
Chapter 69 We Are All Hurt

Chapter 69 We are all injured

Chang Feihu found a place to stand and muttered, "Why is there no one in this place?"

The three sat on the slope to watch Nalan practice Bixia knife, and waited for passers-by.

Little Nalan learned quickly and used the Bixia knife very old in only half a day. Chang Feihu took the pheasant and called Nalan and said, "You are also a professional now. Ordinary people are very weak in front of you, you know? Professionals are moral practitioners, so they are not allowed to scare them with Bixia knives in front of outsiders, nor are they allowed to be aggressive, and they are not allowed to fly without the master's instructions, you know?

"Yes, master, apprentice, remember it."

Nalan now basically grasps Chang Feihu's temper. He learned that as long as he is obedient, everything else is easy to say, so he agreed.

Chang Feihu was very satisfied with this apprentice. He was afraid of patting his little shoulder and said, "Now, go to the sky to see where this official road leads. There is a town in which direction. You can't play. Come back quickly."

"Yes, master!"

Nalan happily agreed and stood there motionless. Chang Feihu asked strangely, "Why don't you go?"

Nalan lowered his head and said, "Can you let Nalan ride a pheasant?"

Chang Feihu shook his head and said, "The pheasant is too blinking. Go by yourself."

Na Lan pouted and said reluctantly, "Well, the light under my feet flew out."

Nanli said to Chang Feihu with a smile, "What do I think, it's like you in front of your master when you were a child."

"Of course, this method is a weapon for children to deal with adults! As long as it is a child, it will be used naturally. Chang Feihu said disapprovingly.

The injury stabilized, and the rune charm was also repaired completely under the soul, but because Chang Feihu's soul was injured, this time retreated for a few days. Now, it can be used. They can open the rune door and go home at any time.

However, Chang Feihu has another plan. He plans to explore the continent first and then return to the mountain rune gate. After being cultivated, he can come again. He took out the rune gate from the rune soul and looked at it carefully. There is no difference between the rune gate rune intact and before it was not damaged.

He was happy in his heart. With the rune, he could go home at any time, but when Chang Feihu observed the coordinates of the interior, he suddenly fell from the mountain to the deep valley, and the piercing cold froze his heart like the cold wind in winter.

Although the rune is intact, the coordinates in the rune are not as bright as he thought. The coordinate points are still the same as before. Nothing can cheer up Chang Feihu. The dim coordinates represent that the rune gate cannot be opened, and they still can't go home.

Nan Li and Lei Ming saw that Chang Feihu's face had actually changed. His face was pale and withered, as if the lamp was about to wither. They were shocked and thought that the old injury had recurred. They asked, "What's wrong with you, Shanhu?"



Chang Feihu handed the rune to Nanli, and his extreme disappointment made him use his strength to breastfeed before saying six words, "We still can't go back!"

Nan Li was also sad after seeing the rune. As a follower, his mentality was higher than that of Chang Feihu. Although he was also worried and sad, he still had to comfort this backbone.

Lei Ming didn't know what had happened. Seeing that Nanli's face had also become very bad, he scratched his ears and cheeks anxiously. Nanli handed the rune to Lei Ming and said to Chang Feihu, "Brother! It doesn't matter. Aren't our three brothers practicing there? When the cultivation is high, you will always find a way to go home.

With Nanli's comfort, Chang Feihu was much better. He took out the wine and meat and used the wine to relieve his worries. The three began to eat and drink. After a few sips of wine, Nalan hurried back and reported, "Master, there are many people and horses."

Chang Feihu took a sip of wine and stuffed a piece of meat into his mouth, took the things on the ground and said, "Come down quickly, have you forgotten what the master said?"

Nalan fell next to Chang Feihu and asked puzzledly, "Master, why are we afraid of them?"

"Have you forgotten the master's words so soon? The master is very unhappy, you know? You will be punished like this in the future!" Chang Feihu glanced at the road and said.

"How does your master know such a profound question! Didn't Uncle say that? Think about how he taught you a few days ago!" Once the injury was well, the thunder couldn't help but want to make waves.

Na Lan smiled and immediately came to Lei Ming and said, "Uncle, do you know?"

Lei Ming's heart is the most broad-minded. As long as he followed Chang Feihu there, he didn't put the matter of not being able to go home at all. When he saw Nalan asking him, he didn't want to say, "This problem is too simple. We are not afraid of them, but afraid of scaring them, because we are too powerful than robbers."

