
Chapter 80 The Way Out of Disappoint

Chapter 80 Disappointed Way Out

Nan Li asked, "Wing in which direction should we go?" We are so familiar with the nearby places that we should go farther this time.

Chang Feihu's expression was very focused, and he began to be anxious because he couldn't stand loneliness. Now there is nothing else in his life except the study of runes and arrays. Research is also empty research, because there is no way to experiment, but it is better than doing nothing. He painfully found that leaving the life of cultivation and fighting had made him lose the meaning of survival.

Chang Feihu stood up and said flatly, "The west must be a desert. There is no way to live in. The north is a swamp and a dangerous area. Only the east and south. Do you think it's better to go there?"

You can't go to the east, and you may never come back to a place full of water. Yuan Fengming immediately said what he thought, and several people began to talk about it.

"Then there is only the south."

"Then go south.

Only the south can be tried. Hi, in fact, it's the same in that direction, and the way out is not necessarily at the end of that direction.

"Yes, aren't the dwarves and barbarians also looking everywhere!"

"Well, I expect them to know when they will find it. I'm afraid we'll all die by then."

"I'll go tomorrow. It seems that these people can't count on it at all."

"Well, you're right."

"Old Yuan and Shanhu's physical strength is not as good as ours. Don't go. Since you came here, it seems that nothing else exists except for retaining the physique profession. When we find the path, we will come back to find you." Lei Peng casually expressed his opinion.

Yuan Fengming refused and said, "No, we will be together when we come, and of course we will go together when we leave."

Finally, Nanli said, "Let Lei Ming stay. After all, you are not young. If anything happens, you still have a chance." After discussing for half night, Yuan Fengming had to agree to this plan, because this is the most reasonable way.

Chang Feihu nodded and said, "Brother, you must come back quickly. Don't fight hard when you meet strong beasts." He is worried about his eldest brother, but the master is not as strong as before. He must flow down to take care of his old man.

Nan Li patted Chang Feihu on the shoulder and said, "Don't worry, when has the eldest brother made a mistake?"

The next morning, Nanli, Yaoyuan, Shi Qiyu and Lei Peng went on the road. Chang Feihu took Nanli's hands and eyes very uncomfortable, and his nose was always sour: "Big brother, no matter whether you can find a way out or not, come back early. We will be together!" Nanli was also sad and nodded hard and turned his back.

A group of four set out to the south. Chang Feihu sent several hills all the way before stopping in Nanli's persuasion.

"Go back, brother, listen to our good news." After saying reluctantly, Nanli turned around and left. He was afraid that tears would fall in front of Chang Feihu.

Yuan Fengming took Chang Feihu and saw them disappear into the depths of the dense forest.

The waiting eyes began to look through the autumn water, and the pain of waiting was unbearable. The suffering of waiting could slowly knock down the strongest person without any blood.

As soon as Nan Li left them, there was no message for three years. Yuan Fengming and Chang Feihu were like sitting on pins and needles all day long and couldn't sleep. At first, the thunder didn't care too much, but later it was different. He circled around the house all day long and everything I'm not interested.

Chang Feihu waited anxiously, constantly pinched his fingers to calculate the day of Nanli's departure, and said, "We can't wait any longer, grandma, I'm going to find them."

As soon as he said he left, he didn't even have patience in the blink of an eye. He walked in the direction of leaving south for more than a month. On this day, when they stood on the top of the mountain, Chang Feihu first found that four people were going down the mountain on the opposite mountain.

"Brother! Haha, it's the big brother."

Chang Feihu said to Yuan Fengming in full bloom, "It's the eldest brother. Let's go there quickly."

Yuan Fengming and others, who seemed to be far, walked for three hours and finally approached. At the same time, they were more excited and panicked. They were about to see their relatives who had been separated for three years. Day and night wanted to make them almost crazy. When their relatives met, they would naturally bring the opportunity to return to Shanfumen, but at the same time, they were also worried. Frightened, his heart was as uneasy as seventeen buckets.

This uneasiness undisguisedly explained to them that the people opposite may be just a coincidence in numbers, or they may still be the original people, and the result they bring is just unacceptable bad news.

Chang Feihu, Yuan Fengming and Lei Ming ran breathlessly all the way, regardless of the breathlessness, and opened the thorns with both hands. At this time, the keen eyes that had long disappeared in Chang Feihu's eyes finally found the owner. He looked at it with bright eyes. When the four people came out of the rocks, it was Nan Wait for four people.

Chang Feihu cried, but his crying eyes were indeed full of tears of joy. Seeing the scene in front of him, he couldn't help but be happy and sad! It's the big brother!" Thousands of words gathered in his blurted out self-spoken. Chang Feihu wiped away the tears he had been looking forward to for three years, but tears still kept flowing down.

