
Chapter 109 Goodbye to Rusiping

Chapter 108 Goodbye to Lu Xiping

Chang Feihu came to Yunxiaozong and found two things that are most useful to him. One is inheritance, which has been achieved, and the other is that he is worried about flying charms. If this treasure can be brought back to Shanfumen, the benefits are unthinkable.

"You go to ask for leave. I'll go to Lu Xiping to see if I can get a way to make flying charms." Chang Feihu was impatient and left after he said it. Although there were still many places that he could not walk around at will, most of the places were already well-of-held.

When he went there, Lu Xiping still ate and drank rice wine like last time.

Chang Feihu patted the door and walked in. Lu Xiping now really admires Chang Feihu. He sat down and said, "Now the suzerain treats me differently and has given me a lot of soul stones. Ha ha, thank you for this! This time, I used your luck to make a lot of oil and water, especially the appreciation of the suzerain, which greatly improved the status of the holy master in the sect.

Chang Feihu smiled and said, "The boy came here to ask for rewards from his predecessors. I don't know if you just talk about it or really appreciate me?"

Lu Xiping was not angry with Chang Feihu's straightforward begging for benefits. Haha Yile said, "You still have a lot of ghosts, and you really want benefits! I'm just polite, and you son are really lying on the pole!"

Chang Feihu said with a smile, "You are a full man and don't know how hungry men are hungry. We disciples in yellow just live in deep water and fire. There is nothing but strength. Of course, there is nothing to want, and the more the better, hehe. This is what you promised. Don't go back on it. Why don't you change my yellow dress to blue?

Yunxiaozong has a clear difference to the level of disciples. The obvious treatment is not only to prove their identity, but also the color of the clothes directly reflects the difference in strength. The identity level of the disciples in yellow is the lowest, followed by blue, gray, black, blue and purple. Each color represents an equal order, representing one. Identity.

Lu Xiping said, "Blue clothes? What's so difficult for you to wear a blue coat? The difficult thing is that you can't reach the level. Even if you wear a blue coat, you still have the strength of yellow clothes. Such vanity is meaningless, and the most important thing is to be affordable. I have seen it! The suzerain has given you a lot of soul stones, and the grade of soul stones is good, right?

Lu Xiping's words were full of wolf's ambition, which made Chang Feihu seem to have been bitten by a poisonous snake. His heart was awe. This guy even knew this. Don't be malicious and immediately said, "Look, I know that you just said that, and the real one doesn't count. How can the inferior soul stones given by the suzerain be compared with the middle-quality soul stones given to you? You won't even be able to see such things?

"Ha ha, you even know this. Did the suzerain tell you?" Lu Xiping was a little surprised how Chang Feihu knew his details.

He knew that this was just a speculation of Chang Feihu, and Chang Feihu did not answer the question: "Well, of course, the boy's lower soul stone was also revealed by Zong Zhu?"

"No, I didn't ask!" Lu Xiping said, "Your mouth is really powerful. Ha ha, let's talk about it. What do you want? But let's talk about it first. Don't mention what can't be done as soon as possible, and there is! Don't open your mouth. The treacherous Lu Xiping blocked the road first, but the cunning old fox could not fight against the hunter.

Chang Feihu's mind is far from that of Lu Xiping. In fact, before Chang Feihu came, he had already considered what to ask and how to say it. Lu Xiping's words did not come out of Chang Feihu's expectation at all. It was completely in a circle to let Lu Xiping be fooled, making him think that Changfeihu would want some high-end things or rare items such as soul stones. Unexpectedly, Lu Xiping resisted the high place, but the location was completely exposed to the other party. The purpose of Chang Feihu was a flying charm. Although such a charm is not a high-end goods, it cannot be included in Luxi. The scope of rejection.

"Hahahaha!" Chang Feihu laughed fiercely, and his eyes were full of happiness. He said, "The boy didn't really come to ask for any benefits. I was just a joke about being close to you. An unknown young person like us can have the help of our predecessors today. If you want to say thank you, you should be grateful to the boy, right? It was you who said you wanted to thank me just now that the boy climbed along the pole! You should know that people are poor and short-minded.

As soon as the words turned, Chang Feihu's eyes flashed with confidence and said, "But what the boy said is a small dish for you. It's not worth mentioning. This little thing will be achieved in a flick of your finger. It's the flying charm you used... Do you think... can you teach me how to make it? Of course, it depends on whether this is important or not. If it is something that can be taught or not, it is still what you hope to get!"

