
Chapter 17 Stone Mouth Grottoes

Chapter 17 Stone Mouth Grottoes

Nanli was dizzy and could not distinguish between the upper, lower, lower, north and south. Although Nanli was dizzy, his hearing was not affected. Hearing the urgent shout of Changfeihu, he controlled the soul force to force into the flying charm.

Originally, it fell head down. In this way, the speed of falling was faster, and Chang Feihu's heart grabbed the shouting, reversed, reversed, and reversed.

Nan Li quickly turned back and forth in the air and drew a few eight characters in the air and hit his head down. Chang Feihu screamed! Turn around quickly!"

He chased down anxiously, but the distance between them was quite different. In addition, Nanli's speed was also fast, and Chang Feihu could not help at all.

Seeing Nanli crashing into the ground, suddenly more than 100 people entered the eyes of Chang Feihu and rushed to Nanli like a hungry tiger.

A professional who was closest to the south flew over with lightning speed. When he was more than one meter away from the south, his body suddenly came across, grabbed Nanli's ankle and pulled it in front of him and laughed wildly: "Haha...! I caught him. He's mine. Haha, I can have another meal!"

Chang Feihu grabbed Lei Ming's hand and almost threw away Lei Ming again. His scalp was numb and his whole body trembled. He fell from the air with Lei Ming. For a moment, Chang Feihu immediately woke up in a trance. He didn't care about fear. At this time, he was afraid that this word had been completely melted from Chang Feihu's mood by the char. It has evaporated.

Nanli's position in Chang Feihu's heart is inviolable by anything and people. He doesn't know what those crazy professionals do, how they come from, and what their intentions are. His only idea is that he will take Nanli back from those crazy people anyway.

The father and brother fell into the hands of these beasts, which brought more than shock to Chang Feihu. It was an impulse to kill red eyes. He turned his hand and patted the thunderous face twice and said, "Fly."

He threw it up hard, and then kept swooping down for a moment. Nanli had got rid of his dizziness at this time. The man's such creepy words made him turn his hair upside down and his liver and gallbladder were split. This horrible laughter and the words that he could eat enough were like the depths of hell, demon. The ghost's sharp blade pierces the heart.

Nanli struggled desperately and wanted to break free from the man's hand, but a big hand of the professional man stuck Nanli's ankles like iron pliers. Even the real iron pliers in Nanli's hand were no different from the mud pinching noodles, and the man didn't seem to use much effort to earn Nanli. Take off.

He raised Nanli and shook it up and down to show off to his peers. The strange laughter in his throat seemed to be an inexhaustible waterfall, hitting the rocks from the mountains, making a creepy and frightening laugh.

Changfeihu swooped down from the sky at the fastest speed in his life and reached out to catch Nanli's wrist. Nanli also caught Changfeihu at the same time. With the huge inertia and the speed of Changfeihu's diving, it was larger than the mountain weight and failed to pull Nanli out of the professional's iron pliers. On the contrary, Changfeihu It was rotated out.

The professional was interrupted by the sudden robbery, and his feet flew high into the sky with Nanli, grabbed the thunder that had just woken up, and burst into a chilling laugh.


Chang Feihu was about to crack. Before Nanli was rescued, the thunder was in danger again. The corners of Chang Feihu's eyes were about to be cracked by his eyes.

He took out two thunderstorms that he had given for a long time on the mission in Yunxiaozong. Chang Feihu had no other way to catch the man from Nanli and Leiming. His cultivation was very high, and this was the only weapon he could use to deal with such professionals now.

He held the thunderstorm tightly in his hand and flew up to fight with the man, but was blocked by five men and two women flying diagonally from the side. These seven people and Chang Feihu's faces were very similar, and they looked almost at Chang Feihu with desperate eyes.

They have seen the power of the two explosive bombs in Chang Feihu's hand. Once these two explosive bombs and Chang Feihu self-detonate, no one will survive within 100 meters. The seven people shouted in extreme horror: "Stop quickly and he has no malice! He just wants to fill his stomach with the food you brought. He doesn't mean any harm! We'll let him go right away. Hurry up, let him go right away."

The professional who caught Lei Ming and Nanli also realized the strong danger. Nan Li and Lei Ming in his hand threw them over to Chang Feihu. Chang Feihu's heart was widened. He put away the bomb and took over the two people and asked anxiously, "How are you?"

Nanli shook his head and said, "It's okay, just a little dizzy."

