fa mou

Chapter 03 Do you need a buddy

penniless people can beg all over the street, eat overlord meals in the adventure area, or be fascinated to thank them for stealing chickens and dogs. However, this depressed guy actually asked people to take the initiative to have another bowl of free. Although it is left, it is also the meal, and this downtrodden seems to be a matter of course.

"Hey, you still have an end. Are you not satisfied after eating a bowl?" Zhang's face was full of contempt, and his unkind eyes kept staring.

However, the guy didn't seem to be able to see these actions of Mr. Zhang, and his eyes looked at Ling Xianger motionless.

"Xiao Zhang, I didn't tell you just that you don't be rude to others, just go and make a bowl." After saying that, he turned his head and said to the depressed guy, "Are you satisfied now?"

"It's okay." The depressed guy seems to cherish the words again.

"Very good, then eat slowly." After saying that, he walked in.

Miss Ling's order was really effective, and Mr. Zhang, who was very unhappy, brought another bowl of food. It's just that there are fewer meals and more dishes, only more than half a bowl. It seems that Mr. Zhang is a little angry and wants to revenge on this guy.

"Take it and go quickly after eating." Zhang stuffed the bowl into his hand and went in. He didn't want to stay with this unlucky guy for a while.

The restaurant is open as usual in the afternoon, and the business is still so good. It seems that today's income will not be small.

And the only decrease in income is Mr. Zhang. Affected by the bad mood in the morning, his mouth was not so sweet, and coupled with the bad luck of the depressed guy, his tip was much less.

"Damn guy, unlucky bastard, I have lost so much money." Zhang looked down and counted the income this afternoon, muttering and cursing the depressed guy.

It's time for dinner now, and it seems that this is the only income today.

Unfortunately, another dark shadow blocked his sight when Zhang was counting money in the afterglow of the sunset. Why again? He has an ominous feeling.

Mude Zhang quickly stepped back two steps and looked up, and his heart immediately cooled down. Immediately, Mr. Zhang held the scattered silver in his hand, and the other pointed to the man who came to him and said tremblingly, "I'm unlucky enough. Why are you still here? There is no leftovers now. You'd better go to another house quickly."

It's the downtrodden man in the morning, but now it can't be said that he is a downtrodden man, because he has cleaned up and changed a suit. Although the dress is not a precious material, it can't be said to be depressed.

He smiled, and his smile was very gentle and said slowly, "I'm not here for leftovers. I'm here to eat, and you won't be unlucky, and you will be as lucky as in the morning." With that, he put ten taels of silver in his hand and walked in.

Yes, it's a whole piece of silver, because he never wants to owe others. Although Mr. Zhang was not good to him in the morning, and even his attitude could be said to be very bad, he still felt that he helped himself, so he gave him what he needed most.

Man Zhang didn't know how he got in. He only felt that his hand was sinking and a shiny ingot of silver was lying in his hand. He even put it in his mouth and bit it. It was a little soft, with ten taels of silver ingots. Mr. Zhang wrote it in his hand, and his palms were sweating. He didn't want to let go.

Years of struggle made Mr. Zhang's mind excited, and a word immediately appeared: rich man. So he immediately turned around and followed in.

The downtrodden, no, should be said to be a prince at this time, has already sat on the chair by the window in the lobby of the restaurant. So, Zhang rushed over as fast as he could and gave his best smile.

"I don't know what this gentleman wants to eat. Although our restaurant is not the largest in the town, it is indeed the best. I guarantee you will come back after eating it once."

Man Zhang thought to himself, give me another ten taels of silver, and then I will have a wife in a few days. Mr. Zhang began a very beautiful fantasy and eager yearning.

"For the good dishes in your restaurant, give me a cold and hot one, and an old-heat soup. Don't forget, a few pots of good wine and a pile of peanuts." The current prince ordered.

"Okay, wait a minute, I'll be right there." Although the mouth is so concord, it is a little strange in my heart.

It's not uncommon for a few floors to order so many dishes alone. Those are those young men who want to show off in front of the young lady. But it's the first time I've seen a good dish with peanuts. It's really strange.

