
Chapter 54 Underground Palace

Chapter 54 Underground Palace

Isolating the impact of the poisonous insects, Nanli finally relaxed and said, "Maybe the insects will rush in. This secret environment is so dangerous that I thought there would be some good materials, but I didn't expect it to be like this."

Lei Peng walked with a shallow foot in front of him and said, "In such a dangerous place, I don't think there will be many people dying in the secret place. What should we do?" Thunder, who never knew what to worry about, also felt that the future was bleak and life was slim.

"Mountain tiger, what's wrong with the cave?" Yuan Fengming, who rushed back from the opposite side, asked in surprise. Did his surprised doubts stop the impact?

"The apprentice is incompetent and can't keep it, so we have to blow up the hole. Master, we can't get out for the time being. What should we do now? Is there any danger ahead?" Chang Feihu blamed himself with dejection and chagrin, and asked Yuan Fengming what to do. After staying in this place for a moment, there were countless dangers to spy on them. Originally, in the image of Chang Feihu, the secret world was a paradise full of wealth, but he didn't expect that it was as strange as hell. Now he also began to become confused and his self-confidence was constantly declining.

Yuan Fengming really wants to touch his apprentice's head and comfort him. After all, his big apprentice is just a child. In the face of great pressure and life-threatening accidents, even a calm person like him is also worried, but Nanli and Lei Ming can only comfort him with words: "Don't worry, we Are all the masters and apprentices have a big life? Will go out! The cave is very deep, and there is no danger for the time being.

The hole was sealed without firelight, and the cave was dark, and everyone activated the rune lamp one after another. This kind of rune lamp professional has it. As long as it continues to provide a little soul power, it can be lit, and the refining is relatively simple. Some low-level materials can be refined a lot, so even Fu Zhushi and apprentices can also be used.

The cave tilted all the way down and became more and more slippery. Everyone had to show the blade and march against the ground. After walking for about half an hour, a Fu Zhushi shouted, "There are plants here. How beautiful flowers are."

" Stop it!" Yuan Fengming can't see the front, but he knows that most of the things growing in the dark passage are highly toxic. He shouted eagerly, "So don't touch the plants here. They are very toxic."

Shi Qiyu then said, "You see that the color of these plant vines is so beautiful that most of them may be poisonous. Let's not get close." Yuan Fengming and his two big runes are basically old monsters. They have never seen anything. With experience, they can also conclude that they are poisonous plants.

The cave is slowly widening, and now it can accommodate two people in parallel. The lower the plant, the more plants. Lei Ming suddenly had a feeling that they were in the abdomen of a huge insect. The idea was like growing rapidly in an evil soil and quickly rushed out of his throat. He couldn't help asking, "The top is a poisonous insect that can fly and move, and the bottom is full of poisonous thorns and vines. We have entered a desperate situation. Can we still leave this place? Brother Shanhu! Grandpa, I want to go home, and I don't want to stay here for a moment.

"Brother! I can't help it. Don't be afraid! Just think of yourself as dreaming." Chang Feihu opened his mouth wide and couldn't speak any more. There was chaos in his head, and he didn't want to believe the facts in front of him. He couldn't understand how this kind of thing happened to them. What happened in front of him? His experiences just seemed to be just watching an illusion show.

The only hope is... that he is just dreaming, and everything he sees is an illusion. Otherwise, what else? But his heart told him that all this really happened, and he was one of them.

Lei Peng waved and said, "Come here, grandson, come to Grandpa!" Lei Lei! We can only wait for the secret situation to squeeze us out and find a safe place to wait. You will go home.

After listening to Lei Peng's words, Lei Ming was a little disappointed. In fact, he preferred to believe what Chang Feihu said. He was just dreaming. When he woke up, it was time for the morning sun to shine on his body. The reason why he believed in Chang Feihu was that Lei Ming's logic was so simple.

Shi Qiyu was not relaxed at all. He didn't believe Lei Peng's words to comfort the child and began to say discouragement: "God knows when the secret situation will be closed. Maybe three days or three years, wait! Maybe we all died old at that time."

In order to ease the depressing atmosphere, Yuan Fengming said, "There are often many good things in dangerous places. You are not a long-tongued woman and need to walk around the house. Professionals can't live there. As long as there are all kinds of materials, it has nothing to do with us even if the sky falls. Whether it's three or three years, we will always go out. This time it's an eye-opener, and there will be such a secret situation. Everyone should be careful. Only when you can hold your life can you have a chance to get unknown benefits.

