
Chapter 67 Escape Day 2

Changfeihu desperately urged the pheasant to flap its wings and fled for its life in the direction of Shouyang Pass. The two-headed pheasant left the wild beast's nest at more than ten times the speed of ordinary professionals and left this place that made Changfeihu love and hate.

The pheasant can only fly more than six meters, and it has to reach the ground and accelerate at an interval of dozens of meters to fly again. Moreover, the time is slightly longer. The two-headed pheasant looks very tired, and the flying tiger quickly knows that this can only solve the momentary urgency. It is not enough to take two people for a long time, and the barbarian beasts are often seven or eight meters tall. Dude, this height can't avoid the attack of beasts, but the speed of escape is still good.

On the way, as long as there are barbarian beasts below level 7 that can't escape, Chang Feihu immediately cut off their Shun three sections. As long as the barbarian beasts at the upper eight levels do not chase, they take a detour. A quarter of an hour later, the two rode a double-headed pheasant and have been 50 miles away from the orc's nest.

Before Bai Anne's erythema people figure out what was going on, they had already left a long way. It was very difficult for the pheasant to carry two people. The landing accelerated more and more times, but the interval was getting smaller and smaller.

The scenery along the way is picturesque and beautiful, and the nearby grass is like Dai. In the distance, the mountains are green and green and cypresses. The wild flowers and trees on the hillside show a gorgeous color. Red, white, green and green make the quiet valleys and steep peaks in the distance form a natural ink painting.

In front of the beautiful scenery, Changfeihu did not have any intention to appreciate it. Gradually, the barbarian beasts decreased, and the corresponding level was also lowered by one level, all of which were five or six levels. Chang Feihu breathed a little relieved, but did not dare to slow down.

All the things were done by Chang Feihu alone, which made Lei Ming feel that it was useless. He was a waste, and he was sad and still couldn't help anything. He had to look at the surrounding landscape and write down the path, which was the only thing he thought could do.

"What is that mountain tiger?" Lei Ming pointed to a place with distinctive characteristics on the grassland and asked.

"Why are there such a big difference in environmental changes?" Chang Feihu also stared at the huge gap in the environment, which made him unconsciously ask questions in his heart.

Where he looked at, a small area in the grassland seemed to stand an alternative gate. There were two completely different environments inside and outside the door, just like the dividing line between the two worlds. As for what to go out, because his experience was still very shallow, he did not know it. Chang Feihu shook his head doubtfully.

"If you have a chance to see it in the future, it's better to stay away from there now," and then look back to see if there are any wild beasts that have been chased. The speed of the pheasant is very fast. Although it has shocked Bai Anne, it is even more difficult to catch up with the double-headed pheasant. The speed of the pheasant is faster than that of the Bai Anne, not to mention the barbarian, so It's not unexpected to be chased by Chang Feihu. Seeing that there is nothing to catch up, I'm relieved.

After running for three hours, there were fewer vegetation, and the desert familiar to the two appeared.

When the pheasant landed again, it could no longer fly. The sand was too soft, and the pheasant's toes stepped on the sand and immediately sank into it. If it couldn't run hard and accelerate, it couldn't fly.

The two had no choice but to come down and walk. The two walked a few steps with a deep and shallow foot. Chang Feihu said sadly, "The speed is too slow. It's not far at this speed. He is worried that it will be troublesome if the orcs catch up."

Lei Ming was even more sad, and he was very sad! He felt that he was a waste at all. He not only couldn't help anything, but also dragged the mountain tiger's back. He forced his tears from falling down and said with red eyes, "Why not... Brother Shanhu, you ride the pheasant to call reinforcements first, and I'll follow up later!"

Chang Feihu can't see Lei Ming's mind, but now he can only be angry, patted Lei Ming's loud mouth and said angrily, "You bastard, how can you say such a bastard? Abandon your companions to live alone? I can't do it!"

Lei Ming choked in silence, and big tears rolled down. He wiped away the tears fiercely, but the tears kept flowing down. In this case, it is better to live than two people die, and he is willing to stay.

After slapping Lei Ming, Chang Feihu regretted a little. He touched Lei Ming's face painfully, wiped away his tears, and said softly, "Does it hurt? Don't worry! We won't die here, figure it out! The solution is what people come up with.

In silence, the two hurried their way, with deep footprints step by step. At each step, the soles of their feet seemed to be stepping on cotton. Chang Feihu suddenly lit up and said, "The pheasant can't fly because the sand is too soft, and its claws are forked and can't be well exerted."

Lei Ming became happy after understanding it and said, "Yes, wrap his grabs in animal skin."

The two acted immediately. With little effort, the two went straight up again. Chang Feihu hummed happily and said, "According to the time of Bai Anne's red spot, we can see the first Yang Pass in less than four hours."

"Hmm," he sneered, "If Annie wants to chase, let them chase it! I don't believe that flying is not as fast as two legs?

