
Chapter 37 The Divine Cultivator

Chapter 37 Divine Cultivator

As a result, when the demon suddenly saw the pheasant, his face suddenly changed, showing an incredible look! The blood-red face turned white in an instant, as if the pheasant was his nemesis. In the face of the attack of the pheasant, the demon suddenly flew backwards.

The pheasant immediately turned to the demon's head. The other claw is aimed at his heart, which is fast and fierce. If these two hits, although the soul that penetrates the space of the demon will not be hurt much, the body will be destroyed.

"God practicer, are you a god practicer? The demon spirit released a bloody light and wrapped it and flashed out like a ghost. The speed was faster than the speed of attacking the Changfeihu. He retreated silently like lightning. Finally, he passed through the ashes still emitting smoke from the big stone and stood on the top of the stone and asked in surprise.

"Yes, I am a god-cultivator!" Chang Feihu didn't understand what the demon said at all. Looking at the demon that retreated far away, he blurted out that he was a god-cultivator. It seemed that the demon was far more afraid of the pheasant than him. Of course, he could not let go of this opportunity to restore his soul power.

"Well, it's quite fast!"

Chang Feihu rolled his eyelids and looked at the strange figure on the stone, but saw that on the forehead of the demon, it seemed to be cold sweat in an instant. This strange demon... is not only strange, but also really cunning!

However, the demon's expression changed greatly later, which shocked him too much, but now he is no longer the kind of consternation he just showed.

"No! You are not a god-cultivator! You don't have a trace of divine charm, and my understanding of the soul can go deep into the true nature of the soul. You... are by no means a god-cultivator!" The demon calmed down at this moment, but he was surprised, and his face was constantly changing, as if he was still afraid.

"If you say yes, if you say no, then no! What kind of dog are you? I'm willing to be. How can it be up to you? Chang Feihu continued to procrastinate and was full of nonsense and entangled with demons. Such an opportunity is too precious. Even if he can rest and say a word, it is precious. His soul is too empty. If he can give him a few minutes, it will be of great benefit to him.

The demon spirit took another look at the pheasant chicken and slowly stepped forward with a sneer, but it did not face the frequent flying tiger. After two steps, the demon spirit's body suddenly burst into a situation of attack.

Chang Feihu suspended the Bixia knife on his chest and looked at the demon without leaving his eyes. When he rushed over, he first let the pheasant have a soul-shaking cry to attack, and then cut the heart of the demon with the Bixia knife.

He has seen that the magic heart of the demon spirit is his most deadly weakness. Moreover, the demon seems to be extremely powerful, but in fact, he also has something to fear. With this guarantee, Chang Feihu's heart is determined and secretly thinking about the demon spirit is not as indebable as he seems to appear.

But the demon's body suddenly drifted over and did not attack Chang Feihu. He just smiled evilly, suddenly changed his direction halfway, and came to the top of the ground full of corpses and plasma. There are still some living people there, but they are not much different from half dead.

The demon's action was so fast that Chang Feihu could not respond, which made Chang Feihu unable to figure out in the shock. If the demon had such a strange and fast body just now, how could he live until now?

Is there any other intention of the demon, or that his rapid body can't be used to attack? Chang Feihu suddenly thought of the key.

Indeed, the demon's wandering method seems to be able to travel through time and space and appear from one place to the sky from another. Such a body method is a safeguard measure for the demon world to maintain itself. In movement, in addition to his own perception, his ability will be temporarily useless.

After the demon's body suddenly flashed, he opened his mouth and vomited, and three black streamers floated out from the top of his head. Three black leaves appeared in the streamer. The strange and profound runes on the leaves changed uncertainly. Although it was evil, it still had a simple meaning. In the blink of an eye, the three leaves were combined together, which was a A combination of black lotus forms.

The black lotus above the demon's head rushed into the bloody sky with a trace of gorgeous black light. The ground was cold in the body. The black lotus buzzed and made a slight sound, releasing fine runes like black fog.

After releasing a rune with a black texture, the black lotus quickly covered the blood-stained place, and then the black lotus swept into the black fog area, and the silence lasted for a moment.

Then, a earth-shaking explosion and blood-rolling screams made a strange sound. In the black fog, it resounded, and a huge and terrible blood mist of more than ten feet suddenly collided with some force, and the smell of blood rushed into the sky and spread from the black fog.