"Master, what does it smell?" Chang Feihu shrugged and said, "Look, what is that?" His hand suddenly pointed to the front.

Yuan Fengming thought there was any danger again, so he raised his hand to stop. It's an exit!" After the crowd penetrated through the flow of their eyes with excitement and excitement, they said a long-awaited wish with one voice.

"Wait! Something is wrong!" Chang Feihu suddenly felt something wrong and hurriedly said, "We have been going down. Where is the exit from?"

"Yes, you are right, but we have no choice!" Yuan Fengming quickly walked over while responding to his apprentice.

Everyone walked out along the mouth of the cave, "Wow! What a big place!" They all took a breath in sigh, and the black thump was empty, and the echo of the words slowly decayed and stirred after hitting the empty wall of the cave. The sound echoed with each other remotely, and repeatedly echoed several times into a low hum, and then disappeared.

How big can this be in the dark open area? Is there a big hall where wild beasts are buried? Lei Ming stared fiercely, and what he saw was still black. Only the high shadow of the fog is like an underground palace, standing in a huge space. In the shadow, it seems to see the outline, and it seems to be the shadow of a mountain, which also amazes everyone.

"Wow..." A gust of wind blew from behind, and the cold and piercing wind made Chang Feihu look back and find that there was a slightly larger hole next to the hole they came out. The sound of the wind was whining through the hole.

Yuan Fengming put a fireball lighting, and the firelight dragged the long tail line and hit the shadow as vast as mountains. Suddenly, an extremely ugly and uneven building, revealing the true face of Lushan under the light of the fire.


Everyone exclaimed and stared at it. Oh, my God, it was a nest, a nest of poisonous insects. They actually ran into the most dangerous and dead Jedi.

Everyone trembled without the control of their minds, and opened their mouths without saying a word, and then immediately closed the bottom that could not be closed. A strange smell of nitrofur that pierced the throat rushed into his mouth, almost making Chang Feihu faint. He was the first to react and howled, "Bum, Bug, Mother God! They are all bugs with big heads. Run!"

Chang Feihu pulled Nanli and ran into another hole. The fire bomb alarmed the poisonous insects in the nest. All kinds of insects erupted like volcanic eruptions, hissing and squeaked with the friction of their mouth weapons, and the earth trembled.

Chang Feihu rushed into the mouth of the cave and shouted wildly, "What else are you looking at? Run!" The poison gas in the cave rolled up in the voice, and Yuan Fengming immediately felt a burst of dizziness and greeted everyone to run to Chang Feihu, but the six Fu Zhushi stood still without reaction and maintained the posture of just entering the cave.

Lei Peng pulled one of them. Unexpectedly, the person immediately fell on his back and didn't even move.

Yuan Fengming was anxious. Those were all his confidants. He recently selected the most potential warriors from the people who had followed him for many years, where he could be willing to do so, he went to pull another result and fell horizontally in front of him.

Chang Feihu can't wait in the mouth of the cave and shouted desperately: Their cultivation is too low to die of poisoning. Master, leave them alone. Hurry up. The bugs are already in front of you.

None of the six Fu Zhushi was spared, and all of them died in the poisonous insect nest without pain. Yuan Fengming left with tears and quickly caught up with Chang Feihu.

The slightly larger cave was in a different direction from when they came, but what made them happy was the way to the high place. Lei Peng shouted anxiously, "Don't stop! Come on, come on, wow! My old Lei is going to feed the bugs today. I'm fucking unwilling to do that!"

At this time, the crackling sound of rock cracking came from the hole behind him. It was because the poisonous insects were too big and too many. At the same time, they squeezed the mouth of the cave in the crowd, causing a large area of the hole to be broken. When the fear of drilling into the bone came, the cave was shaking.

A large amount of gravel fell, but was instantly squeezed into powder by poisonous insects. The situation was extremely horrible. The violent roar and clatter followed their footsteps behind them. Yuan Fengming, who ran at the end, shouted back without looking at it: "Don't look back, run! Run, you can live one by one!" Yuan Fengming's eyes have lost his mind, and he is just struggling to die in sadness.

Everyone did not dare to stop at all and quickly rushed into the cave passage. At this time, they only hated their parents for giving birth to a few fewer retreats. They ran ahead and opened up and came to a larger space: "Master! How are you?" Chang Feihu asked anxiously.

But Yuan Fengming didn't have time to answer at all. The poisonous insect behind him almost bit his heel, and the squeaking sound had chased everyone's feet.