Nalan held Lei Ming's arm and said coquettishly, "Uncle is still powerful. I know such a difficult problem."

Lei Ming loves flattery and is satisfied with listening to good words, but he still thinks it's too easy to get flattery, but Nalan's words still make him happy, so he smiled happily and said, "This simplicity has nothing to do with power."

Na Lan took a look at the master and said, "This is not awesome! Uncle knows what the master, the master and Na Lan don't know! No wonder the master always says that the uncle is powerful.

Although Lei Ming is careless, he can still understand this kind of words. He knows that it must be taught by Chang Feihu, and he doesn't say it. However, these words came out of Nalan's mouth. After all, they are still very comfortable in his ears, and he is naturally much more interested. He took out the fruit and said, "Come on, let's eat it."

Nalan sat on Lei Ming's thigh. Ka, Ka, eating fruit, I thought to myself that the master was really smart, and I coaxed my uncle with two words.

If Lei Ming knew that the child thought so, he would definitely kick him away!

When, when.

There were no people on the road. The sound of bells hanging around the horse's neck had already come. After a long time, I saw a large convoy coming along the hillside. There were colorful flags on the car, and more than a dozen strong men with weapons rode horses in front of the team.

Chang Feihu said to Nanli, "Brother, go and tell them to bring us."

Zi Chenjue's role is only the best for the people in control, and the effect is much worse for the people around him. Now, Nanli is still a little unstable to walk. He came to the road from the dirt slope and waved, "Is the person in front a caravan?"

Immediately heard, Yu, oh, oh, oh, a series of shouts to stop the horses, a man in his forties held the blade and rode the horse to run over.

The man shouted immediately: "The long dart car on the long road, and my friends are familiar with each other all the way"

This is the dialect of these people, which means that the name of the dart bureau is called the long-term dart bureau. The man came to him and asked, "Shouette side by side (brother), what Wan'er (what name)."

Seeing that Nanli stared and didn't understand what he was saying, he said, "Who are you? Get out of the way."

Nan Li held his fist and asked, "Excuse me, this brother, are you a caravan?"

The big man said, " So what? Why are you asking this? Don't get out of the way!"

Nanli said with a smile on his face, "We are from here. We don't want to block your way, we just want to get a ride together."

Chang Feihu said to Nalan, who was still eating fruit, "Do you see? How did your uncle talk to people? Look at the man's fierce appearance, but he didn't go there to beat people. This is called a reasonable smile."

The big man pulled down his face and said, "The caravan doesn't take strangers. Get out of the way, or I'll have to do it."

Nanli still said with a smile, "I'll take two steps to see. We are all injured and can't even go a long way. It won't threaten your safety. Besides, we will give you money and won't bother you in vain!"

"People like you who often go out also see a lot of the market. Can you see through it at a glance?" Nanli took a few lame steps and said.

At this time, another older man rode and asked, "What's going on?" Why did you stop?"

Nanli looks at a lot. This person looks old and looks like an ordinary public face. He wears a special blue blouse and wears a black belt around his waist. Although he is old, he is still a majestic temperament with old ambition.

The man quickly hugged his fist and said, "Take a ride (take a ride), empty code (a layman), a little thick (bold)."

The person who just came here was about 60 years old. He drove forward two steps and said, "Brother, I'm really sorry that our bodyguard won't let outsiders ride."

Nan Li asked, "What's your name, your last name?"

The man looked at Nanli for a moment and said, "The head of the long-term bodyguard bureau, just call me Chu's head."

"It doesn't matter whether you call it or not. You'd better leave quickly. We don't bring strangers." But as soon as the man thought something was wrong, he said loudly.

Nan Li smiled and said that he didn't move. Since it was expensive... the dart bureau, Nanli knew that Chang Feihu didn't understand what the dart bureau was, but looking at these people looked like the guards of the caravan, although he didn't understand one thing, Nanli thought that the mountain tiger was still clear.

Nanli knew that no matter where they were, the caravans did not like to pick up people halfway, because it was very risky to do so, but their current situation could not fly or walk, so they had to continue to pester with Chu's head.

Nan Li's smiling face continued, and then said, "Since your dart bureau can't ride outsiders, how many horses can we sell?"

Chu's head frowned and said to himself why this person was so difficult to deal with. He saw that there were still two people and a child sitting on the slope, and he didn't seem to be the person who wanted to plan them, but Nanli's boldness made him uneasy and thought to himself: it's better not to mess with them.

So he said, "The horses of the caravan are all a radish and a pit without excess, or..."