
Chapter 58 Chicken Claw Mountain

Chapter 58 Chicken Feet Mountain

Chang Feihu said, "One is enough. Grab the jade charm and say, see you later." He walked away.

Lu Bingzhang suspected that Dou Congsheng quickly wrote the matter into the letter and threw it out. He wanted to report it to the sect.

Besides, the disaster is coming. Chang Feihu and others are still shopping around the street without knowing it. After selling out several stores, the three people controlled the flying charm and flew out of the town. Chang Feihu quickly copied two copies of the map jade charm and threw two followers. After careful inspection, the map is clear. This continent is recorded as the Chicken Claw Continent.

It records a secret land that has been opened for many years. This secret land is on the top of Jijiao Mountain. Jijiao Mountain is as high as ten thousand feet, and the middle of the mountain is covered with snow for many years. It is more than half a day away from their location. It is worth thinking that there is only one sect in this continent, that is, the collection school.

After reading it, Nanli asked, "Would you like to join the recording school to learn their knowledge?"

Chang Feihu immediately shook his head and said, "You haven't forgotten what happened to us in the mainland of Will. I guess there is no luck to come into contact with the core cultivation knowledge, and we also learned a lot from Lang Bianyun. Well, I think it's better not to join for the time being. Even if you want to join, you have to advance to the advanced level. If you go there later, at least there will be a corresponding status.

"Only with the corresponding status can we have access to the knowledge of senior professionals. Let's take a look at the secret realm first. The name of this secret realm is very interesting, called one drag and two secret realms." Nanli nodded and the three of them turned around and rushed to the two secret areas and flew away.

Chang Feihu looked at the rune again. If the rune can be used, they can immediately pass through the rune. The coordinates in the rune are still black, and the cracks have not completely healed. The rune cannot be used for the time being. Chang Feihu also recorded the sitting mark of the chicken claw continent by the way.

After a while, a little dark shadow could be seen on the horizon, which was their target Chicken Claw Mountain. At this time, there was a shout behind them.

The three turned around and saw that it was Lu Bingzhang with two people. They rushed over and shouted, "Senior, please wait a moment. I have something to ask you."

Chang Feihu summoned out several spells of soul power and used the spiritual eye technique. Although it was far away, the faint light that returned still distinguished the cultivation of the two people.

One is a junior saint and the other is a senior saint.

Nan Li frowned and said, "If you have something to ask, you don't need to take two holy masters. I think more than half of them are malicious!"

Chang Feihu affirmed Nanli's statement and nodded, "That's right! Let's go quickly. Don't be like a one-eyed dragon again!"

At the same time, he shouted, "Let the two of them go back!" Come here by yourself!" But there was no sound again.

The three tried their best to fly to Jizhua Mountain. Lu Bingzhang's speed was far from following the two holy masters. Soon they could not be seen behind. The distance between the two also slowly opened. The senior holy master flew alone in front of him and chased Chang Feihu and others.

Chang Feihu turned around and cursed with malicious words: "Hey, the old man behind greets your grandmother. The real mother's ghost is not dissipated. Go away, or I will attack."

The person chasing behind didn't say a word, but just chased fiercely. Chang Feihu scolded again, "He's still a stuffy gourd."

He gritted his teeth and said coldly, "It's really difficult to deal with. Why are these people like this! I like to chase people when I have nothing to do!"

his mind moved and released the pheasant and the water lizard cow on his shoulder and ordered, "You two, kill the immortal thing behind me."

The pheasant's eyes were electrocuted, and the chicken's head suddenly shook wildly. He sensed to the Chang Feihu: "It's too obvious to sneak attack, and there was no explosion." The pheasant was lazy and unwilling to go, and the bird's beak kept knocking on Chang Feihu's head, hoping to get some rewards to deal with the owner's head first.

Chang Feihu was angry and scolded, "As soon as it comes to the critical moment, it will be diarrhea. Pooh, small sample. Without Zhang butcher, he still doesn't eat hairy pigs. Since he doesn't help, he will go back to me."

He opened his mouth and swallowed the two beasts and muttered, "I can't afford to hide." Waved his hand to release the newly refined flying car and greeted Nanli and Lei Ming to do it.

It is almost impossible for him, a junior saint, to kill the senior saint in a very short time. Even if he uses pheasants and water lizards and sneak attacks, it is not 100% possible. Who knows if there are more people coming behind these three people. At this time, he doesn't want to waste time. The best way is to ignore it and leave this place quickly.

The flying car can only be three people. This was a last decision to take care of the speed. The whole flying car was sharp and thin, and the back was semicircular like a cone. The three pressed their hands on the rune hub, and suddenly three red, yellow and blue light trails erupted out.

