
Chapter 10 Father's Tips from Hell

When he was about to leave Liyun Grassland, several wild birds flew out of the grass in front of him, as if they were frightened. Nan Li said in a low voice, "There are people ahead." Sure enough, the grass on the opposite side shook, and a person ran out.

"Hight!" Lei Ming was bored at this time. Seeing a person panicked, he staggered and turned around, with a nervous pale face, "Hey hey, just to relieve his boredom." Lei Ming thought in his heart, and the thief shouted strangely.

Chang Feihu suddenly woke up from his dream, looked at the ordinary person sitting on the ground in front of him, frowned, and tried to recall the scene in his dream just now.

I actually had a strange and absurd dream in a trance! Chang Feihu was surprised.

He tried to recall what he dreamed of, but his mind had lost the vague details in his mind. Only one picture was extremely clear, like a wilderness, surrounded by more than one person's wild grass, which was surprisingly consistent with the scene in front of him.

" hiss!" Chang Feihu took a deep breath. Is his father reminding him of something? He said to Lei Ming with the doubts in his dream, "Don't scare him."

Chang Feihu saw that it was an ordinary person running over. When he stopped the thunder, he was still wondering how there could be ordinary people in such a place! Without the protection of professionals in this place, ordinary people may not be able to live for half a day.

The ordinary person was so nervous that he dared not raise his head and said, "Forgive me! I dare not run away again!" While begging for mercy, he kowtowed like pounding garlic.

"Don't be afraid! We are not chasing you, stand up! I have something to ask you." Chang Feihu smiled sadly and tried to say to the man in a soft voice. Recently, he has been in a bad mood, mainly because the master's forced marriage and approaching Qinglian Mountain step by step caused his inner uneasiness! His father's great revenge has not been avenged, so he has no face to face the soul of his father who was killed.

"Hey! I told you to come and listen to the question. Lei Ming roared angrily when he saw that the man was still demented.

"Come here, we won't kill you!" Chang Feihu knocked on the thunder's skull and said, and glanced at the thunder.

There are many fools in the world, but this ordinary person is a shrewd person. In a short time, from the conversation between the three or two sentences of these people opposite him, he heard that he was the most authoritative, and everyone else had to listen to this person's dispatch. He stood up quickly without moving his mind and was scared by the thunder. I have to kneel down and shout, "Yes, I'll listen to your inquiry."

This guy stood up as soon as he easily, but found that the faces of the three people following Chang Feihu were murderous in the momentary gloom, and he quickly knelt down again.

Nanli wondered what this man's courage was made of. He dared to stand opposite Chang Feihu and talk. If the mountain tiger hadn't had something to ask, he would have slapped him to death.

"Who are you and where do you live? Why did you come here?" Chang Feihu raised his hand and touched it. Not long after it grew, it was a fluffy beard, and said lightly that this was his habit of thinking about things when he became an adult.

After saying that, he shook his head incredulously, and he didn't know how to ask such a boring question, as if these words just jumped out of his head.

When Nan Li saw the man kneeling on the ground with his anthenia, he couldn't help saying viciously, "You are deaf!" The master asked you what to say!" These people have no patience with ordinary people, which have been respected for a long time.

"Oh! Yes, the villain is Ren Liu, and the owner is 100 miles away from Wufeng Town. I'm a good person. I'm a good people.

"If you talk nonsense again, I will twist your head, answer the questions honestly, and say whatever you ask." Nanli said with a gloomy face.

Lei Mingyi said to Chang Feihu, "Brother Shanhu, this person is either scared or mentally ill, or he is too smart. Look at his eyes turning around and answering the question, Zhang Guan and Li Dai are completely nonsense. Just kill him."

"Don't kill me. I'm really a good family. I was caught by them to cook. They went out to rob during the day and came back at night to share the stolen goods. I ran out while they were away."

Ren Liu suddenly changed his face, lowered his hands weakly, and burst into an earth-shaking cry: "Your Excellency! I'm wronged!" He would see Nanli take out a knife and approach his neck like this.

"Are you wronged? You are not wronged at all. If you don't say anything, your eyes turn around and say something messy, and it's useless to keep you..."

"I said, I said that there are several grass houses more than ten miles ahead, in which there are two professionals. One of them is called... a fat man and a mouse face." The man finished speaking at an extremely fast speed and cried, "Damn! I want to go home!"

Nan Li laughed and said. Ha ha, don't cry, I just scared you! I won't kill you!" But then his face became murderous and he said to Chang Feihu, "Mountain tiger! God has long eyes.

Chang Feihu's eyes seemed to burst into a bloody fire of hatred, and he was not surprised by what had happened to this matter. He had long felt that this was what his father was giving him. Now God has really opened his eyes and given him such a chance to revenge.