Thinking about going back with a large amount of advanced materials, I was complacent: "Haha! I'm a rich man!"

Thunder made Chang Feihu slap in the face. Not only did he throw his sadness far away, but he happily said intimate words to Chang Feihu and felt that he was still very useful in the mind of Brother Shanhu.

After four hours of long-distance attack, when the pheasant finally rose to the sky again, he saw the Shouyang Pass. Chang Feihu shouted on the chicken's back, "We're back, me! Big | Faben! Chang Feihu came back to pull!"

Lei Ming also echoed loudly: "Come back, his grandmother... a... bear! We made a fortune and came back to Hug!" His scholar Chang Feihu shouted randomly in his words and tones. Seeing that its owner was happy, the pheasant flew harder, and soon saw the professional patrolling on the tower.

About three miles away from the wall of Shouyang Pass, Chang Feihu ordered the two-headed pheasant to land and said, "We can't fly over like this, which will cause jealousy. And look, we are wearing runes. The first time you see the runes, you will eat people, and they won't strip us all! Haha!" Chang Feihu was so happy that he just wanted to go back to show off quickly, but reason told him that he couldn't do it.

A dress outside blocked the charm. It was too eye-catching to wear it like this. Chang Feihu said while putting on clothes.

Lei Ming smiled. Of course, he knew that what Brother Shanhu said was likely to happen. After sorting out, the two of them walked to the Shouyang Pass. When he came to the front of the customs, Lei Ming gasped excitedly and shouted, "The guys above are all listening. Open the door quickly. Da | Fa Ben Chang Feihu wants to go in."

The people in the city looked at the thunder, looked at it, and were happy. They said in their hearts, "What's the big | Faben out of the city, and the big | Faben of Shouyang Pass is one of the few. Can you still count it? Look at this boy's stupid and arrogant, * is a fool. Originally, it was the duty of the professionals who went out to return to the city and let them in, but the thunderous words made these people have the idea of teasing him.

"Come on! Don't advocate the law and law. It's still big. I think your boy is at most a high-level trumpet. Be careful that the wind flashes his tongue outside the gate. Hahahaha," turned off a burst of laughter.

There are two ways to identify the level between professionals. One is to directly put your hand on the opponent's body to identify the soul power, and the other is to infer from the color of the soul armor on the body. Lei Ming and Chang Feihu are just shouting and do not need to show their strength, so the people in the city can only judge according to their age and strength. When I saw two and a half-aged children, I didn't believe that there was any strength beyond ordinary people.

"Listen... You native chickens and dogs, as long as my mountain tiger brother moves his fingers, you can't fucking eat and walk around. Open the door quickly." Lei Ming waved his hand and shouted.

He originally wanted to say that they were all ashes, but he felt that they were not enemies. It was not appropriate to say so, so he changed his words that he felt was also very enjoyable and domineering.

At this time, Chang Feihu crossed his waist and arrogantly showed the majestic scene of a generation of masters. He felt that this was a very wonderful thing. Shouyang Pass was still the same Shouyang Pass, and the original Dharma book had jumped into a big Dharma book, and Chang Feihu's eyes revealed boundless pride and excitement.

The earth-shaking shouts spread all over the city, and even the sand dunes outside Shouyang Pass seemed to be shaken by the majesty of swallowing mountains and rivers, but the professionals on the side of the city did not feel any great momentum.

At this time, a man in the city laughed and shouted, "Since you are so powerful, you don't have to open the door..." Before the professional in the city finished speaking, Chang Feihu became impatient. After staying outside for too long, his temper became irritable and said to Lei Ming, "I'll throw you up, grandma, you look like How to deal with them.

grabbed Lei Ming's arm, turned up and turned half a circle in the air. He waved his hand and threw Lei Ming on the wall more than 30 meters high. The professionals in the city were laughing at Lei Ming. Suddenly, I was surprised to see a man flying up like an eagle, and almost at the same time, I thought of a question, "It's broken! If you can throw a living person so high, how can you not understand what that horrible cultivation is!" But just when I thought about it, the thunder had already flown over the wall.

Lei Ming stepped on the mouth, flew to the man and said with a smile, "You are going to be unlucky. Hey hey, it's not a joke to offend Dafa." He knew that Chang Feihu was already angry and was ready to watch the joke with a smile on his chest.

After throwing the thunder, Chang Feihu opened his mouth and spewed out the Bixia knife and raised his hand a little. He shouted, "Get up," the Bixia knife flew more than ten meters. He raised the knife surface in the air, tilted slightly forward, and manipulated the Bixia knife to rush to the wall of Shouyangguan.

Oh! There were shouts of surprise in the city. Some people remembered that these two young dolls were the teenagers who were taken away by Bai Anne six months ago?

Chang Feihu flew into the air with a Bixia knife and went up the wall like a god with a glow under the scorching sun. This height is too easy for him. It is not allowed to fly with a knife for a long time, but it is not a problem to fly three or five miles.