
Chapter 100 Will Continent

Chapter 100 of Will Continent

Chang Feihu has known that many people are not surprised. When he comes to strange places, low-key is the foundation of survival. If they are unlucky in such places, they must be unlucky. Not to mention whether there is any gap between their strength and the professionals here, the number of professionals alone is not dominant. Moreover, he left Shanfumen from learning and exploration, which is not conducive to them.

Respect for people, and you must get a good attitude. Long Tai's expression is obviously much better, and his expression is not as rigid as at the beginning, but he said with a slight smile: "It doesn't matter if you don't understand. If you have determination, you will soon understand it. You can consult me, but the purpose of the Chamber of Commerce is everything I will charge some fees appropriately for the sake of profit.

Chang Feihu quickly said with a smile, "Thank you, Elder Long. I have nothing to ask for the time being. Go ahead!" When he was at Shanfumen, he talked to people like this, not only to lower his eyebrows, but also to force his face to be happy, but the reality was in front of him, and he almost subconsciously smiled.

"Wow," Chang Feihu exhaled a sulking breath in his chest, and the muscles on his face immediately tightened away from the counter, went to the hall to find a place to sit down, and began to read the brochure. The brochure was only two or three pages in total, and the content was also pitiful, but these were bought with money, which was the only way for them to understand the continent.

The most obvious place on the brochure is the name of the local continent, Will Continent, the largest sect in the local area, Yunxiao Sect.

Although there are not many words in the brochure, it is very concise and looks clear at a glance. It says that Yunxiaozong is located 100 miles north of Wucheng.

"Wow, it turns out that it has really left the fairy continent. This is the continent of Will. No wonder it feels different." Chang Feihu was relieved and whispered to the people around him.

The next step is what they are most concerned about, and they also want to understand the issue of equivalence as soon as possible. Chang Feihu looks at it almost word by word, because there is not much recorded in this book. If he wants to understand everything about Will's mainland, he should start from here, anyway. There is no two-and-a-half-sentence piece of paper in this chapter, but it took him a piece of soul stone to get it.

Although there is no general concept of the value of Changfeihu to the soul stone, the level of grade is the most ** for any professional. The grade is definitely not measured by quantity, just like dozens of low-level professionals can't compete with a person higher than them, although a The middle-grade soul stone has been exchanged for nine lower-grade soul stones, but how can the nine lower-grade materials be compared with a middle-grade soul stone? The soul power contained in it is 30 lower-grade soul stones, which is not as pure as the soul power of a middle-grade soul stone.

Chang Feihu is distressed. A middle-grade soul stone is gone, and the exchange is just a few words. Of course, this pair of Changfeihu, like an iron rooster, is like cutting meat.

How can he not look carefully at the information exchanged at such a high cost? If he can break the words, he can't wait to break them all and read them again. Chang Feihu read them word by word.

The highest level in the mainland of Will is the mage, followed by the ginseng saint, the clay saint, the priest, the saint, the senior priest, the intermediate priest, the primary priest, the inheritance priest, and the lowest-uninherited priest.

The soul stone grade is the best. The best soul stone is called purple soul stone, top blue soul stone, middle grade blue soul stone, and lower white soul stone.

Three or two sentences, Chang Feihu finished reading them in the blink of an eye. He pricked his mouth and scolded the Chamber of Commerce for cheating people. Grandma, just one or two sentences. When he got there, he couldn't ask, but he actually cheated one of his middle-quality soul stones. He was so distressed. Soul Stone, which was equivalent to Kongfang charm, and That thing can also exude soul power, which is the best material he has ever seen in his life.

Pang, Chang Feihu slapped the paper and was about to tear up the extremely annoying thing. Suddenly, a line of small words jumped into his eyes. Well, there was an latest news in the corner of the book.

"Yunxiaozong is receiving a large number of disciples."

Chang Feihu read out this sentence with one mouth: "Damn it! Treacherous merchants, treacherous and unreachable, these dogs actually hide such important words in such an inconspicuous place, which is obviously a bad intention!"

"Liar! Bastard, you are a bear!" Chang Feihu angrily tore up the booklet and threw it to the ground, but then picked it up again at the fastest speed. Damn, Chang Feihu cursed in his heart and glanced at a professional who was coming towards them from the corner of his eyes.

The man's clothes are obviously the employees here who maintain order. His face is full of flesh, his eyes are fierce and he is staring at them.

Chang Feihu quickly put the torn booklet in his arms, looked up and looked at the beam of the room, and whistled. He pretended not to see the man, but put his hand on the thunder's shoulder and muttered, "Uh-huh, hum, this business is good, good, good, very good." They ignored the man who had walked around and was looking at them with bad intentions.

