fa mou

Chapter 79 by surprise

"Hey, promise, what are you doing? Why are you going back?" Ling Xianger asked in a low voice. She was very surprised that before she reached the gate, the promise came back. Of course, Ling Xianger's hearing is definitely not as good as promised, and Ling Xianger doesn't know the promise of a new plan.

"Let's talk about it when we get back." After saying this, he hurried back. Ling Xianger is a second-year-old monk who can't figure it out, but she still listens to the promise, so she is eager to keep up.

"Can you tell me now? Why don't you ask about my father's situation?" Back to the promised small house, Ling Xianger asked a question that had been holding for a long time.

"I have a new plan now." Although the promise was talking, he didn't stop for a moment. He looked around, took something here, took some things there, and then put them all into the package. Of course, this is just Ling Xianger's opinion. However, what made Ling Xianger feel strange was that she had also looked for food during the day, so she couldn't see the things she promised to take out now.

Ling Xianger may have forgotten that this is no longer the room she arranged for promise. This is the old nest before the promise. How can some things be easily found by others?

"What are you doing?" Ling Xianger asked, she was getting more and more strange.

"I'm going to save your father directly." Promised to say his plan.

"You're not crazy, are you? You haven't been to the garrison. You think it's a guest building. You can do whatever you want." Ling Xianger disagreed very much with the promise. She thought it was an excellent plan. It turned out that she was just a reckless man.

"When you are in the guest building, it seems that you can do whatever you want?" Promise suddenly asked back.

"Well, even so." Ling Xianger is not in the mood to discuss this with Promise now. She continued, "If you want to save my father, you have to explore the situation. At worst, I won't follow you. I'll wait for you here." Ling Xianger had to make a huge 'sacrifice' for her promised safety and to save her father.

"That was the previous plan, and now I got the news that your father will be taken to Kyoto overnight." Promise had to confess to Ling Xianger, or according to her character, if she didn't figure it out, it was herself who suffered.

"How do you know? Where did you get the news? I've always been by your side. I don't even know." Ling Xianger was very suspicious of the promise. She was afraid that he would go to the mouth of the tiger as soon as he was impulsive. Isn't that she losing her father and getting a lover?

"Because I'm an sconnominator." Xu promised to say coaxedly. He looked at Ling Xianger with a confident look in his eyes.

"Well, what do you want me to do now?" Ling Xianger gave in again. There is nothing she can do. Who makes her an expert professor in this field?

"Pack up the necessary things and come with me." Promise said. When they went out, Ling Xianger was looking around, but the promise was not like that. He pay attention to the surrounding terrain to see if there is any hiding place, which is the best escape route, where it can be hidden, and where the defense is the weakest. The most important thing is where to do it, and then he escaped from the gate with both of them.

However, the promise soon began to be depressed again, because Ling Xianger was packing up the 'necessary' things. What kind of rouge powder, lip red eyebrow pencil, and the cosmetics she just took out were all put back. After loading things, I tied a bow to my burden.

After doing all this, Ling Xianger clapped her hands contentedly and said, "It's done." This is obviously the tone promised by scholars.

However, the excited Ling Xianger saw the helpless expression of the promise, and even faintly sweated on her forehead.

"What's the problem?" Ling Xianger asked heartlessly.

"No, no problem at all." The promise answered with certainty. It seems that he has to prepare those things to eat and drink on the way to escape.

"No problem, what should we do next?" Ling Xianger was very surprised why the promise was suddenly in a daze.

"Oh, come with me, but you'd better not talk along the way, especially when we're in ambush." The promise reminded Ling Xianger.

"Okay, what do you need me to do then?" Ling Xianger doesn't know what's going on. Now she is hijacking the car to save people. She is still playing games, and she is so excited.

"Well, I'll give you a difficult task." The promise said solemnly.

"Okay, I will definitely finish it beautifully." Ling Xianger clenched her little fist and was very excited.

"When I save people, you will just hide." Xu Yi narrowed his eyes and said with an indifferent expression.

What do you use to describe Ling Xianger's mood now? It is to teleport from the crater to the North and South Pole, or fall into a deep valley from a height of 10,000 meters. Undoubtedly, she fell into a low tide in her life at this time, and the promise was too hard on her.

However, Ling Xianger also knew that she could not promise anything. If she was by his side, it would cause him trouble. Therefore, Ling Xianger lowered her head, loosened her shoulders, and returned listlessly, "Well, everything is according to your arrangement."

Promised to walk out of the small house with the very bleak Ling Xianger, which may be the last time to come to this small house. Even if it was a promise, I couldn't help looking back, and then I walked into the still lively street.

Along the way, Ling Xianger adhered to the promised order and still shrugged her head without saying a word. Promise is much more enlightened now. He is wondering if it has hit her too hard just now.

After a while, they came to a hidden place where they promised to see. This place is dark and conducive to hiding. It is still close to the main street, and there is a lot of space and time to start. Most importantly, it is not far from the city gate. After the robbery, people can rush out of the door. At that time, it will be faster.

Promised to pull Ling Xianger into the dark alley when others were not paying attention, and there was also a broken wall in the alley, as if it was specially prepared for them.

"We'll wait here. When your father is brought out, I'll do it and take you two out." Promise said in a low voice.

"Good." Ling Xianger squatted down with promise. There was nothing she could do. The wall was a little short, and she couldn't hide without squatting down.

promises to firmly believe that if nothing happens, this will be a very good, unexpected and unprepared plan.

Even the promise can't help praying in my heart now, hoping that this time will go well, because he is no longer alone. But are there really so many satisfactory things in the world?


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