
Chapter 31 Capricorn's Head

Chapter 31 The Head of the Capricorn

"Move the heart, the head of the Capricorn! Humph! I don't believe the stories made up by these boring people. When you knock him down, you can ask him. I promise it's not what you said. Chang Feihu looked calm, and the glory of justice seemed to come to Chang Feihu's head at this moment, making him, who had also killed before, become righteous and awe-inspiring. He has unquestionable righteous words on his face.

But it's a big deal. This kind of crisis has almost never happened since he became a big | Faben. Even if he fought with a professional who surpassed his cultivation, it has never appeared. It was just the breath of the magic flame, as if it was about to break through his charm liver and directly break through his more than a thousand two-color runes covering his body. With the two levels of yin and yang of the soul, he rushed into his soul domineeringly. He couldn't help feeling afraid.

This feeling seems that in the face of life and death, even Chang Feihu himself does not know where he is afraid to come from, but his master sometimes has to show an invincible look, because there are several pairs of eyes staring at him behind him. Once he shakes his mind, the first person who loses his fighting spirit is his followers. .

"What you don't know is alive, how dare you to despise me and wait for me to swallow you alive." Chang Feihu's words made Yin Tian furious. At this time, he had put away his eyes on Chang Feihu. This young professional did make him have to pay attention to it. Yin Tian, a three-headed demon, raised his hand to tear off the ragged sleeve robe.

Seeing that a sharp black bone spur had grown in the hole in his chest, a large area of magic swarmed out along the bone spur, covering its figure, replacing the previous golden color and becoming a black cloud. It seems that demons are demons after all. The sacred golden light is not suitable for them, but strangely, the claws of the weapon still retain the sacred but more demonic gold.

The huge golden sharp claws in his hand, and the golden light flashed with the oblique shoulder straps smashed down on the back, and the swish sound came out of the black cloud and smashed the flying tiger away. And the sharp claw still floated out of the golden charm in the fall. Just looking at this huge golden sharp claw will more or less make people have some admiration, but when you look again, the golden claw is in the hand of an inhuman monster, and this feeling is immediately gone, just a little strange.

The strength of the demon seems to be far beyond his imagination. From the fierce attack, Chang Feihu already knows very well that he underestimates the monster opposite. Is it true that he is the demon who climbed out of the dark hell as Xiao Chen said?

But he doesn't have time to think about these endless things. Brush, together with the glow, the figure of Changfeihu disappeared in place. The golden claws smashed the ground with a piece of golden light, and then turned the head between the two giants and looked for the trace of Changfeihu.

"Attack, be dumbfounded!" Chang Feihu's figure appeared somewhere in the sky at the moment when the glow flashed, loudly reminding Xiao Chen.

The demon was obviously surprised that Chang Feihu's movements were as fast as lightning. It twisted the strange little head and stared at the air where Chang Feihu appeared angrily.

Chang Feihu controls the Bixia knife and flies in the sky. The speed is very fast, but this ability cannot be maintained for too long, but the golden claws that quickly attacked in front of him have to make him use such skills again.

Yin Tian hasn't made any further action, and the glow in the air disappeared. When the dazzling glow appeared again, Chang Feihu had emerged from the top of the demon's huge demon's head. With a brush of his left hand, a yellow method popped up and hit the Bixia knife at his feet.

There was no sound. Bixia knife just flashed and shook, and another knife light flew out of the knife surface. Don't forget that the reason why Changfeihu's Bixia knife is called Bixia knife is a magic weapon that can be split and merged. At this time, the Bixia knife is divided into two. After the light appears, it escapes into the air, and the other one goes straight into the head of the demon.

Yin Tian does not seem to be afraid of such an attack. He is all about putting Chang Feihu to death. Although Chang Feihu is a little afraid of such demons, he is far less afraid of Chang Feihu than Yin Tian.

Chang Feihu made Yin Tian feel that this person has a unique spiritual substance, as if everything used by this boy was born to restrain him from demonization.

The huge golden pointed claws were gently shaken by Yin Tian in his hand. The surface of this golden claws gushed out of a soaring virtual shadow, transforming into thousands of virtual shadows and falling fiercely on the top of Changfeihu's head. And the other two claws on his body hit the air randomly, and the two big mouths with two canine teeth were filled with a demonic expression.

There was a soft sound in the air, and the separated Bixia knife was knocked out by one of Yin Tian's claws, but at the same time, its black sharp claws were also cut off three boney fingers. And the golden sharp claws that hit the top of Chang Feihu's head were undoubtedly in the air. Monsters are full of confidence in the power of their attacks.

