fa mou

Chapter 55 Different Tasks

This mission is the most uncertain promise. Although he only killed a rich businessman who had no power to fight back, the promised character and the assassination task of killing directly without prior investigation made him a little like a headless fly. This task can only be said to be assassination, while his previous mission can be said to be assassination.

Although there is a lot of uncertainty in my heart, I promise to do it without hesitation. He didn't even think about Ruolan's strangeness tonight. As soon as he received the task, all his attention would be on it. This habit can increase his assassination success rate. If you know him for so long and know him so well, don't you understand his habit?

Although it is an assassination, he still promises to have plenty of time. Although the time is short all night, he can still do a lot of things. What he needs to do now is to squat on the opposite roof outside the gate of this rich merchant and slowly observe the situation inside.

I don't know if God is playing with promises, or this rich businessman's habit is too good. Although it is still early, there are not many lanterns on in this huge courtyard. Obviously, the owner of this family has the habit of going to bed early, but it's too early. At this time, this Yangjiazhuang courtyard is like a huge monster in the dark, as if it can devour people at any time. This is the feeling of promise.

The idea of promising to come early and observing the situation of this yard while they didn't sleep and lit a lot of lanterns was so ruthlessly shattered. However, fortunately, the owner of the Yang family seems to be very close to nature. With the faint moonlight, I promised to see a lot of flowers and trees in it, and even rockery and pavilions.

It seems that the terrain of the Yang family is very complicated, which has disadvantages and benefits. The disadvantage is that it promises to spend more time, and the advantage is that it promises to hide your body well.

After a glance at the terrain, Xu promised to follow the eaves to the door of Yang's door. He fell silently at the door like a gliding bat.

Promise to listen to the door, you can hear the sound of two people talking. These two may be doorkeepers. Promise to kill people has always liked to enter through the main door. This habit seems to be very bold, but this courage also needs to be supported. Tonight, this bold habit promised inexplicably saved his life.

The two doorkeepers suddenly felt a gust of wind blowing over their heads, so they looked up and thought it was windy at night and didn't care, so they continued their conversation.

The promise shook the two families easily, which was just the beginning. There must be a lot of people in the family, at least there are maids in the family. Otherwise, how can someone take care of such a big courtyard? Although the night light is very weak, the promise can judge that the compound he just came in is very clean. Even the flowers and plants are neatly trimmed. Because Promise was hiding in a dense flower bush at this time, he could even smell the juice flowing from the newly trimmed branches.

However, it is a coincidence that this huge yard is just a bunch of flowers near the gate. God really helped me. He shouted in his heart that although he only believed in his strength and did not believe in any good luck that God could bring him, he still couldn't help praising.

Another feature of this Yangjiazhuang courtyard is that only the place of the house is lit with a lantern, and the rest is dark.

Not far from the flowers hidden by Promise, there is a rockery and a big rockery. Not to mention hiding from Promise, there is no problem hiding from a few people. At this time, there was no family patrol, and the opportunity was just right, so he promised to go to the bottom of the rockery without hesitation.

The information given to him by Ruolan is very detailed, more detailed than before, and even pointed out where the target person slept this time. It seems that the leader was very attentive this time, and he couldn't help but think of it with admiration. To be honest, Ruolan is really attentive and cruel this time.

The information is very detailed, and there are very few patrols in Yangjiazhuang. Therefore, without surprise, he promised to come to the house where the target task was only 40 steps away, and he was hiding behind a pavilion pillar in a pavilion. Even if you don't look at it carefully, you can never see a person there in such a faint moonlight. Of course, if it is a side, it can be seen that the pavilion has an inexplicable curvature.

When he felt that there was no challenge, he finally saw a patrolman. The man carried a lantern and walked this way along the road by the pavilion. He looked at it as he walked. He was very conscientious and should process the money. He promised to think so.

Suddenly, a very bold idea came to promise, because there was really no challenge tonight, but the leader still said it so solemnly.

When the family had just walked through the pavilion, Xu promised suddenly dodged and suddenly flashed behind the patrol.

"Why is the wind blowing?" The patrolman said to himself strangely, didn't forget to stop, looked left and right, and found that there was nothing unusual, so he continued to move forward.

In this way, the patrolman walked in the front and promised to follow. The scene was very strange. However, he didn't dare to make a promise. It was important to complete the task, so he followed him until he was only ten steps away from the house, and then jumped to a tree in front of the house.

"Why is there a wind?" The patrolman said strangely to himself. However, even in the numb family, the wind rose for no reason in the middle of the night... Thinking of this, the family fought a cold war all over, and then walked away in frustration. This time, the patrolman didn't look left and right. He just wanted to go back to his room to sleep immediately.

The promise to hide in the tree is smiling secretly, and a happy mood helps people's thinking ability clearly. The promise that I was in a good mood suddenly thought of something. By the way, it's strange here, really strange.

For no reason, there is a cluster of flowers not far from the gate, or flowers that have just been trimmed. Moreover, there is no patrol in this Yangjiazhuang courtyard. Except for the gatekeeper, he promised to see a patrol. According to common sense, even if the host goes to bed, the family should not go to bed so early. Now it should still be brightly lit and there are many maids. Because they have to serve the host during the day, it is rare to have their own time at night. How can they waste it so much? At least the shop assistant in the guest building will not go to bed so early.

And what's more strange is that the bunker on the road, like a well-designed general, has one road, and then goes all the way to the front of the house to be assassinated. And the last bunker is that he hid the tree.

Promise suddenly remembered what Ruolan said: If one day, I did something wrong to you, will you forgive me... You must complete the task.

Must complete the task... Must complete the task. Promise thought about it for a moment and suddenly tightened his whole body. He only felt a chill rushing to his forehead from the soles of his feet. Cold sweat suddenly flowed out and soaked his clothes.