But it's strange that the dishes are not slow. A cup of tea time, rich wine and vegetables and some peanuts were placed on the table of the transformation brother.

"The dishes are ready, please take your time." Mr. Zhang said flatteringly and couldn't help nodding his head and bowing.

The metamorphosis brother just nodded and didn't say anything, so he slowly drank the wine with peanuts.

The sun falls quickly in the evening, just like the lines on the stock market. The guests in the restaurant have almost left. To be precise, there is only one guest who has not left, that is, the transformed brother by the window.

He is still drinking and eating peanuts. A pile of peanuts and a few pots of wine have not been solved for more than an hour. This style is really different from his morning style.

"Have all the guests left?" Ling Xianger asked Zhang in a lazy voice about the clerk standing outside the counter. After calculating the account for a day, even if he is a young man and a veteran, he can't help but feel tired. The reason for this is that the business of this restaurant is really good.

"Miss, there is still one person left." Zhang replied that he began to pay attention to this metamorphosis brother half an hour ago. He ordered so many dishes that he didn't eat a bite. He ate a few pots of wine and a pile of peanuts for more than an hour.

"Where?" Ling Xianger raised her head and looked in the direction pointed by Zhang. She couldn't help frowning, "This guest is a little familiar."

"The young lady's eyes are really like a torch, and she never forgets that he is the young man who begged for dinner at the door this morning." It seems that Mr. Zhang was bought by the ten taels of silver. What kind of beggars, beggars and so on have been changed to eaters, princes and so on.

"Oh, does he have money to eat here?" Ling Xianger frowned again, "No way, he wants to eat without paying." Ling Xianger naturally thought of his appearance of eating this morning, which can be said to be two people.

One is devouring and the other is slow. One is dark and smells bad, but now it is very clean and tidy.

"I don't look like it, because he gave me ten taels of silver tip when he entered the door." It seems that ten taels of silver is not small in power. As the saying goes, make the best use of it and throw it to its good. For the sake of money, Mr. Zhang said a lot of good things for his transformation.

"So rich?" Ling Xianger is even more strange. Is it possible that he has made a fortune and doesn't want to be a thief? It was because of this that she gave him food in the morning.

"Yes, he ordered a table of good dishes with dozens of taels of silver, but he only drank and ate peanuts. The good dishes did not move. He has been eating for more than an hour." Although Mr. Zhang is a little insightful, it is the first time he has seen such a strange person.

"Then I'll go and have a look." Ling Xianger said and walked over to the transformed son.

"This gentleman seems to be very kind-faced." Ling Xianger stood next to the transformed brother and said softly. In the service industry, everyone should be polite to customers, even the boss. Although Ling Xianger is young, she is very sophisticated.

"Yes, we met in the morning, and you gave me two bowls of rice." The transformation brother said.

"You seem to like to eat breakfast very much. Why don't you move any chopsticks now? I believe this dish will definitely not be worse than the morning." Ling Xianger asked her doubts.

"In theory, it's just that when a person is most hungry, the food is the best." The metamorphosis brother said affirmatively.

"What you said is really right, but..." Ling Xianger deliberately paused, but she was disappointed and did not arouse the man's curiosity. "But do you have the heart to let a weak woman stand and talk to you like this?"

"Please sit down and eat whatever you want." The metamorphosis brother is still very attentive to his peanuts and wine.

Ling Xianger's sitting posture is also very charming.

"It seems that this peanut is delicious?" Ling Xianger doesn't seem to be able to find the topic.

"Wine is a good wine, and peanuts are not bad, but without peanuts, the taste of wine is a little worse." The theory of metamorphosis is a little strange, but also a little novel.

"These dishes taste good. Why don't you try them?" Ling Xianger is a conscientious restaurant owner.

"Because I'm not hungry." The metamorphosis prince said lightly. After saying that, he ate the last peanut and drank the last glass of wine.

"Then why are you hungry in the morning?" Ling Xianger doesn't want to end the topic yet. She is very curious about his behavior in the morning.