But then it contracted violently, suddenly shrinking all the black fog and red blood mist and rune light in a very short moment, as if the earth reflowed back, and swarmed into the black lotus,

At the same time, there was a loud cry from the light and shadow. It seemed that there were countless people howling. Looking at the reversed black and red color, the blood flowed like a lot, and then it was completely inhaled by the black lotus, as if it was devoured... The whole process was complicated to say, but in fact, it was just a blink of an eye.

Chang Feihu's eyes widened, a little surprised and didn't know what the demon was doing, paying attention to this incredible change. Chang Feihu's expression became extremely cold.

The huge breath caused the aftershocks directly made the vegetation on this hillside, and the trees within a few hundred meters around turn black in the rattling, without a trace of vitality.

If you look down from a high altitude, you can see that within a few hundred meters of the hillside as the center, the lush green almost disappears. Even the vegetation beyond this range has become much darker. Obviously, the spirit of Capricorn and the blood contained in the air wave , infected all the living things in this region into the color of the demon world.

All this came suddenly and went quickly. At this time, there was a trace of red on the black lotus flower, and then looked at the ground, all the bodies flew away, leaving only a white bone. Their flesh and blood were swallowed by the black lotus, and the lying bones were also slowly changing. It becomes black.

The demon devoured all the corpses and the flesh and blood of living people! Chang Feihu immediately understood that the demon spirit consumes too much magic and needs to supplement it with soul and blood, and the souls of these professionals in front of him are the best tonic. No wonder there was a sound of ghosts crying and wolves in the black air just now. It turned out to be the tragic cry of those souls being swallowed up.

This demon not only swallowed the souls of professionals, but also directly sucked their flesh and blood. The three leaf-like things turned out to be the three souls of demons.

After suddenly understanding, Chang Feihu regretted losing the best chance to get rid of the demon. It's just that it's really difficult to get rid of such a demon. Seeing that Yin Tian's skin has become radiant now, it is no different from normal people. Now, not to mention getting rid of demons, I'm afraid that even Chang Feihu can't protect themselves.

The abnormal voice of resentment came from the magic mouth: "Hey hey! Boy, I really don't want to kill you. You are so smart that you can see that the body of my soul is strengthening its strength. But I need your soul so much.

At this moment, the demon's body, the magic light burst into a circle of magic flame. On the demon's body, the fire was even more powerful. The magic flame armor on his whole body has surpassed any professional soul armor. Like such a demon, Chang Feihu is not sure to kill it. He.

At this time, Chang Feihu had a retreat in his heart. He knew that today's so-called combination with Xiao Chen mostly became a farce, and the demon spirit is still using Yin Tian's body and has not revealed any real skills. At this time, he is afraid that there will be more powerful means. At this time, it's better to retreat temporarily and come back to Shanfumen to unite with a sect to destroy this demon.

Chang Feihu stepped forward two steps, which was to stabilize his body. He glanced at the demon spirit and sneered: "The means are really fierce. For a monster like you, you still want the life of a young master, but it is still far away. A monster like you only deserves to be beaten into the deepest part of hell. You...go to hell!"

Chang Feihu refused to show weakness. At the same time, he put one hand behind him and motioned Nanli to leave them quickly, but his good intentions were really in vain. No one was willing to take a step. At the same time, they were in a state of fighting and preparing for the most fiercest battle.

"Haha! Do you think your little actions can go over me? Where do you want to run? Everything in this continent will become the bag of the Buddha. However, I really admire their righteousness, which is much better than that of the demon world. It's really a pity for these people. If it weren't for the urgent need for me to restore my cultivation, I could have left you for my use. And now I want you to die!"

The demon spirit looked at Chang Feihu with a calm face and said. But when the demon said the last dead word, his face became extremely fierce. The vicious spirit he showed almost rushed to Chang Feihu's face and came with a vicious smile.

It seemed that he had noticed the demon spirit's contempt for the sarcastic eyes, and Chang Feihu finally understood that he seemed to have been fooled. Just now, he was procrastinating, and the demon was also procrastinating.

And now it's late. There is no choice but to fight with the demon. The tension makes Chang Feihu's breathing a little violent, and the hatred in his eyes is also getting thicker and thicker. A moment later, a crazy roar finally broke out from his throat: "Feasant! Go and kill him!"