
Chapter 67 The Legendary Grand Leader

Chapter 67 The Legendary Leader

What surprised Chang Feihu was that the performance of those high morale and high-spirited dwarf warriors not only did not diminish, but was more vigorous and fierce than before! Ha ha, some people have begun to laugh happily. Are there so many barbarians waiting for them to grab it?

"Yuhou, you take your prey and go first. Thunder, you command a team of people and prepare to break... We will retreat!" Chang Feihu's eyes are not arrogant at all, and his serious eyes are as sharp as an eagle.

The current situation is very unfavorable to them. The people he leads are not enough to calculate the fraction of the two tribes. Entanglement is not suitable for them. Once they fall into the siege of the two sides, the whole army will be destroyed immediately, and the longer it takes, the smaller the chance of life.

"Big leader! Our way is blocked and cut off. How should we go? Yu Hou looked at Chang Feihu puzzledly. How could the big leader order these elite warriors to escape?

"Hahahaha! I'm going to kill them with thunder! I'm afraid of their birds! Lei Ming is not afraid of those native chickens and dogs!" Thunder shouted vibly, the leader shouted loudly, and the soldiers were ready to go back to fight with hot eyes.

"Bastard, you are not only a foodie, but also a fool. Mountain tigers don't like fools. Hurry up and cover up... Retreat." Lei Ming didn't enjoy killing and began to feel confused, which made Chang Feihu uncomfortable. He raised his hand and was about to hit him.

Lei Ming smiled, drove the sow, turned his head and turned his head and ran away, jumping around and rushing to the mouth of the barbarian army that was about to close. The barbarians killed were sparsely, and the sow was out of breath and gasping.

The barbarians had seen such a situation. Unexpectedly, there was such a tall person who could ride a sow they didn't dare to think of. They were stunned for a moment. Eight hundred people successfully broke out of the siege with red and green trophies.

With such a powerful leader pressure array, the dwarfs found the backbone and performed very tenaciously. On the chaotic battlefield, the dwarfs became more and more like fish in water, and they rushed over to rob them.

Eight hundred people want to escape with their prey. How can the barbarians allow it? However, 800 people are too small among thousands of people, and the boat is easy to turn around. That's right. This is very reasonable, and it is not easy for thousands of barbarians to be flexible. When the barbarians of the two tribes meet, it is impossible not to fight against the enemy. If you don't kill him, he will kill you. This is a fixed law on the battlefield. Just like two torrents hit head-on and it was impossible to turn. The hunting ground immediately began to fight, just giving the dwarves a chance.

The barbarian leader was unwilling to watch the prey slip away. At this time, each side had a general and led more than 2,000 people to chase Chang Feihu from two directions. At the same time, the bow and crossbow in the hands of the barbarian soldiers banged and shot out the arrows in their hands. Suddenly, a black spot flew in the sky, and then the arrows flew towards the flying tiger like a mess.

Chang Feihu suddenly had a feeling and felt as if he had returned to the battle of Shouyang Pass. He was surrounded by his followers. He twisted his neck and tilted his head to look at the more than 20 dwarf soldiers who followed him. From their eyes, he saw that there was no fear in the worshipful eyes, and a big leader personally led them. They don't have to worry about being used as cannon fodder. No one is afraid of being surrounded by seven or eight thousand barbarians. On the contrary, they all look forward to fighting with the great leader.

Chang Feihu laughed with satisfaction! There was a shouting sound in his mouth, driving the noisy pig more than three meters long to stand alone. Two balls of light burst out of light in his eyes. He gently jumped on the top of the noisy pig's head, and made a light spear danced through the wind and rain. In the loud drink, he raised the green light, swinging layers of light and shadow, and twisted the arrows flying in front of him to pieces. The blue light flashed, and no arrow could hit him.

"Ha, the big leader is really powerful! The legendary leader is so powerful." A soldier blurted out unconsciously.

Suddenly, the old faces of the dwarf soldiers burst into a big smile, making their unbeautiful faces as excited as a child, and they couldn't even say a word in the excitement.

After a few blinks, they shouted at the same time: "The great leader is powerful, the great leader is majestic... The great leader..." While looking at the powerful Chang Feihu with envy, they looked around looking for idiots who dared to come! I hope I can grab a bag to enrich my wife at any time.

After a brief delay, the generals of the barbarians on both sides were running fast and were close to Chang Feihu. "Haha, it's really a dirty, rude and barbaric barbarian. Do you want my prey, grandma bear. Ah, drink, Duduqiu. Chang Feihu hissed and shouted the roaring pig and drove the roaring pig to charge against the barbarian general closest to him. He was surprised that there was a fear in the eyes of the barbarians. How could he dare to rush over, oh! It seems that they also have a leader like a leader.