"Because I only ate one dough cake for two days and two nights." The metamorphosis brother said very calmly, as if describing a very relaxed story, rather than his own personal experience.

"If you haven't eaten for two days and two nights, is it a lack of money?" Ling Xianger said to him with a smile, with a little curiosity in her eyes, but there was no trace of contempt.

Of course, the scene of this beauty's smile fell into the eyes of the down-and-out brother, because he also turned his head to look at Ling Xianger. He couldn't help smiling. He smiled gently and kindly, just like the cool breeze on a summer night.

"As far as I know, it is generally to check the silver in a man's pocket, except for the man's wife, which is the laughing woman in the brothel." He didn't say he was selling his body. It seems that there is no difference between him and no one in his eyes.

Ling Xianger was obviously stunned when she heard this, but she was not angry, but looked at him with a smile. It's really interesting. It's much more interesting than those magnificent men. They don't spend so much time.

"But as far as I know, there are two kinds of people who are interested in money in other people's pockets." Ling Xianger is talking about others, not men.

"Oh?" His eyes also seemed to be a little shiny.

"That's the person with one more hand, and..." Speaking of this, Ling Xianger couldn't help leaning against him and smiled more, "And the boss in the restaurant."

"It seems that you think of me as a bully meal." The metamorphosis brother withdrew his eyes and turned to look out of the window.

"I didn't say, who ate the overlord's meal and ordered a table of dishes, but didn't eat a bite?" Ling Xianger is not angry that he ignores himself. The customer is God.

The transformation brother turned his face and said, "I always pay for dinner in the restaurant. When I don't have money, I won't come in for half a step."

"The little woman was also lucky to see it." Ling Xianger seems to be saying that she is a person who has something to do with the metamorphosis.

The metamorphosis brother took out a bag from nowhere and put it on the table. The bag is bulging and doesn't look light, but it doesn't make a sound at all.

"Do you think this money is enough?" The metamorphosis brother just took out a large bag of silver, as if it was not his.

Ling Xianger was not polite. She was a little surprised when she opened the bag. After so many years as a bookkeeping, she has really had a lot of silver in her hand. At first glance, it was a two-colored ingot and ten taels of silver, as many as 19 ingots.

Ling Xianger sighed and said, "It's not enough, but more, much more."

It's indeed much more. This table's signature dish is only 40 to 50 taels of silver, and it's 190 taels.

"If there are more, take it as a tip. You have been talking to me for so long." The transformation brother said.

Generally rich people don't have nostrils when they are broad, that is, they are arrogant, as if others are giving alms to him. But there was no such look in his eyes. At least Ling Xianger couldn't see it. He could only be calm in his eyes.

"Since that's the case, thank you, prince." Ling Xianger is not polite. Who would think that the money is small?

"However, this young man, it's getting late, and our restaurant is about to be closed. If you want to come, please come early tomorrow." Although Ling Xianger's words are between shoppers, their tone seems to be a little inviting, because she feels that there is no burden to talk to this person.

"I've been sitting here for an hour and a half, and I have something to find the young lady." His name has changed.

"I don't know what I can do for you?" Ling Xianger began to be a little defensive, and a little intimacy between them seemed to have disappeared. For a person like him who doesn't take money seriously, what else can a woman do? Is it possible that he, like others, covet his own beauty? It seems that you can't trust others so easily, Ling Xianger thinks so.

The request of the transformation brother, or inquiry, really surprised her, but it was not what she thought.

"I don't know if you still need a buddy here?" The metamorphosis brother asked seriously.


Author's words: During the National Day holiday, because it has been raining in Hainan for a long time, the power supply is a little abnormal. The electricity has been stopped since yesterday until now, but fortunately, the water damage did not flood our door. The rain finally stopped this afternoon.

In order to make up for the chapter that was not updated yesterday, there are still two chapters tonight. Try to update 10,000 words today, if it doesn't stop.

I will try my best to update the words to protest against this thief. I hope that friends who like this book will support me and thank you in advance.