
Chapter 53 The Return of the Flying Tiger

Chapter 53 The Return of the Flying Tiger (Ask for red tickets, please collect!)

Chang Feihu understood that Nan Li's expression was in a trance. He could not tell that it was a reality and a dream: "Thunder went to get some water to wake him up," Chang Feihu shouted heartbrokenly.

"Brother, wake up!"

A cool cold water accompanied by the cold wind in the morning, Nanli hit a thrill, but his eyes were still the same. Chang Feihu was anxious and shouted, "A little more, more." Wow, half a bucket of water poured down on the head, and Nanli's eyes revealed Qingming.

"Mountain tiger!" Nanli cried softly in a confused voice.

Chang Feihu quickly said, "Brother! I'm really back! I'm still alive!" With that, he slapped Nanli's face from time to time.

Nanli completely regained his mind and asked in disbelief, "Are you really back?" Not a dream? Brother...!"

Nan Li hugged Chang Feihu and cried: "Are you still alive? Why didn't you come back earlier?" Nanli cried loudly and completely vented the sadness and missing that had been suppressed in his heart for six months. Chang Feihu also left tears sadly, and the two hugged and cried bitterly.

It took a long time for Chang Feihu to say, "Big brother went into the house and said, look, you are soaked!" Nanli hugged Chang Feihu but didn't want to let go. He laughed for the first time after more than 180 days and nights after Chang Feihu left, swept away the haze and sadness of half a year and regained his previous smile.

"Brother, let go, the mountain tiger won't run away!"

"Big brother is afraid that you will leave, so he really can't live!" The two walked hand in hand to the room.

Nanli, Chang Feihu and Lei Ming told each other about their thoughts of parting, and the small courtyard suddenly restored the lively scene of the past. Big brother! What about the senior brothers? Why didn't you see it?" Chang Feihu asked strangely.

Nanli said with excited tears in his eyes, "No one is here. Yuan Shan's team and Pei Lin and Pei Yong can't stand doing nothing all day long and go out to hunt barbarian beasts."

Nanli was so happy that he didn't know what to do. He circled twice underground and said, "Brother! I'm hungry. Big brother will prepare delicious food for you. Wait. Don't go there. Just wait here. Just wait a minute. Ha, it's good for you to come back!"

Nan's heart is indescribable. His happy and happy eyes are extremely bright, and even the empty moon will be eclipsed in front of his eyes.

Yes! Big brother! Mountain tigers don't go anywhere! Just waiting to eat the big meal made by the eldest brother!" Chang Feihu's feelings for Nanli turned into tears and said with a faint smile.

The time is not long, and the table is full of all kinds of dishes. Except for the white rice that he knows Chang Feihu's favorite, he has never seen anything else. All kinds of fragrances are mixed together, transforming Chang Feihu's smiling face.

"Ha ha, big brother, it smells so good!" Chang Feihu smiled happily, and immediately stuffed it into his mouth with thunder and took a few bites. He saw that Nanli's eyes and mouth were like curved crescents, and his strong eyes looked at them with a smile.

Chang Feihu hurriedly said, "Brother, you can eat too!" Ha ha, it smells so good!"

Nanli smiled and said, "Big brother is not hungry. Big brother is happy to see you eat!"

"That brother is welcome!" Chang Feihu looked at Nanli with vivid eyebrows and said.

When Chang Feihu finished eating, Nan Li was excited and hugged his brother before saying: Brother, you miss it so much. Tell the big brother how you got out of danger and how you came back! I'm scared to death. If you don't come back, how can you live?

Chang Feihu patted Lei Ming's shoulder affectionately and said, "Brother! Look, you've been cold with thunder, and you'd better ask Lei Ming to tell you.

Nan Lixiao took Lei Ming's hand and said, "Okay, Brother Lei Ming, tell me about it." With that, he hugged the thunder. His relationship with Lei Ming is not too deep now, so he was too happy and excited to ignore Lei Ming for a moment, and he felt a little guilty after reminding him.

They are also brothers, and they are all in danger, which makes Lei Ming think. His feelings must be very complicated and must feel very wronged. Nan Li patted Lei Ming's shoulder and said, "Don't blame the eldest brother. It's the eldest brother who is too selfish, but you have to understand his feelings."

Lei Ming said with a simple smile, "It doesn't matter, big brother! Lei Ming understands!"

Of course, he knows that Chang Feihu's position in Nanli's heart is not comparable to him. He has known this for a long time, but he doesn't care. He only cares about Chang Feihu like Nanli.

After talking with Nanli, Lei Ming's eyes suddenly darkened a lot and slowly said, "After we were caught by Bai Anne that day, we had no ability to resist at all. We couldn't even move in its hands. We were scared and didn't know how far the beast had gone. Bai Anne grabbed us in her hand and shook us from time to time when she ran. It felt like she was swinging high with her eyes closed.