The seven people were relieved. They were more anxious than Chang Feihu. After seeing Chang Feihu put away the bomb, two female professionals patted their hearts and exhaled a suspended breath and said, "It scared me to death. It's too dangerous!"

The arresting professional also came with the seven people and seemed to want to say something, but at the same time, they all revealed their fear. Chang Feihu angrily stared at the eight people surrounded and asked, "What do you want to do?" Don't push people too much. Rabbits will bite people when they are in a hurry!"

As he said, he took out the bomb again, and the eight people immediately took a step back at the same time. They were more afraid. As the professional who arrested people, he was stunned and smiled and said, "Young man, don't be nervous. We are just too hungry and want to get some food from you. There is no malice! That's all."

Chang Feihu saw that Nanli and Lei Ming were fine, and his face softened many times and said, "You don't want to eat our food. It's obviously a fierce look to eat people!" Is there anyone who does things like this?"

All eight were happy, and the leading professional laughed and said, "Ha ha, I'm a little too happy. Listening to you, it really seems like that, you don't know! We have no other extravagant hope except to fill our stomachs. We are so hungry. If we don't have anything to eat, maybe we will really eat people! I didn't expect you to have a baby that has been lost for a long time. Where did you get those two thunderstorms? That's a good thing that can't be met."

Chang Feihu took out more than a dozen pieces of dried meat and threw them over and said, "Professionals don't eat for ten days and eight days, and they can't reach the same level as hungry wolves like you? As for these two thunderstorms, they are used by the elders to save the boy's life.

The thunderstorm was given by the elder of the affairs hall when he took over the task in Yunxiaozong last time. At that time, Chang Feihu looked through the inheritance knowledge, but he was disappointed. The inheritance was not omnipotent. There are many special charms and methods that were not found in the inheritance.

He thought that if he could manage to refine a batch of such killers, it would be a very effective way to save their lives for a few people who were still at a low level. Unfortunately, he did not find a relevant refining method. Thunder was refined by the top professional mage of Yunxiao Sect.

Therefore, Chang Feihu judged that there must be refining methods in the inheritance they received. Maybe their level is still very low. This knowledge has not been opened yet. When their cultivation reaches the Great Sage, they should know, and these ideas just flashed through Chang Feihu's mind.

The leading professional took a big sip of the meat and said: Let's not waste any more time. Let's grab the barbarian beasts before the poisonous fog comes up. Let's talk about it later.

Chang Feihu only noticed that the ground with a radius of seven or eight miles was full of professional hunting beasts except for a huge depression in the middle. The whole ground was like a shape with a pot bottom.

At this time, if you look down from the sky, you can clearly see that there is a relatively flat edge of more than two miles wide at the edge. The more you go inside, the greater the slope. In the center is a recess with a diameter of more than three miles, where there are large barbarians. The outer barbarians are much smaller, and they run very fast. In comparison, the steering is also rare and sensitive, and it is flexible to toss and turn under the attack of pieces of rune blades.

He looked as usual, as if these things had nothing to do with him, just listening and watching quietly. But he didn't know that at this time, he had completely entered a completely closed space. There was no morality here, only the law of the jungle and the survival of the fittest.

Although whether in the fairy continent or in the continent of Will, even in those unknown places, the weak will be occupied by the strong and bullied by the strong. But it is still somewhat limited by the rules of heaven and earth. At least in a low voice, you can survive in a low posture and have more or less food.

But here, this strange place seems to have got rid of the limitations of this rule. There is its own law of survival, that is, natural selection, and the survival of the fittest has been infinitely expanded. As for what kind of law it is at this time, there is no way to know, but every professional here understands and agrees with it. The operation theory included.

This place is more unfair than the outside world, but it is trying to survive in this deformed and somewhat perverted darkness. They are powerless to change the status quo of all this, let alone be extraordinary and out of it.

All you can do is fill your stomach as much as possible, make yourself live longer, and try to be in harmony with everything that is out of place in this world. Only then will there be less sadness and more happiness.

This is the extraterred hell - Shizui Grottoes!

Shizui Grotto is a small world full of evil. Some people have said that if you want to integrate into the world, you must first understand the attributes of the world. People here can't change reality. They can only adapt to reality and make themselves part of this evil world.

When one of this evil dies just a few decades later, it is the best way to end the pain.

Therefore, natural selection, the law of the jungle, and the survival of the fittest. It can't make life better, but only make its emptiness and pain less.