But I don't know whether the move just now is false or not. The real attack has reached the top of the demon's head at this moment. In nothingness, the Bixia knife flew strangely quickly. Chang Feihu kicked behind the Bixia knife, which made Bixia knife have exceeded the speed of lightning at this moment, with a click. The black and smelly demon blood sprayed out, and there were only two of the three heads left, and the strange head was cut into paste by Bixia's knife.

The demon was stunned. He confidently thought that Chang Feihu had no power to break his hard appearance, but he didn't expect that the knife was as easy as cutting soft tofu, but looking at the monster's head, it had become a white piece splashing on the surface, like a bowl of tofu upside down on the ground. The brain, the splashing skull, was blown up everywhere, like a watermelon peel that had not been eaten clean.

Yin Tian was shocked and angry. The small head in the middle stared at the dead fish-like eyes, and his face was unbelievable. The demonized heart thought, is his magic weapon a natural spiritual treasure and a nemesis that specializes in restraining the demonized body?

The psychic innate spiritual treasure seems to have only been heard in the legend. Did he not expect to see it with his own eyes? He is very confident that his head can not be pierced, let alone smashed.

Yin Tian remembered that this legendary treasure is not only powerful, but also has a unique spirituality. It is a natural nemesis that can restrain demons. According to reason, this should only be a legend, and it is impossible to appear in the hands of such a young professional. How did this boy get it?

Yin Tian, who was so afraid, refused to sit and wait for death. He raised the remaining two heads and spit out a large amount of pure magic. A magic formula on his claws was punched out, and the neck of his head had been removed by Bixia's knife. He was immediately wrapped in the purple black fog. A strange color flashed in his eyes, and the mysterious spell in his mouth came out again: "Come on... come on... come on!"

The demonic face looked extremely horrible. At this time, Yin Tian stopped attacking. He danced crazily with two claws and weapons holding golden sharp claws, filling all the space around him with virtual shadows. Then the two revealed opened his mouth and spit out a scarlet tongue, but not This time, the tongue did not transform into many corpses as before.

A dead breath came out of his tongue, and a loud rumbling sound, and the phantomed dead air of his tongue immediately flew to the bursting head. With the rattling sound, a low roar and roar came from the broken neck. Suddenly, he thought it was the thunder from Yin Tian's belly.

The crackling sound became louder and louder. It sounded closer and closer. Seeing that the dead air was inhaled into the neck, it immediately spewed out a large amount of black Capricorn gas. It seemed that the inexhaustible black gas on the evil body was amazing. These black gases look the same, but I don't know how they work. Chang Feihu took a look at Xiao Chen and seemed to want to get this answer from him.

Obviously, Chang Feihu couldn't get the answer, because Xiao Chen seemed to have been shocked by the demon. He was staring with dementia. A thicker black air gushes out in the strange quacking sound. Seeing the black fog floating on the original head shaking and swaying a few times in a trance, and the black light flashed, this new strange head Such a situation can't help but make people feel creepy.

The newborn strange head burst out a dazzling light, like the light of a sharp blade, shining with strange blue fly eyes, glanced at the blood beads everywhere, and with the blood beads splashed around the brain plasma, the strange fly eyes turned to write down and made a strange cry.


The harsh roar came from the strange head's mouth, and then the magic gas sprayed thin all over his body, and the originally chaotic eyes suddenly became extremely clear. The cold eyes swept over Chang Feihu, which was full of resentment, which was extremely similar to the look of the most vicious woman who hated the adultererer.

"Grandma, bear... Why are you looking at me like this?" Chang Feihu stared at him with the same eyes, but he couldn't sit so viciously.

The heartbreaking sound came to his ears, like a storm hitting Xiao Chen, who was shocked. Two big magic books, one big rune was three against one. Originally, he thought he could win, but he didn't expect that the demon's strength had exceeded the imagination of professionals.

"Magic appearance?"

Xiao Chen was shocked. Is it true that even things like the devil are like this? He was terrmented to find that this monster, Yin Tian had even practiced such a strange rebirth technique and reached such a demonic level, refining it into a demon statue! In this way, it is not twice as difficult to deal with! These people... He dared not think about it, and he can't think about it, because at this moment, Yin Tian's demon orientation is giving birth to new changes.

More than a dozen thick tentacles were born on Yin Tian's back. At this time, Yin Tian was no longer Yin Tian. His mind was completely demonized by magic. Except for knowing that he was bloodthirsty and killing, he didn't know anything else.