"After a long time, I don't know how long the Bai Anne erythea man has run and how far he has run. I only know that the ground is no longer soft sand. The Bai Anne erytheby man can be heard in running, and the sound of pedaling. After a long time, the Bai Anne red man stopped and it released me."

... Bai Anne's red spot man had a thundering rune blade in her armpit. I don't know when this * arrived in its hand. In the coma of Chang Feihu, Bai Anne ran for a long time before stopping. After stopping, she let go of both hands, put Lei Ming and Chang Feihu together, and grabbed two people with one hand. There was no longer a desert around. .

The desert has disappeared on the field when it was alive. Instead, it has been replaced by the green grassy land, and there are more trees. Not far ahead, a high mountain has risen. In front of the mountain is a large plain, and the other end of the mountain looks over, and there are many more mountains in the fog.

At this time, the surrounding barbarian beasts were scattered around on the ground, and the lowest was four levels. Bai Anne's red spot stopped to look at the barbarian beast, and then stuffed the thunder with his right hand into his left hand, grasped the two people in one hand, jumped into the air and hugged the thick tree for a moment. After a click, he broke his arm. Thick tree trunk.

Break down the branch of a big tree with one hand, revealing its jagged teeth, clean up all the small branches on the branch, and bite out a sharp tip at one end. I don't know what I want to do, but the last shape of the branch in Bai Anne's hand looks like a spear.

Because Bai Anne's red spot man's attention is on the branches, her whole body is working hard, and the hands of Chang Feihu and Lei Ming are also clenched tightly, which makes Chang Feihu and Lei Ming feel great pressure at the same time squeezing their bodies, banging, and their heads bursting with blood all over their bodies. All surged to the top of the head, and the eyes were squeezed out by great pressure and almost burst.

Humph, he wanted to scream, but he just hummed. The severe pain on his body was unbearable as if his body was torn, as if he could hear the cracking of his bones. He couldn't breathe in his chest, and his ears buzzed.

However, fear in the crisis seems to be a matter of another world, which has nothing to do with them. At this time, Chang Feihu and Leiming no longer know what fear and fear are. Their minds are blank, and their desperate struggle is useless. After a short time, the two finally fall into a coma.

The Bai Anne red spot man waved hard in one direction with a sharp wooden stick, threw a branch similar to a spear with one hand to pierce the barbarian beasts, and then rushed over quickly. When Bai Anne's red spotted man's hand raised the wooden stick again, two barbarian beasts were already worn on the wooden stick.

It opened its mouth and began to eat like eating sugar-coated haws. It ate the hidden and soft parts, ate up the most delicious and tenderest internal organs of the barbarian's body, threw away most of the remaining skeletons and ran wildly. The barbarian beasts rushed up and grabbed the bodies of the barbarian beasts for food, and there were no bones left in an instant.

While running, Bai Anne's red spotted man seemed to realize something and suddenly raised his hand, which slowly let go. It seemed that he still wanted to hold Chang Feihu and Thunder in two hands, but when he was about to get the thunder in the other hand, he found that neither of them had no breath. He lay there softly and motionless.

At this time, the most direct signal was transmitted to Bai Anne's mind. This monster seemed to have its own wisdom. His mouth grew up, and water flowed from the fangs of a staggered steel knife. Looking at the situation, he was very fond of the food in his hand, but his eyes were full of wisdom.

"Wow..." He thought he accidentally got stuck with two people.

In fact, the two were just being squeezed into a coma. This terrible power can't be resist even by professionals. Unfortunately, Bai Anne has not clenched her fist for a long time. Of course, their bodies are strong enough, otherwise, they are already dead by this time. But even so, Chang Feihu and Lei Ming fell into a coma under the power of terror for a very short time.

The two lay face to face in its hands, and Bai Anne's red spot man sobbed. No matter how far it has gone, it is not willing to eat thunder and Chang Feihu. It seems that there should be another purpose. If Chang Feihu's mind is clear at this time, he may think that Bai Anne wants to treat the two as gifts, because Bai An The emotion revealed by Ni's expression will have no other meaning except this.

The gift must be given to the companion or leader who is very important to it, which can be seen from the fact that he is reluctant to use the thunder * to fork food. It was not easy to catch two professionals, but they were about to get to the place, but he pinched them to death! Bai Anne felt uncomfortable because he looked sad. Both beasts and beasts like to eat living things, and the smell of dead things may not be good. It sobs and looks sad, as if crying sadly.

Such a good gift arrived at his door, but he accidentally killed him. That uncomfortable mood should be relatively aggrieved. A few drops of water with a faint salty taste fell on Chang Feihu and Lei Ming.

Those are tears that are no different from normal people. It is the tears shed by this Bernie in sadness.