divided into tree roots, trunks, juice, leaves and bark. Everyone's qualifications are different. Each of the five elements is different. People with high soul power and mana practice magic spells. If the soul power is relatively low and the energy and physical strength are high enough, it is only suitable to be a charm warrior.

All professionals will focus on a certain aspect in the distribution of the five elements, and rarely develop in an all-round way, because it is unrealistic.

In this... Pay attention! The mind has the greatest impact on spells. Therefore, professionals with low mind power are suitable for refining runes if their soul power is high, but their attack power is very weak.

Professions with high mind power and mana are suitable for attack. They use runes to attack, but the soul power of these people is generally low, and they are much worse in refining runes and cards.

With no mental power, mana, soul power but strong energy and physical strength, they can only be spell warriors. Spell warriors are what we often call spell professions. These people are usually called spell professions, and spell professions are naturally called spell professions. Their collective name is professions. They can have these three potentials, but A very low person with strong energy and physical strength is the best charm warrior.

So, it looks like the magic spell profession is very powerful, but it is also divided into the most detailed. There are few professionals with mind power, mana and soul power potential, but if there are talents in this field, they will definitely become masters. Mountain tiger! You have these three potentials, and the master is very optimistic about you.

Most people have no potential, and they are the most distressed and helpless. Therefore, it is necessary to pass the test and apply it according to people's teaching.

"In the early stage, the charm warrior was limited by the soul power, and they could not make or use them, so the advantages of our spell professions appeared. They could be made and used, while the runes could only use the inscription to improve their physical quality and use the runes to attack. Once the professions reached the master through practice. The level will return to the original, and the different paths will be the same, and all professionals will be the same. At that time, there will be another height. There is only one master in our Shanfumen, and the suzerain of our Shanfumen, each profession is basically divided into senior high school or upper, middle and lower levels.

Chang Feihu really couldn't help it at this time. He took advantage of the master's pause and turned his head to ask Nanli, "Brother! What level of Fu Zhushi are you?

"Nan Li smiled and said self-deprecatingly, "I have just advanced to the intermediate Fu Zhushi. My soul is not condensed and stable enough. Compared with other professionals, I am much behind."

Ah? Isn't it a spell warrior who doesn't cultivate souls? Brother, will your soul not condense like this?" Chang Feihu was very surprised by what Nanli said.

Nanli understood his brother's expression of such amazement, but he did not answer this question. It was Yuan Fengming's not his turn to explain to Chang Feihu here.

Yuan Fengming interrupted the topic and said, "It's normal. It's not surprising that the body of any professional is attached to the soul, and the charm warrior is no exception. If their powerful bodies want to advance, they must have enough souls to rely on. Didn't I just said that!"

"The magic spell profession to cultivate the soul is helpful to the body, and the charm profession to cultivate the body, the spirit fox can also become stronger. It can't be as powerful as the other, but it can't help but be weak. That doesn't agree with the truth. Both of these two are complementary."

Yuan Fengming is very dissatisfied with the performance of his apprentice. In fact, he can't blame Chang Feihu. Although he remembers all of them, his knowledge is too huge, but he has not fully understood it for the time being.

Chang Feihu said, "Master, I will try my best, but there are too many things to learn at once and I can't figure it out."

Yuan Fengming thought for a moment and thought so: "So many things can't be understood by adults all of a sudden. His expectations are a little too high. In fact, children are already very hard-skilled."

Thinking about this, a trace of unhappiness in his heart immediately dispersed and changed his smiling face and said, "Mountain tiger! Let's go upstairs to choose a few books for you, then teach you the necessary mental cultivation methods and supporting spells, and then go back. The master still has something to do. In a few days, we will bring Nanli to engrave runes.

Chang Feihu saw that the master did not mean to blame him, so a big stone hanging on his chest fell to the ground. He took a long breath, smiled at Nanli, and followed the master upstairs.

Yuan Fengming teaches Chang Feihu a relatively advanced mind method, which is also the kind he is using.

The practice methods commonly used in Shanfumen are the same, which are recorded in the book received, but what Yuan Fengming gave is different. That is what he has modified with 200 years of experience and experience.

Originally, his mental method has been one level higher than the common mental method, and after his careful adjustment, the effect of cultivation is far higher than that commonly used in Shanfumen.

