
Chapter 186 faithfully executed

186 faithfully executed

Chang Feihu said disapprovingly, "I don't think so. If all of them are like this, then various sects and families will intervene and formulate rules to limit a large number of hoarding. Boss, do you think that's the truth?"

Li nodded frequently and said, "You're so right. We used to be fools. Why can't we remember this method? When we learn from you next year, we will definitely get rich."

Nan Li said, "You don't have a chance. In less than a month, this rule will be formulated. If you don't believe it, you can watch it."

Chang Feihu also said, "My eldest brother is right. In a month, it will shake the nearby sects and families. Such a thing is only once, and there will be no chance. If you want to learn this method, there will be no store in this village now.

Li said with great regret, "It's a pity that other specialties are not yet mature in this season."

Lei Ming came up with an idea: "Isn't there always little pasta? You can do a job here."

Chang Feihu quickly stopped and said, "Thunder, don't give random advice. Food is no better than fruit. If someone dares to control food, many people will come to fight desperately. They... Oh, no, not just them, no one else will have this opportunity. Well, let's go back and we'll leave tomorrow."

He admired Chang Feihu very much and felt that he was born to do business. He pinched himself fiercely and only hated why he was so stupid. Such a simple method could not be used. He lost this great opportunity to make a fortune in vain, and his regret was green. In this way, the caravan took Chang Feihu to buy it. Dozens of large cylinders are also on the road together.

People in the caravan didn't know what to do with so many cylinders, and they said one after another, "There are such things everywhere. You can buy a lot without effort, and the price is cheaper than Fancheng. Why do you need so many cylinders?"

It's not only that the people of the caravan didn't understand, but even Lei Ming and Yao Yuan couldn't figure it out. Lei Ming was like a child in them. He vowed not to stop until he reached his goal. Soon he knew from Chang Feihu's mouth why he had to use the big cylinder.

Lei Ming and Yao Yuan were difficult to understand and asked, "Isn't it enough for you to brew rice wine directly in the soul?" Why do you have to pull the cart so hard?

Chang Feihu said, "Brother Nan said that if you put them in the storage charm or in the spirit of the charm, the items are kept fresh. They are neither rotten nor fermented. They must be put outside. I don't understand this. Brother Nan said that we will walk on the road for more than two months and wait for Liao Fengcheng wine to be ready."

"It's also said that the weather is too hot. I also specially placed ice charms for each car and used a lot of soul stones. I also used a lot of blue fruits I got last time for brewing this time. I'll know when I get to Liao Fengcheng."

Everyone talked while walking. After walking for a long time, Chang Feihu felt that there was something wrong and asked the caravan to stop and cover all dozens of big cylinders.

and ordered Meng Kui to say, "Let your people keep their mouths tight and don't talk nonsense everywhere."

said to Nan Li again, "I forgot to buy the jar. Go back first. You go first."

Yao Yuan said, "It's not too late to buy it in the next small town."

Chang Feihu smiled and said, "That's different. Fancheng has been stirred up by us. We are not afraid to do it again. We can't go there. It's all coaxed."

In less than half an hour, Chang Feihu came back and said, " Fancheng is really lively now. It is said that we are wild geese pulling hair, and we are talking everywhere."

Nan Li just smiled. He had guessed this, but said, "The scenery here is very different from the previous one. Since passing Fancheng, the wasteland has immediately turned into yellow land. The trees seem to suddenly jump out of their eyes, and the barren grass suddenly disappeared. The clouds in the sky seem to be shimmered by the Phnom Penh and illuminated by the sun. It is so beautiful that it feels like a fairyland on earth.

"The scenery is really good," Chang Feihu said leisurely and enjoying the beautiful scenery.

Yaoyuan said, "That's going to change."

As if God was verifying these words, the sound of the wind blew from the southwest, and the dust and leaves were rolled into the air. Pieces of the sky floated far away, with gold lines and dark clouds above and white below.

Lei Ming said, "It's going to rain."

Chang Feihu looked up and saw that a large cloud was like a hemp flower together, and a gust of earthy wind blew by.

Chang Feihu said, "What's so strange about the rain? It's time to practice and get in the car."

Go back to the car. Chang Feihu's daily practice time is fixed and uninterrupted.

Gold is like gold and jade is like jade, and several followers have also developed good habits and sit around Chang Feihu. After practicing the three rounds of heart method, Chang Feihu is reciting spells.