Everyone cheered and ran over, hugging each other and talking about the heart and missing of parting. Chang Feihu hugged Nanli and cried, "Brother! Why did you go there for so long? I'm so anxious! We will never be separated in the future! Let's go there together! If you want to die, die together! We have to live together!"

Nanli also left excited tears and said, "Big brother misses you too! Big brother misses you too! I miss you so big brother! We will never be separated again!"

When the seven people turned around, Yuan Fengming eagerly grabbed Lei Peng's hand and asked softly with a slight trembling, "How's it going? Is there a way out to the south? All four shook their heads in regret and disappointment.

The heavy words came from Shi Qiyu, who was full of disappointment: "We have walked for two years. In addition to the mountain or the mountain, there is no way to go on the other side of the mountain."

In fact, they don't have much hope, but they don't go out to look for it. The budding and hope in their hearts are always raised in their hearts. However, once the disappointment came and they still suffered a heavy blow, everyone's heart was like an electric shock, and their expressions remained unchanged for a long time.

"Alas! Go back, we have no hope." I don't know who said this, but no one wants to know who said it. At this moment, even the voices familiar to each other seemed to become strange.

After returning, everyone gave up. Countless days and nights passed, and a new day came. It has been 30 years since they came here. This year, people in the tribe had a strange disease, all of which were pus on their heads, rotten and painful, and yellow pus seemed to flow endlessly. Out, all the hair fell off, and it was full of parasites, which was extremely painful, extremely itchy and smelly.

All day, the tribe is full of wailing voices of adults and children. Chang Feihu is anxious. Originally, the population of the village is not strong. After decades of rest and recuperation, the population has finally exceeded 50,000. Today, half of the villagers are in deep trouble. How can they not worry? This is their home. Ah!

Carefully recalling some herbs learned in Qinglian Mountain in the past, trying to relieve the pain of the villagers. After countless explorations and treatments, a kind of grease called wild cabbage dried leaves mixed with grass seeds was applied to the patient's head. Unexpectedly, the effect was unexpected, and his people were recovering quickly.

It only took five or six days for all the villagers' scalp to form yellow scabs. Half a month later, new flesh and blood grew out, and their hair sprung like bamboo shoots, which surprisingly cured the stubborn disease! Finally, let him put down a stone in his heart. The prestige of the big leader was very high, and this time it deepened people's love for him. All kinds of food in the lush courtyard are endlessly sending thousands of delicious food.

At this time, Yuan Fengming was already very old, and he couldn't even walk. Chang Feihu tore the master's favorite wild vegetables and meat into shreds and fed Yuan Fengming with a wooden spoon.

Yuan Fengming's dizzy eyes were clear, and he said with a kind smile, "Apprentice, it would be great if there was an apprentice in front of you! That girl is very good. If you can go back and marry and raise more dolls, it's really a beautiful thing!"

Chang Feihu wiped the soup from the corners of Yuan Fengming's mouth with a cloth and said, "Master! It's been many years, and you're still thinking about that. Even if Zhenni is alive now, she is also an old woman. How many more can be raised there, and she can't even raise one of them.

"You should eat it quickly. It will not taste good when it gets cold." After saying that, he fed Yuan Fengming again.

"Grandpa Shi and Grandpa Lei are better than you. You have to learn from them, okay? Hurry up and eat enough so that you can go out and enjoy the sun. Although this place requires their cultivation and longevity, there is still a little advantage, that is, it has never been lukewarm. Several old men thought about the past and basked in the sun at the same time, and lived a comfortable life.

"Master! Who won the chess you played yesterday? Come and open your mouth. It's delicious. If you don't, I won't let Uncle Yao play with you." Yuan Fengming smiled, but the meat in his mouth fell out. His apprentice made him very happy. Yuan Fengming was contented to have Chang Feihu accompany him for the rest of his life.

Time flowed quickly. Twenty years after the blink of an eye, Chang Feihu was over 80 years old, and the three old men and Yao Yuan also left them early.

Nanli did it together with Lei Ming and Chang Feihu. He sighed that the past was like a floating cloud. He was about to drift away with the wind and eat the meat of the beast by the stove. Nan Li narrowed his eyes and said, "It would be great if there was a jar of wine. Ha ha, luxury! I'm afraid there is no chance for this wish to come true.

Lei Ming pruned a few teeth with a branch and said with his unstoppable mouth, "Don't say rice wine, we can't even eat meat now. What I hope most is to eat a noodle cake. It melts at the sight of water and doesn't plug its teeth. How much did it eat when I was young? The meat is fine. Now I feel bloating after eating two bites.