
Chapter 55 Danger in Wealth

Although the appearance of this cave is not unique and is similar to the hundreds of caves around it, as you step by step forward, you will feel something staring at him behind you, making his heart feel like his throat. Chang Feihu took a few steps forward and suddenly turned around, because he suddenly felt a deep and solemn gaze behind him approaching him. After trying to overcome the idea of running away, he looked back and saw the vague shape of a middle-aged professional in the dark.

What kind of mysterious cave is this? Chang Feihu thought while sweating coldly, and didn't know what danger was hidden in its unknown darkness.

Chang Feihu's nervous body was full of goose bumps and stared at it, but the thunder said happily, "So is it safe inside?"

Chang Feihu began to worry a little. When he looked carefully again, it was still dark and there was nothing. The hallucination must be a hallucination. He thought so, but he answered Lei Ming without thinking: "Not necessarily. If this cave is open, he can go out, but he can't retreat halfway when he comes in. Go."

"It's a little strange here. Let's go back to the corridor first." Chang Feihu said.

Lei Ming didn't ask why, but followed. Chang Feihu came to the narrowest part of the corridor and stroked it everywhere with his hand. Lei Ming asked, "What are you modeling?"

"If there are often barbarian beasts shuttle back and forth, what do you think will happen to the corridor wall?" Chang Feihu did not answer the question.

Lei Ming's eyes lit up and said, "It will be very smooth," he said and went everywhere. Both of them were surprised. The walls were very rough. What does this mean? This shows that it is likely that no wild beasts pass through it often. Now the two are much relieved that it is better to have a safe foothold in this kind of tiger and wolf nest than anything else. At least there is a place for them to rest at ease and have time to think about how to leave, instead of being exhausted.

After a while, Lei Ming proposed: "Let's go in."

Chang Feihu was thinking about something and waved his hand and said, "Let's go out along the road first and put some disposable charms before going in." He doesn't want to be careful to beware of being silently eaten by the barbarian beasts coming in from behind. That's too sad. Although he eats animal meat, if the beasts let him take him I don't want to eat it.

Put a disposable charm at the entrance of the cave. The explosion of the barbarian beast can give him time to prepare. He put a lot of one-time attack symbols in the cracks between the ground and the entrance of the cave. The stability of the one-time charm is poor, and it is easy to explode when touched by the beast.

"Go, pay attention to the front." Chang Feihu said.

The two returned to their old place and continued to walk carefully.

"Do you go in without any preparation?" Lei Ming asked. Usually, Feihu is a very meticulous person, but now he looks like a different person, which can't help but make Lei Ming question.

Chang Feihu replied without thinking, "If the barbarian beasts outside come in, we can still find a way to control the beasts in the corridor. If there are also inside, then think about it, those outside dare not come in, which means that the level inside is very high, but it is useless to prepare, and we can only run into the corridor."

Lei Ming nodded silently. He took two steps to the front of Chang Feihu and walked in first. His followers should have the courage to rush in front of their masters in the face of known or unknown dangers.

As the two went deeper and brighter, they found that there were a lot of things protruding from the wall of the cave around the wall, which was as bumpy as the toad's body, and the bright light came from this material. The soft white light accumulated a little more and became very bright.

Chang Feihu buckled a piece, and the surface of the stone was mixed with many white crystals in the groove. Each crystal had a moist and bright surface. He looked at it carefully for a long time and did not know it, and this material was not recorded in the books he had learned.

Chang Feihu threw the glowing stone to Lei Ming and said, "This material should be very useful. If there is no danger in it, we will come back to block half of the corridor and collect materials first. The purpose of coming out of Shouyang Pass is to collect materials, otherwise how could he be caught here? Since God has given this opportunity, of course, it cannot be wasted.

Lei Ming nodded and agreed to continue to go inside. Not far, a blue material appeared on the wall of the cave, which made the cave more mysterious. Chang Feihu only collected one piece and continued to walk in. He was a financial fan, but he did not have that intention in the uncertainty of good or bad luck. When they left At the end of the cave, as Chang Feihu put his heart into his stomach, both of them almost fell to the ground in surprise.

Their eyes are round, and the bottom of the cave is an underground hall with more than 300 square meters and 10 million cubic meters. They are not a surprise hall. The hall is already the end of the cave.

