
Chapter 75 Thank you, the old fairy

Chapter 75 Thank you, the old fairy

Nanli's spirit suddenly said, "What an extraordinary hometown of immortals."

Chang Feihu said, "I'm sleepy and tired all the way. I'm going to close my eyes and visit Xianxiang."

Na Lan saw that the master rested and turned over and went to Chang Feihu's bed. He lay down and thought about his thoughts. Chang Feihu touched him and said, "Don't think nonsense. Go to sleep."

The three went to bed and fell asleep.

It was the next morning when he woke up. Chang Feihu looked at the poem in front of the window and said, "I dreamed of the master last night."

Nan Li was unwilling to lag behind and said, "Big brother dreamed of the mountain tiger when he was a child."

Nalan also said, "I dreamed of my parents."

"It seems that we are all homesick. Lei Ming, have you dreamed? Chang Feihu said with emotion.

"Thunder also dreamed, but the dream was not good. I dreamed..." Lei Ming said depressedly.

Chang Feihu quickly blocked it and said, "Don't say it. You can't say it. A good dream is equivalent to breaking it, and a bad dream will come true."

Lei Ming said with a bitter face, "What should I do? You all said, I won't say it's uncomfortable."

Chang Feihu hugged Lei Ming and said, "Of course there is a way. You can see how good the sunshine is outside. Go out and write your dream on the south wall. We will know."

Na Lan couldn't understand and asked, "Since you can't say it, why can you write it?"

At this time, Qing Yunzi came over and said, "A few early, this poor question can be answered. Ha ha, good dreams are called answered, and nightmares are called fulfilled. This is the same as good people and bad people. Good things are difficult to achieve, so they are easy to break, and bad things are easy to achieve, so they are easy to come true."

"The sun shines brightly in the morning, representing the power of justice. It writes bad dreams on the wall. Under the red sun, all the dark and ugly things are extinguished."

As soon as Lei Ming heard this, he was as happy as a child. He ran over and began to write. Na Lan asked, "Why do you have to paint on the south wall? Can't other walls work?"

Chang Feihu was afraid that Nalan's unprovoked problem would embarras him and embarrass him. He said, "Children talk nonsense, don't pay attention to the Taoist priest."

Qing Yunzi smiled and said, "Don't think it's a child, the question he asked really makes sense!"

"Look at the southeast and northwest, the sun rises from the east, and the first place to shine is the south, and the south represents fire. Fire and light together are like the sun. This is the fastest way to come. If the meaning of the three poles on the sun is different, does Xiao Shanxin understand?"

Nalan replied briskly, "I see. Thank you for teaching me!"

Qing Yunzi said, "People can't bring anything in their lives, and there are few things they can take away when they die. What you can't take away and others can't take away is money. What you can't take away and others can't take away is knowledge. What you can take away but others can't take away is wisdom. You are still young and learn hard. ! Three priests are going to do their morning homework. You can look around the Taoist temple and chat when you have time.

Chang Feihu said respectfully, "The Taoist priest, please do your own and don't worry about us."

After watching Qing Yunzi leave, several people walked around and felt very bored. Suddenly, he remembered something and rushed to find Qing Yunzi. The old Taoist priest had just finished reciting the morning fairy scriptures and held fragrant tea in his hand.

Chang Feihu gently stinged his door and said, "My disciple came to ask, does the fairy master have time?"

Qing Yunzi smiled and said, "I'm very leisurely, just in time to argue with the priest."

Chang Feihu went over and sat down and said bluntly, "The Taoist priest said the day before yesterday. Ghosts can also accumulate good deeds and also have promotions. If the living person pulls the 'ghost', they can also get the 'ghost' out of the sea of suffering. After transcending, they can be a good ghost, the land is not controlled, the ghost record is not written, and the hometown is free.

"I have a heartless invitation today. I also hope that the immortal master can teach me or two. Qing Yunzi said, "Goodness is better than filial piety. You have this idea. It should be for your parents. This can be said for you, but words and personal teaching cannot be recorded on paper. Only say it once. How much you can remember is your fate."

Just as Qingyunzi was about to say, he saw Daotong looking inside outside the door and his ears pricked up. Qingyunzi coughed and said, "The law is not transmitted to the thief stealing six ears. If you want to hear it, just come in generously."

Dao Tong blushed and stood beside Qing Yunzi. Then Qing Yunzi said, "First of all, there should be an altar for the soul of death, on which the brand of fragrant pearls..."

Say this, Qing Yunzi shook his head.

laughed: These things are complete and the process is too troublesome for you. Just tell the spell directly to listen to you, but you need to be virtuous to do this, otherwise its power is too weak to play its due role. After the Taoist priest's explanation, Chang Feihu seemed to nod clearly.