Oh, great leader! It should be good to grab one and go back to play. Chang Feihu's face suddenly smiled, which was an extremely eager look, which was very scary.

The barbarian general on the left of Changfeihu ran fast. He didn't want to do it, because another barbarian leader opposite him also ran towards Changfeihu. You know, it was a wonderful achievement to catch the enemy leader at the hunting ground. If there was a barbarian soldier because he was afraid of the other party's leader. If they dare not move forward, their generals will swung the strange knife and cut off his head.

It's horrible to think about the fight between the two leaders! What's more, there are two leaders here fighting with the big leader open. It's horrible! The big leader had a narrow road to meet his enemies. At this time, fools could see that there was something wrong with him, but because of fear, a barbarian soldier shouted in fear: "Dwarves have beasts! Beast spirits cannibals people!" The poop came out and pulled out a yellow straight line along his trembling legs.

"It's a lot!" Kaka, the timid barbarian was cut in half by their general.

"Oh, oh." Chang Feihu raised his spear and urged the pig to move forward. The barbarian general who rushed over seemed not to have good eyesight. At this time, he saw that Chang Feihu was riding a beast to charge. On the back of the tall and loud pig, there was actually a strong man like a lion waving a spear and rushed out. No matter how he looked like a dwarf.

The barbarian general was shocked, and his prestige was immediately weakened. At this time, he believed that the dwarfs really had beasts. The dwarf generals suddenly began to be nervous. He stared at Chang Feihu with his gloomy eyes and felt that he was going to be scared to death.

Chang Feihu, who rushed over, didn't care whether they were in a daze or not, rushed over on a noisy pig and shot a barbarian general with one shot. Then he threw it to his soldier, but he couldn't believe that something had happened, and the barbarian's white buttocks were immediately exposed in the hands of the soldiers.

"Hahaha!" Chang Feihu laughed wildly, and the spear danced casually. There was a crackling sound. The spear was messy between the lightning, and a large gun shadow flew out at the speed of lightning. Suddenly, the roars and screams were mixed, and the barbarians were immediately in chaos. Only a small barbarians and injured who would be killed by Chang Feihu lay on the ground and couldn't help rolling and moaning. The people who rushed in from behind dared not move forward any more, and all the barbarians were stunned. It turns out that the legendary beast spirit is so horrible.

The scared barbarians looked at Chang Feihu with dementia, and a sentence sounded in their hearts at the same time: "God! The beast spirit can never be regarded as a human. He is like a huge murderous beast. No matter how many soldiers are filled in, there is only one word, death!"

At this time, Chang Feihu turned his head and showed his white teeth, aimed at the barbarian general who was already running very close to him in the other direction, with a strange evil smile! With interested eyes, the man's face suddenly changed and was almost scared to death. He was surprised that he couldn't believe that the beast spirit was so tall, and he could ride a loud pig to fight, killing people like eating, and the technique was extremely horrible. He immediately became scared and suddenly felt like crying without tears! Ah, a scream was a particularly sad kind. The sharp sound of breaking the air made the scalp of the person who heard it numb, and then turned around and ran away as fast as any beast.

The general fell and climbed back to his team, did not dare to delay at all, and immediately led the barbarians to evacuate. It's so horrible to fight against monsters like Chang Feihu. They don't dare to stay. Of course, they can run as far as they want.

The dwarf soldiers opened their eyes wide, looked at Chang Feihu in disbelief, and then laughed recklessly. They laughed too much. If they hadn't blocked their ears, their mouths would have grinned behind their heads. But then more barbarians besieged, and the battlefield of more than ten miles could not be solved by killing hundreds of people. The large number of barbarians rushed up encouraged by such a situation, because the enemy's fatal weakness was always too confident.

Suddenly, there was a "du" horn sound on both sides at the same time, and the shouts of "woo" and "woo" sounded. Chang Feihu understood that the barbarians were going to charge. Chang Feihu felt that killing these people was meaningless and had no sense of accomplishment. He just wanted to set an example for the soldiers, which was enough to show the demeanor of his great leader. Of course, he would not continue to fight. So he rode on the loudly pig and waved his arm and said, "Keep up with the team and rush out."

The road when they came was completely blocked, so they had to bypass the barbarians to find another way back. Most of the barbarian soldiers were still fighting, but some of them still chased them. Chang Feihu knew that these people could not be killed by him, and once the 800 soldiers he brought died here, no matter how many barbarians he killed, he would have no face to go back. Of course, he would not foolishly fight desperately.