The order-maining professional licked his lips and looked at Chang Feihu's arms. He didn't know whether he was thinking about Chang Feihu's money or wanted to find fault with them. In short, he almost reached out and put his hand into Chang Feihu's arms.

Lei Ming's energy flowed on the hidden rune bag, ready to sacrifice the rune blade to kill in an instant. Nanli and Yaoyuan looked similar to Chang Feihu. They also looked elsewhere and didn't pay attention to the annoying and annoying person in front of them. If it hadn't been for Chang Feihu's movements and behavior, they would not have tolerated such thorns and meat thorns. The professional of the businessman saw that Chang Feihu ignored him and looked indifferent. After looking at it for a long time, he felt bored and then slowly walked away.

"Grandma's bear, the store bullies customers. If I hadn't come here for the first time, I wouldn't know anything, I would have taken out his intestines and hanged him on the spot."

Chang Feihu gave the torn paper to Nanli and said, "This is what I paid for. I will tear it if I want to. Take a look, otherwise, the money will really be spent in vain. Humph, when I have capital in the future, let me see if I don't demolish your swindler's house.

The three people pieced together the tattered horse dung paper and felt that the Chamber of Commerce was too much. At least a soul stone bought a large roll of sheepskin. These people were even reluctant to slap the sheepskin book, which was really abominable.

After reading it, Nanli blurted out a question that made Chang Feihu uncomfortable: "What are we?"

Chang Feihu glanced at Longtai and said, "You have to spend money to ask such a stupid question."

Everyone shook their heads. Chang Feihu was so angry that he really wanted to smash the counter of the Chamber of Commerce. Damn, a soul stone was thrown out and they didn't even know what they were. They couldn't swallow this cowardice, but they could only swallow their anger in the Will mainland, and for the time being, they still had to hold their tails between their tails.

Chang Feihu went to Longtai for consultation in the helplessness of gritting his teeth. Ha ha." Chang Feihu, who didn't speak, giggled first and said, "Excuse me, Elder Long! Ha ha, can you see if people like me are waiting?"

Long Tai turned over his eyes like a dead fish's eyes, but he still didn't turn over. Without saying a word, he just exhaled and shook his head.

Chang Feihu pretended to be surprised and asked, "No?"

Long Tai still shook his head.


Chang Feihu was not ordinaryly angry. He even didn't answer a word when he asked. He really wanted to jump in and kill him.

Ha ha, let's talk about it. The small one is a country bumpkin. Please raise your eyes or hum. Do you think you have any cultivation like me? Can you go to the next level? Shaking your head doesn't count as a nod.

"Damn, if you don't talk, I'll fucking smash your dog's head." Chang Feihu couldn't bear to scold Long Tai, an old bastard.

"Ha ha" Chang Feihu, who was burning in anger, smiled again, but the voice was very scary, as if a fool was giggling.

Long Tai still didn't say anything, just put a skinny claw out of the counter and moved his fingers a few times. Chang Feihu's mouth trembled. He knew that it was a gesture to ask for money, but he was no longer willing to spend a wronged soul stone, but put his hand on that claw pretending not to understand.

"Ha ha, please see if the small one has a waiting level!" Chang Feihu didn't dare to look at Long Tai's appearance. He was afraid that he couldn't help but fly and cut off Long Tai's dog's head, so he simply closed his eyes.

Long Tai saw the appearance of Chang Feihu and said with tears and laughter, "I really admire a stingy person like you. Seeing that your cultivation is not as good as the primary priest, you should be between the inheritor and the uninherited priest. If you have received the inheritance, you are the inheritor. If you have not received the inheritance, you have not inherited the priest. , just ask you this question. I guess you just don't inherit, so you must be an inheritor.

Chang Feihu's expression is really indescribably ugly. It is an expression formed by a combination of embarrassment, resentment, incomprehension and other factors. The expression is red, purple, black and yellow. Each color represents a mood, which is too complicated. He brazenly endured anger and asked for a long time, but what he got was still ambiguous and had no information. At this time, he didn't know whether he was a professional or not.

Some stammered Chang Feihu asked, "Can you... tell me that you can... accept... inheritance there." He couldn't wait for a crack to get in. People despised him so much, and he still had to lick his face to speak in a welcoming manner, which made him feel ashamed. But... This is not Shanfumen. There are still three followers waiting for him pitifully. At this time, Chang Feihu is envious of the free and easy-going followers in his heart. You don't have to worry about anything. Damn, what kind of rule is this? How can there be such a bullshit rule in the fairy continent? How can such a trivial matter let him do this? The noble master did it.