
Chapter 52 I can't cure you

Chapter 52 I can't cure you

Wu Ban exclaimed, "Wow! What you hide is really deep. The low-level continent is also a treasure. Just go to a priest..."

Huang Yan covered his mouth and said, "You are so brave! Dare to say such a thing in front of the captain! Look at what the captain and the three of them are doing now. You can try one!"

Wu Ban giggled and said, "Am I reminding the mountain tiger? I have the courage to give a thief courage. If the captain is angry, click, click, how many heads are not enough to cut! Hey hey, yes! Thunder!"

Lei Ming drew a knife with his hand, aimed at Wu's neck and said, "Kho! The blood splashed three feet and the soul flew away. That's not a joke. There is only one head, and I dare not talk nonsense in the future!"

Wu Ban touched his neck with a silly smile, and Chang Feihu laughed and said, "You will mess around together." He took out a bunch of letters and gave them to everyone.

The team had food and drink, and everyone didn't have to go out to work. They talked about their family, and steadily waited for a few days to explore the cave. Chang Feihu also asked about some details about the senior continent, learned about the division of professionals in the senior continent, and some about sacrifice. The situation.

Regarding the sacrifice, Lang Bianyun explained: "There are no ghosts and gods, so people are not responsible for it. According to different beliefs, priests have different degrees of sacredness, which is a living totem in reality! To the people's admiration, they are the body of demigods and spiritual leaders, who can communicate with the earth, flames, storms and water, so as to use their power to uphold the will of heaven and earth.

Chang Feihu studied tirelessly, and five or six days passed.

During this period, he refined some of the things he had learned, and refined a lot of necessary runes such as storage charms and flying charms. Chang Feihu even ingeniously transformed the flying car knowledge of Yunxiaozong and refined a unique flying car.

It can not only control the flight by one or three people, but also use the soul stone as the driving force. He wants to use this kind of flying car with special protection, hoping to safely send his team members to the cave. The shape of the flying car is also very unique. This flying car is an economically simple structure and pursues stability and holding. Long time.

It's not that the speed is not taken into account, but there seems to be some defects and problems in the rune that drives the flying car. As for what's wrong, Chang Feihu doesn't know where it is. He just feels that the rune is too good to eat soul stones. It's not just a rune, but also all runes have this common shortcoming. If it must be With speed first, the soul stone consumed by the flying car will be a not small number.

Chang Feihu's repeated research could not find the crux. By the seventh day, Chang Feihu felt that the time was almost over. Even if the power they were afraid of was not defeated by the fog**, at least those little spiders should have been eliminated.

Just as he was about to set off, Chang Feihu, who had just stood up, sat down again. He suddenly remembered Heizi and Black Bone Banner. This matter could not be delayed, and there must be a good solution.

The members of the team were looking forward to the moment when they set out. At this time, they saw Chang Feihu's face wandering uncertainly and didn't know what was going on, but they all knew that Chang Feihu was annoyed by someone when he was thinking about things. Seeing that the captain sat down like Mount Tai again, they couldn't help but guess, but everyone saw Nanli and thunder here. At that time, he didn't disturb Chang Feihu, so he had to sit nearby and wait patiently in his nervousness.

Once again, the soul looked inside, and Chang Feihu even put his whole spirit into the soul. When he put his head into the special black pupil entrance on the black bone flag, the situation inside made him more worried. Heizi had been forced to a darker corner by eight giants. It seemed that The evil army is about to win the occupation of this black world. At a glance, it seems that they are far more adaptable than the original nine palace arrays, and the environment here is more pleasant for them.

The bastards like it, but Chang Feihu doesn't like it. If the situation is not saved, his black man will be over, his lips will be cold, the black man will be over, and even the whole black bone flag will be over.

Chang Feihu's head hurts. At this moment, his head was as big as he felt. He has a big head, but he can't figure out how to deal with it.

"Grandma bear! This is very difficult for me!" He cursed unconsciously in his anxious eyes.

I scolded a few words. Although I could have a good mouth, but I couldn't solve the problem, but I was more anxious. I saw the blue fangs in the black bone flag playing with the black gas around me, causing gusts of yin wind. The black wind in the black bone flag was miserable, which was the same as the waves made by the water lizard cow in the blue **. The air is similar.