Suddenly, a sudden palpitations, and the mood became very restless. Suddenly, the inexplicable panic made Chang Feihu feel a sign that something big was about to happen.

The rainstorm outside poured down, and in the roaring lightning and thunder, a thunderbolt glided through the sky, making the dark rain curtain even more strange.

The accumulated water on the ground has touched its calves. The rain poured down, and the sight was seven or eight meters ahead, and it was covered by the dark rain. The bubbles hit by the rain on the water were broken by the raindrops as soon as they got up.

Around came the whine of the caravan's attendants shouting horses. As soon as the big car was run over the muddy yellow land, the two clear deep soil ruts were immediately filled with the surrounding muddy water, and there was no trace of trace. This feeling made Chang Feihu feel more and more uneasy and distracted. The restless Chang Feihu stopped reciting the spell and opened the amulet and flew into the air.

In the rapid flight in the rain, a white line was raised. Looking around, nothing could be seen clearly, but the uneasiness in my heart became more and more intense.

He turned over and came to Mengqi's car and said, "Order the caravan to stop and gather together in the woods in front."

Chang Feihu's words were faithfully executed.

About a quarter of an hour, the caravan surrounded the woods in orderly. The woods were a low-lying land, and the water had been touched by the knees. Half of the car's cruffs were all soaked in the water, and the rain was getting heavier and heavier. There was lightning in the sky one by one, and nothing could be seen three meters away.

The dark sky is like the dusk of winter. Chang Feihu preached: "All personnel should be silent, control the runes and horses, and hissing is strictly prohibited."

The people of the caravan didn't know what had happened. Meng Kui just meticulously carried out Chang Feihu's order. After Chang Feihu ordered the caravan, he quickly arranged a defensive array around the woods.

and added to the original hidden charm array, 12 channels, such as building, removing, full, flattening, fixed, sticking, breaking, danger, success, closing, opening and closing, which strengthened the effect of the illusion forbidden sound, and Chang Feihu felt a little calm.

As soon as they finished their work, they found a group of people flying rapidly from the southeast. Chang Feihu immediately told them and said, "No matter what happens, don't be afraid. They can't see us. You have to be absolutely silent and don't make a sound."

After that, Chang Feihu stood on the cart with Lei Mingyaoyuan and Nanli and closely observed the movements of the people. In order to completely hide, he did not even open the amulet for fear that the energy leakage of this small amount of soul power would cause the other party's vigilance.

I only saw a few professionals in the heavy rain, and the light mass of the talisman was suddenly strong and weak, changing far and near. Obviously, they were searching for something in the rain. In the process of moving quickly, they washed out a blank belt from the rain. Because the speed was extremely high, the rain in front of the shield was like a wave that had been impacted, forming a white water. Wave.

The thousands of heads in the caravan followed and rotated with the progress of the professionals in the air, and a spectacle in the rain appeared in front of him.

The group of professionals patrolled around the neighborhood, sometimes separated and sometimes converged. After a while, they flew into the forest area. Chang Feihu saw clearly after blessing the spiritual eye. They were five professionals without any professional identity marks.

In the caravan, only Changfeihu has the highest level, but when it is very close to the other party, Changfeihu can never see through their cultivation. Although it will use the ethereal blue shadow of detection cultivation, if it is used now, it is unintentionally digging its own grave.

According to the opponent's soul pressure, it can penetrate the defensive rune array, Chang Feihu probably guessed that it was the existence of five clay masters at least at the intermediate level.

Those people gathered together to say something, and then dispersed.

Less than a quarter of an hour later, five people gathered over the forest from all directions. Because the rain was too heavy, water waves continued to form on those people's amulets. The splashing raindrops fell like pearls, and they could not see the situation inside.

I heard a professional say, "We have explored the range of 300 miles of this road and have not found the caravan. Could it be that they didn't take this road?

And another professional said hatefully, "Huang Yu, the little man, can't even do such a little thing well. He came twice to ask for more rewards, but he actually ran away. When he caught him, he had to skin him."

Another person said, "I have already said that looking at his sneaky and sharp-mouthed appearance, it is not enough to achieve success and have more than enough failures. You just don't listen to it now! The people also ran away, the money was spent, and the caravan disappeared. They asked us to go back and explain to the business. So did they! If you don't do it properly, you have to do this kind of unsightly thing to give birth to a son.