The flying car itself is very light. Coupled with the magnificent soul power of three holy masters, the speed suddenly soared up and distanced the senior holy master behind. After a while, the senior holy master fell far away.

Chang Feihu then took out a piece of the best soul stone and put it in the main rune array of the flying car to stop human control. They must keep the soul power in the most vigorous state. In case the soul power is exhausted and encounters danger, it will be difficult to get out. The power speed provided by the soul stone of the flying car is the limit of their usual flight. If they still If you want to improve it, you can't do it without a large amount of soul stone consumption.

Not long after Lu Bingzhang's letter was sent, he received an order from the sect to leave three people anyway, and said that he had sent two holy masters closest to support him.

The master was rushing to him quickly because of the distance. Lu Bingzhang was overjoyed and would chase Chang Feihu first with the two holy masters, but he didn't expect that the three of them to slip so fast that even the senior saint couldn't catch up. He didn't dare to ask about the situation, so he hurriedly rubbed his hands there.

The senior saint also ignored him, but sent letters continuously. Because he did not know the specific place and route of Chang Feihu, he could only inform all the professionals around him to go around to contain, sprinkle a large net and shrink step by step, and wait for the brigade professionals to arrive before chasing along the route of the three people to escape.

The flying car moved briskly towards the Chicken Claw Mountain. Seeing that the shadow on the horizon was getting bigger and bigger, from a black spot to a jujube core, Chang Feihu's mood was getting heavier and heavier. A burst of heart palpitations made him feel inexplicably panic. This is not the first time this feeling has appeared. Whenever there are bursts of uneasiness in his heart, there will always be more or less. Good things are going to happen.

Chang Feihu's eyes are very empty. The previous madness has long been gone, and there is only endless fear. This kind of panic is far stronger than the stone mouth grottoes brought him. Where is this place! This is a high-level charm continent. Once a sect wants to fight against them, I'm afraid there is no chance to escape.

Any ordinary professionals can pinch them to death like flies, and there is only one sect in this continent. You don't have to think about the huge power, just like the forces of other sects in the continent of Will, so that they can survive in the cracks.

The more Chang Feihu thought about it, the more scared he became, and his eyes suddenly darkened. Now his only hope is to enter the secret world as soon as possible and find other ways out of the secret situation. Thinking of this, he put his hand on the flight control hub in front of him, hoping to reach Jizu Mountain faster.

Nanli and Lei Ming saw that Chang Feihu looked gloomy and began to speed up the flying car. At this point, the fools saw that there was something wrong. Do the same.

Chang Feihu took Nanli's hand and said, "We must take turns to ensure that one person can rest."

At this time, there was the sound of flying cars whining, and a large number of medium-sized flying cars were sent. This time, the recording really took great efforts to catch Chang Feihu and others. The huge interests** made them a little crazy. Obviously, the three outsiders could make them break through their dreams. What I want is that the ** of a middle and low-level continent rich in soul stones is too big.

More than 50 medium-sized flying cars followed closely from behind. Chang Feihu and Lei Ming control the flying car and the soul stone to provide power, and can only maintain the same speed as the back. It is difficult to get rid of them.

Nanli frowned and said, "If it doesn't go on like this, there will be more and more of them. We have to find a way to get rid of them."

Chang Feihu's eyes showed cold eyes and stared at the back and said, "Since I'm impatient, don't blame me for being cruel."

He called out the pheasant and the water lizard and ordered in an undeniable tone: "Wait a while, after the explosion, you two will go to fight for me, otherwise, it's useless to raise you!"

The two soul-blooded beasts looked at Chang Feihu and nodded with pitiful eyes.

Chang Feihu took out more than 300 life-saving weapons from the Shizui Grotto Hall, gave them 100 for each of Lei Ming and Nanli, and said, "When the flying car stops, they will be thrown out and kill them! Get ready, let's go!"

When Lei Ming heard the order, he picked up two powerful explosives, bowed left and right, and shouted, "Guy!"

Nan Li also shouted, "Look awesome!"

Boom, boom, boom... bursts of continuous explosions exploded in the flying car behind him. There was no need for Chang Feihu to take action, and the flying car behind him was in chaos.

The powerful guy is really powerful. Once this kind of object is comparable to an egg explosion, it is amazingly powerful. What is its internal factor formed? Chang Feihu has not had time to study it, but it is not too late to study it now.

Most of the flying cars were blown up and torn down, and the professionals who were hit by the explosion could no longer distinguish the dizziness in the southeast and northwest, driving only half-pull flying cars everywhere.

regardless of the tail to avoid the explosion, the whole scene was chaotic. The front turned around and wanted to retreat, and the back suddenly could not control the flying car to stop immediately, so in the chaos of the explosion, many flying cars collided with each other.