Grandma, you can play when you get there. I brought you in to help me do things, but now you are unscrupulous in front of me. To be honest, at this time, Chang Feihu really wants to put the water lizard cow and pheasant in, and let these two foodies who like to eat evil can teach them a lesson.

But he didn't dare. These two foodies were his treasure. He was very distressed. He was afraid that if he went in like Heizi, he would become part of the black bone flag, which would make him sad and regret to death, but in the current crisis, he had no other way.

"Grandma, bear, I'm going to risk it."

He couldn't wait any longer, and scolded again. The fingertips of the soul touched the rune soul and shook his hand to put the two-headed pheasant into the black bone flag. He was afraid that it would be delayed, and the black man was really over. At present, the black man was unable to support it, and frequently showed signs. As the black man became weaker and weaker, in a very short time, Suddenly becoming stronger, he is about to launch an attack, tearing up the black man and devour it.

The pheasant was learning to communicate with a mysterious thing in the soul, and was suddenly thrown into the dark and miserable world by Chang Feihu. It was stunned for a moment, but when the pheasant saw the pheasant, its spirit was immediately shocked. It was happy that there was so much food in front of it liked.

But when I looked again, in addition to the endless cripples, eight giant monsters were right in front of me. Immediately, they were so scared that they couldn't eat this thing. In front of the huge cripples, after the cripples got the power of most of the black bone flags, their body was much bigger than before.

The pheasant felt the pressure at once. The eight giant monsters made the pheasant feel a lot of pressure. It was also afraid in front of such a giant monster. This fear dimmed the light of its colorful feathers. It took a few steps back and approached the black man. The two were very unfamiliar, but both belonged to the same owner's beasts, which were very silent. We have joined hands.

"Damn it! What a foodie. He is a grass chicken at the critical moment. When Chang Feihu saw them like that, he was even more angry and cursed, but now the pheasant can't get out.

He is not the kind of person who retreats after losing money. He simply threw the water lizard cow in, but these two war beasts that he usually relied on came to the black world in the black bone flag. The original strength and arrogance disappeared at once. Three different kinds Class, corpses, chickens, and cattle have become the prey to peep at and can't do anything at all. At this time, the power of the cows is already very strong.

"Damn it! I don't believe that I can't cure you! Small sample! Seeing that I went in to clean up you slaves in person, I turned against you. Chang Feihu didn't care about anything at this time. In addition, his current cultivation is far from the original. He wants to fight in person to save his defeat.

Put two hands at the entrance of the black bone flag into the black hole. The soul has almost no weight. He felt that he was trying hard, but with just a slight scratch on his hand, his whole soul floated to the black bone flag.

With a tremor, his soul chirped. Chang Feihu thought that he had entered the black bone flag, but he looked closely and suddenly found that he had not been able to enter.

Forced again, this time he flew diagonally into the black pupil hole of the black bone flag. When his soul touched the critical point of the black pupil, his soul trembled again. As the tremor sounded, he felt that his soul seemed to hit the cotton, but still couldn't get in. Not only did he not go in, but after the tremor Another sound also resounded.

At this time, the sound of Xin sounded brightly and loudly. With this sound, a crystal light suddenly flashed. The crystal wedge crystal color was out of the control of the soul of the rune, directly left the shackles of the soul of Chang Feihu, and entered the black bone flag through the entrance of the black pupil in the singing of the voice of Xin.

After the crystal wedge entered this black world, its own crystal light turned out to play with the light, and advanced in the endless sound of rumbling. In an instant, a crystal color that shone in the black bone flag made this black world become a crystal world at this moment.

Then, under the action of crystal color, all black was suppressed by the crystal light, and after stirring a few times, the miserable world of black gas and black rolled back to the crystal wedge, and in a very short time, all the dark matter was compressed into a point and sucked into the crystal wedge.

At this moment, the black bone flag is blank, there is no color, and no matter exists. The countless tens of millions of evils are wrapped, including pheasants, blacks, water lizards, all, everything, all disappear at this moment. In such a space, Chang Feihu can't experience it. What is space and what is it? In short, it is empty emptiness.

Such a moment is very short, but much shorter than a blink of an eye. Weng, in the black bone flag after that, it seemed that the black suddenly exploded compressed to that point, and a different black world was born in the explosion.