Chang Feihu felt dizzy and suddenly trembled violently. He tried to calm himself down, but he still couldn't control it. He interrupted Ren Liu's words harshly: "Don't talk, take us there."

Nan Li grabbed Ren Liu's neck collar, put it on the spare war horse, and said in a low voice, "Lead the way! Go and kill them and take you home."

Chang Feihu never thought of hating anyone, but the pressure of revenge would make him out of control and roar. The condemnation of his conscience made him feel that his blood churning like an open pot, and the blood vessels in his temples were beating.

As an elder, his father was killed, but he is still wandering around. Does he still have a little conscience as a son of man?

For a moment, a sense of humiliation surged in his heart. His chest seemed to be pressed on a thousand pounds of stone, which made him breathless. He pulled open his clothes and collar fiercely, let his suffocate throat breathe out resentment, and rushed forward with his hands. His hands flew. The ice cone followed a large fireball and extinguished the flame burned into ashes. , clean up a road and run wildly in the direction guided by Ren Liu.

His gloomy eyes stared at the smooth road ahead, like a meteor chasing the moon out of the grassland, and he saw what he saw in his dream at a glance.

Raising his hand and flying out of the Bixia knife, banging, and even three grass houses were lifted in half, showing a frightened face of two people, "Ah!" The fat man and the mouse screamed.

You don't need to look at people. Listen to the voice and you will know that those two professionals are your enemies! Chang Feihu's eyes spewed hatred and laughed loudly, "Hahaha!"

The fat man and the mouse didn't know Chang Feihu, but they had a deep image of Nanli. Their faces turned gray, and their heads couldn't help sweating. They howled almost at the same time, feeling like a gloomy cry from hell.

Seeing the enemy jumping over the wall and running away, Nan Li lowered his head and smiled gloomyly, and his expression and movements seemed particularly strange. Tilt your head to urge to intercept.

Nanli shouted harshly, "Sht up! Haha, there is really no place to break the iron shoes. It doesn't take much time. Where are you going?

With Nanli and Lei Ming's action, Chang Feihu was not in a hurry to go up. He looked at it carefully according to the impulse of resisting hatred. It was the enemy who was extremely red-eyed when they met. Chang Feihu, who was extremely angry, laughed wildly and trembled slightly and said, "How are you two recently! The days of murder are very free! Today is your end."

The fat man and the mouse said confusedly, "I don't know you. I'm going to run after saying that."

Nan Li shouted, "Do you still want to run? Did you run?" The Fu blade came out and split head-on, and the two people completely lived in the abyss of evil. Over the years, Fu Zhushi's cultivation has not grown at all.

They were frightened, and they didn't know who the knife was. At the same time, they raised their guns to resist, and their arms shook. The short rune gun instantly got out of their hands, and the sound of shit pulled out of their trouser legs, and their surroundings were immediately shrouded in the stench.

The face of the fastest mouse running in front of him suddenly soared into the air and was kicked out by Nanli's kick. The * magic in their hand came to Nanli's hand.

The courage of the two people was broken. Even if they escaped today, they could not live tomorrow. Seeing the cold light flying in Nanli's hands, there could still be the slightest idea of resistance. They retreated in a panic. Before they could run a step, Lei Ming had already blocked the way. The short knife took action, the green knife flashed, and the two heads At the same time, he flew up and was caught by thunder.

Chang Feihu stroked his heart with one hand, calmed his trembling hand because of hatred, took over the head and said, "Brother, avenge me and my eldest brother."

Lei Ming smiled and said nothing. Yao Yuan came forward in surprise and said, "You also came out to seek revenge? Congratulations to both of you for getting revenge! Oh, bitter, my bitter master, where the hell is your enemy!"

Nanli sympathized with Yaoyuan. He understood that mood too much and shook his head slightly and said, "These two thieves deserve to die, but! Speaking of which, without them, our brothers would not have met, mountain tiger brothers! Your revenge has been revenged, and there is also an evil relationship between these two people and us. Did you bury them?

Chang Feihu, who calmed down, nodded and said, "I listen to the eldest brother."

Then he patted the horse and came to Ren Liu, took out hundreds of square charms wrapped in animal skin and threw them to him, saying, "Come with us and take you back?" At this time, he felt indescribably relaxed. Naturally, I can't forget Ren Liu as a revenge messenger.

At this time, Ren Liu's soul seemed to have flown with the professional who was killed by the thunder, holding the wealth that could make him live a happy life in his arms. His eyes straightened without any thoughts. It was not until Chang Feihu came out far away that he followed him.