But what surprised them was not the hall, but what stunned them was that most of the places were full of Bai Anne's erytheran bones, and a large pile of materials covered most places, cramging this originally spacious place.

Two people held hands and jumped and shouted happily. They were not only excited for the natural treasure house here, but also because they were temporarily safe. With this fortress, they don't have to worry about not going back.

Chang Feihu said with great interest, "Let's go back and plug half of the corridor so that the beasts can't get in. Make a fortune here in peace."

He came to the narrowest part of the corridor and began to take out the dirt and sandstone in the corridor. Then, Chang Feihu took out the pure rune array and activated it, melted the sand and piled up it into half of the corridor. Because if he did not do so, the beast could easily throw away the hole, and Chang Feihu looked at it. His labor results nodded with satisfaction and said, "So that we will be safe for the time being."

"Haha, wow, God is really eye-opening. It not only let us escape from Bai Anne's claws, but also gave us so many materials," he shouted happily and ran back. While running, he muttered to himself, "I almost went crazy at the beginning, and now the high-level materials fell from the sky. Hey hey, it's inexhaustible. No money is rich!"

"Wow, hey, hey, the barbarian beast is stuck in the narrowest place and blocked by the obstacles in front of it. It can't get in and out, and it can't use its strength. At that time, it will be my material," Chang Feihu chattered happily.

Hearing the thunder, he laughed and said, "Don't be happy too early. Just sleep in a pile of money. If you don't have food, you have to starve to death. You can't take anything away."

"Scared, what should I do? Thunder, think we will really starve to death! Do you feel scared?" He scared the thunder and said, "Think about it, the more inappropriate it is, the more you think about it, the more horrible it is, and it's about to scare yourself crazy?"

"Ah! How half? Ah......" Lei Ming shouted the saddest cry in his life. "What should I do?" As soon as he closed his mouth after shouting, he turned his head and smiled secretly. He knew so much that Chang Feihu was teasing him, so he simply pretended to play with Chang Feihu for a while.

"Grandma bear! It's over, it's over! We are going to die," Chang Feihu suddenly opened his eyes wide, and his eyes were about to burst out, and he opened like a fish. Then he laughed and pretended to cough and said, "Well, but don't worry, your brother Shanhu has had enough food for a year and a half. Besides, it's basically It won't take that long. When the time comes, we will leave with materials early. Hey hey, are you happy?"

Hearing this, Lei Ming immediately straightened up, and the sillyness on his face swept away. His eyes shot out surprise and asked, "Really?"


Chang Feihu excitedly repeated a sentence in a slightly emotional tone, waved his hand lightly and continued, "This little thing is not worth mentioning, haha," there was a sense of pride in his tone.

"Wow, that's good!" Lei Ming jumped up excitedly and cheered, and then laughed. This smile made Chang Feihu understand. He teased Lei Ming, and Lei Ming was also teasing him. Chang Feihu punched Lei Ming and said, "You tease me, you bad guy. You are so bad." He also laughed as he spoke.

Chang Feihu smiled and said to Lei Ming, "Stay here for the time being. There is no problem with the life guarantee. Let's go in and take a closer look. Haha, let's make a fortune."

Lei Ming poured cold water on him and said, "You have to spend your life to get rich!" It means that the wild beasts outside are all over the mountains. It's hard for them to escape." Although Lei Ming is always a little silly and funny, his mind is sometimes thinner than that of Chang Feihu.

Chang Feihu said at all, "I'd rather die than starve to death. Let's get rich first." After walking, the two came to the hall again, and Chang Feihu hummed a song half-eye.

Woo...Woo...Wow... Suddenly, there was a gloomy, dark and bleak cry in the hall, and the crying voice was as sad and sharp as the king of hell.

A lot of yellow human figures suddenly appeared in the hall, raising their sharp claws with a sad cry, and suddenly they rushed over, and the thunder did not seem to see all this at all, just like the big eyes of those yellow monsters, looking at countless materials with green light. And those dark and horrible monsters seem to float faintly. It is the middle-aged professionals who used to think that they were hallucinations to disperse them everywhere.

Chang Feihu's eyes stared at the green and secluded monsters, avoiding the illusory expulsion of middle-aged professionals, as if he was not too afraid of him and rushed to the front thunder. There are too many green monsters. Although the man has tried his best to block it, it has not played much role.

They stretched out their sharp claws, stared at the most horrible green eyes and released a green light like a wolf at night.