Changfeihu's flattery art is quite superb. He seized the opportunity to praise it vigorously. This horse was photographed, and Lu Xiping was very comfortable. He said without even thinking about it, "Oh, just this little thing, okay, I will teach you the flying charm, this is very ordinary and the materials are easy to find, but the wind stone is very rare. , other materials are available in the shops of Wucheng.

After saying that, he gently raised his middle finger and bounced a transparent ball into the forehead of Chang Feihu and said, "In fact, it won't take long for you to know after you accept the inheritance. These are already included in the inheritance, and you will know it sooner or later."

Lu Xiping laughed after saying that. He thought that he could make a smooth human relationship without contributing money. But I don't know that Chang Feihu cares about this matter very seriously.

After the knowledge and skill ball entered, Chang Feihu gently touched his soul and knew how to make the flying charm. He nodded secretly and thanked him and said thanked him: It turned out to be called the flying cloud charm. Only flying cloud stone and Fengyin stone can be refined, and the flying beast bones can also replace the wind chanting stone. I can do it!

Chang Feihu took out the wine jar and poured a bowl of wine for Lu Xiping and put it back. He said, "The senior's boy will never forget it. Let's do it." If there is no benefit, Chang Feihu will no longer take out rice wine. This is called giving back. Although Chang Feihu is sometimes stingy and even stingy, he will not be so careless in some appropriate situations.

"Senior, how much do you know about our continent?" Chang Feihu took the opportunity to ask about something in Will Continent. It is easier for some people to answer than to explore in person, and they can prepare in advance for future outings.

Lu Xiping said, "That depends on those aspects, and the materials are relatively rich."

The materials are quite rich. Such bullshit idiots are not only useless, but also annoying. Chang Feihu is not interested in such a retarded answer.

Putting aside Lu Xiping's useless answer, Chang Feihu asked directly, "So, how many secret areas are there? Are there any other continents nearby?" This is what he wants to know most, whether it is collecting materials or escaping, such a place must be clearly inquired.

Lu Xiping glanced at his high-looking disciple in yellow and asked, "Do you want to go to the secret world? That's not where you can go now. Although Lu Xiping did not say any useful information, it revealed an meaning from these words that the barbarian beasts in the secret world are relatively high, and the current level of Changfei Tiger is not comparable.

Chang Feihu rolled his eyelids and said, "You can't always listen to it." In disapproval, he extremely despised Lu Xiping in his heart. This guy was pleasant on the surface, but he didn't even say a word for a long time. Such a person seems to refuse to make any effort except to take advantage. Chang Feihu hates such people the most, because they don't even know the minimum courtesy. It's not that they don't know, but it's because they have reached the point of making them dizzy. They want to get benefits everywhere. They are authentic villains.

But Chang Feihu was helpless. In addition to being angry and dare not say anything to such a person, he had to accompany him with a smiling face everywhere.

Chang Feihu, who was furious, smiled at Lu Xiping and said, "What are the secrets of Willland? Please give me some advice."

In fact, not only Chang Feihu is uncomfortable, but Lu Xiping is also very uncomfortable. He tries his best to maintain his tone, and he still needs to support his face. Lu Xiping is a hundred disciples in yellow like Chang Feihu who are unwilling to pay attention to unless there are enough benefits, but this disciple in yellow can't be so right. Wait.

Do you want to inquire about the secret situation here? And other continents? In fact, what's the secret from time to time? There are many secrets in the Will Continent, but they are all opened at irregular times. You can buy a map jade charm, which is usually recorded everywhere. As for other continents, I have only heard that there were masters in the sect who had gone out, but they only retreated quickly and did not contact the professionals there, because they were afraid that the secret situation would be closed and unable to come back. Rusi said plainly.

"Damn it! Old fox! After a long time, there was not even a word of useful.

Chang Feihu didn't like it. His rune is damaged and can't be used. He wants to find the secret world and find the way home through the secret world. If there are other continents, he might as well go to see it. However, Lu Xiping, a person who only cares about his rice wine, is not even willing to send any information and reveals that he is just detour with him. .

After asking for a long time, Chang Feihu also had a question in his heart. Is it possible that there is no charm that can enter and exit through the rune gate in the Will mainland? So he continued to tentatively ask, "Can you go in when the secret environment is not opened?"

Lu Xiping shouted, "You don't want to get rich and want to go crazy. If you can go in at ordinary times, it won't be a big deal. There are many materials to collect in the secret world, and we can only enter the exploration when the secret world is opened. Most of the secret worlds are quite dangerous. If you want to go in and explore, you have to add Be careful, there are countless professionals who have died in the secret world, but even so, every time the secret world opens, a cruel competition has begun before entering, and hundreds of professionals have died outside the secret world alone.