The Taoist priest said again, "In fact, when you come here, you are using the great virtue of the reciter to help relieve the injustice, suffering and evil fate. During this period, men and women are not allowed to wear accessories on their hands."

As he spoke, a Taoist priest reported, "Lord Hanrong has come, and he has entered the main gate and will come immediately."

As soon as the voice fell, I heard a bold and cheerful voice, "Qing Yunzi! Why don't you call me here? Chang Ming is here? I heard that several Minggong came to you?

When Chang Feihu heard the words of Minggong, his head immediately became bigger. This must be the trouble caused by Chu Dartou and others talking nonsense in the capital. He hurriedly whispered to Qing Yunzi, "Do you have a back door here, Taoist priest? I'll avoid it."

Qing Yunzi shook his head and said, "It's too late. He has arrived at the door."

The laughter came from his ears, and a white head leaned in and said, "Qing Yunzi, why are you hiding from me? I don't eat people."

In a word, he also came in with his body. Chang Feihu turned around and didn't look at the man. He just wanted to wait for Qing Yunzi to leave here after going out with him.

Qingyunzi knew that he had come to find these people deliberately as soon as he heard the content and tone of Hanrong's words.

What a character is Qing Yunzi? From the beginning, he saw that a child could casually throw more than a dozen large and round robbers over the high wall, and those robbers did not have any power to return in front of the children, especially the one named Chang Feihu. He behaved decently, and was born with divine charm in his eyes and did not be angry and arrogant. The other two It's more like an entourage.

A child is so powerful, not to mention these three people. They are by no means ordinary mortals. Now even Hanrong knows the names of these people, which can be seen as extraordinary people.

After Hanrong came in, he smiled dryly and looked at Chang Feihu and others: "Are these people...? Qing Yunzi, why don't you introduce me!"

Qing Yunzi has seen that Chang Feihu doesn't want to see outsiders, but he is really embarrassed to refuse in the face of Han Rong. In addition, Han Rong is simply for these three people. I'm afraid he can't avoid it even if he wants to avoid it.

Qing Yunzi was in a dilemma. He looked at Han Rong and said, "These people are the new acquaintances of poor people. As for whether you are talking about Ming Gong, poor people don't know. They don't like to see outsiders. Look at you. You are so old and still like a child, you are not stable at all. Wait and wait for the poor Tao to go. Ask, see if they see you!"

Qing Yunzi turned around and came to Chang Feihu to explain: "This old miscellaneous hair is called Hanrong, the prince of Huang Yan. The poor Tao knows that these things are worthless in your eyes, but he is also a poor Taoist. Can you just say a few words to him on the front of the poor Tao and send him away."

Qing Yunzi looks like a fairy and Taoist, and his voice is not light or heavy, which makes people feel that they can experience their own smallness when standing in front of such a person. Of course, this has nothing to do with how Qing Yunzi speaks.

What gives Chang Feihu this feeling is completely Qingyunzi's own temperament. Look at this person, the kind of divine charm that reveals immortals in his body and kindness. Such a person makes Chang Feihu have a feeling. He feels that Qingyunzi's existence is not like people in this world at all, let alone ordinary people. That is detached. Cut everything in the world and become the existence above Taixu.

Qing Yunzi's voice is also like a voice from another Taihao's true place, which is full of true temperament, but such a person is not arrogant at all. He is so approachable, which makes people feel intimate at a glance. Qing Yunzi is now asking for Chang Feihu's opinion in a consultative tone.

Chang Feihu can't refuse such a voice and such transcendental words, but he really doesn't want to contact these fuss and profit-making people.

But with the relationship between Qingyunzi, he still can't tear his face, and he can't have the idea of resistance in his heart, so he turned around and said, "We are ordinary people, and I'm afraid we can't talk to the prince."

Chang Feihu glanced at Hanrong in his words, but looked up unexpectedly. Hearing the voice, he thought he was in his thirties. Unexpectedly, this man looked almost 100 years old.

Hanrong's face is full of white hair and beard, and the folds on his face are piled up like mountains, but his skin is very white. With his snow-white hair, eyebrows and beard, his face is full of white.

Na Lan just took a look and screamed and ran behind Chang Feihu to hide. Hanrong smiled and said shyly, "I'm scared the child. Ha ha, I'm sorry, it's not like this. It's just that I got sick and became like this. I was born to make friends. Don't treat me as you. Lord, just think of it as ordinary people.

Han Rong looked very regular in front of Chang Feihu. He even changed his name and called himself subordinate. It seemed that he had no prince's airs.

Han Rong's naughty and hippie smiling face with Qing Yunzi was suddenly thrown away. Han Rong said here, out of Chang Feihu's imagination. Unexpectedly, he took a step forward and knelt down and said, "The little old man said it directly."