He hopes so much that his apprentice can get ahead, so that he even the most precious things are taken out. There are five sets of basic spells in this set of cultivation method, each set is divided into three levels, and there are 120 magic formulas at each level. From the magician to the master, each stage is different, and there is a corresponding one when practicing. Spells and spells are very advanced mental methods.

Several apprentices he received before made him very upset. This time, Yuan Fengming spent a lot of money and made great efforts to create an unusual apprentice, which made him more beautiful and more glorious in the entrance hall.

Let the suzerain and those elders see that those people are behind his back and point out that the old Yuan only cultivates garbage. At that time, as long as the mountain tiger has the ability to draw, he will definitely envy a group of people. Thinking of this, he is not even aware of laughing.

It is also Yuan Fengming's dedicated teaching that spares no effort to teach, coupled with Chang Feihu's extraordinary intelligence; extraordinary potential and his own efforts, as well as Zichen's tacit determination to set the foundation, creating a generation of masters of the immortal continent, not only Yuan Fengming has gained a huge harvest, but even the whole mountain Fumen and even The fairyland has benefited a lot.

Chang Feihu followed Yuan Fengming and saw that the master held a book in his hand and did not say anything, but he smiled alone, which made him a little puzzled. He wanted to call the master, but he stretched out half of his hand and hesitated to shrink back.

Yuan Fengming's state made the eight-year-old child confused: "Is it true as long as he is a master?" He asked himself and finally decided not to disturb the master. In case the master was unhappy, it would not be good.

Yuan Fengming smiled for a while before he realized that he was distracted. He glanced at Chang Feihu with the corners of his eyes. Seeing his apprentice staring at him in a daze, he was a little at a loss. He smiled and handed the book to Chang Feihu and said, "This book is only allowed to be read by yourself, even your followers can't read it!"

Chang Feihu was a little embarrassed about this master. After a while, the master's face experienced spring, summer, autumn and winter, wind, frost, rain, snow and bright sunshine. This rapid change made him very uncomfortable. Seeing the master's face, he immediately knelt down and said, "Yes! Master, apprentice, remember!"

Yuan Fengming put away his old-fashioned face and put on a rippling smile and said, "It's good to know, not a master? This book! But the master's hundred years of painstaking efforts, does the master feel distressed? OK! Go back! Come in a few days."

Chang Feihu is like an amnesty! His heart slipped in his throat and returned to his stomach. His heart hung up for a while, fell to the ground for a while, and for a while it was frozen for thousands of miles, and for a while for a while for flames to steam. If it went on like this, he was about to go crazy. Hearing the master's words to let him go back, he immediately turned his head down and turned around and pedal... Run out.

Yuan Fengming looked at the back of the baby apprentice and said in his heart, "This child! Why are you in a hurry? He shook his head and left.

After going back, Chang Feihu couldn't wait to look through the books brought from the master. There were a total of seven manuscripts. The body of the book was yellow and the corners were worn a lot.

Seror books are Material Decomposition and Purification

Summary Explanation of Rune Pattern

Exploring the Secret of Rune Refining

Spell? Detailed Rules for the Use of Symbols

Collection Method for Material Type Distribution

Five Power Practice Mind Method and Supporting Spells

He did not start practicing immediately, but seized all possible time to read the Five Power Cultivation Method and Supporting Spells. Chang Feihu was soon immersed in the sea of knowledge. This book is about an inch thick, describing in detail the process and experience of practicing the five elements, and explaining the cultivation of cultivation in great detail. Law.

Chang Feihu plunged into the pile of books, forgot to eat and digested the content of the book day and night. He hoped to master this knowledge as soon as possible. Under the dual psychological effect of winning glory for the master and making himself stronger, he studied for more than ten consecutive days, in addition to eating and sleeping and reciting the necessary words at night, All the time is spent learning the Five Power Cultivation Method and Supporting Spells

Because his soul is stronger than that of ordinary people, Chang Feihu's memory is excellent. Although he can't remember it after reading it once, he can recite it after several times.

Even so, he did not stop reading over and over again, as if to engrave the content of the book in his soul.

Through continuous reading, the method of cultivation is firmly imprinted in my mind. However, he still did not start to practice. Chang Feihu set a goal, hoping to achieve the situation and recite the conditioned reflexes in shock.

Only at this level can he be familiar with his chest. In the future, once the master asks, he can answer fluently and not be confused.