fa mou

Chapter 85 All the way to the north

The promised strategy is very good. He successfully killed Wang Zhou, and more importantly, the effect achieved after killing Wang Zhou. When the soldiers saw the promise, they killed the master of martial arts and the domineering guard, and immediately panicked.

That's why Yang Tianhe said 'bad'. He was not worried about Wang Zhou's life, but about the military spirit of the soldiers he brought after Wang Zhou's death. Sure enough, he promised to shout and then rushed to the soldier. The soldiers' obstruction was very sparse, and they even shouted and jumped off the roof. There were sprains, broken feet, and screaming on the ground, but they were lucky because they survived.

On the roof, the promised place is like a tiger breaking into the frightened sheep, full of corpses on the roof. Yang Tianhe felt cold when he saw this scene. This is the gap between ordinary soldiers and his guards. Another reason that makes Yang Tianhe feel cold, that is, this 'game', he lost to Leng Hui. He is an arrogant person, even very conceited, but he can only look at the figure who promised to move away quickly.

"He has run away now. Aren't you going to chase him?" Yang Tianhe asked Leng Hui with a glimmer of hope.

"I said that he is not worth my action, and I don't want to take action. There is no need to take action." Leng Hui said faintly. His meaning could not be more obvious, that is to say, you Yang Tian is not as good as me. I still have arrangements, but you have spent so much manpower, but you can't catch him.

It is difficult for anyone to catch him if he promises to escape, even if there is one in his arms. In the quiet night, there is a ghost-like shadow on the roof of the wide roadside, constantly jumping. His goal is very accurate, all the way north.

The decision promised is also a helpless move. Out of Pinghe Town, further north is what people often call the barbarian land. It is said that there are some uncivilized barbarians living there. The reason for promising to go north is that with everyone's unfamiliar attitude towards the terrain, if you flee to the south, it will undoubtedly be much more difficult.

Pinghe Town is neither big nor small. When he promised how to survive in the north and then came back to save Boss Ling, he had already run to the North Gate. North City, as he thought, the gate had long been closed, which was also promised. At this time, he was ready.

Promised to quietly come to the foot of the city wall, take out his sword and rope, and then tie the rope to the hilt of the sword. After doing all this, he took a deep breath, then suddenly lifted his breath and went up the wall. If it is a person, he promises to climb slowly. Even if he doesn't have to climb, he promises to jump to two-thirds of the city wall.

But the current situation is a little different. He promised to carry a person in his arms. Although Ling Xianger is very light, it also makes him very inconvenient. In addition, he suffered a lot of injuries, which are the influencing factors. Therefore, even if he promised to jump and climb, he only ran out of breath when he reached one-third of the city wall.

Just as he was about to fall, he promised to take out his sword and throwing it up. Hearing the 'kah' sound, the sword was deeply inserted in two-thirds of the wall. This is a good calculation. But the promise also knew that the sound would soon attract soldiers defending the city. Since Wang Zhou was in addition to such a bad incident, these soldiers defending the city have paid some attention at night, otherwise they may die next time.

Promised to grab one end of the rope, then changed his breath, and then pulled hard, and he rushed up with Ling Xianger. With the help of ropes, Promise quickly climbed to two-thirds of the city wall. He took another breath, pulled out his sword with a 'bang', and then continued to rush up.

"What's the sound?" By the second sound, a soldier guarding the city was surprised and came to check it out.

Just as the soldier looked down, he saw a shadow rushed up. Before he could exclaim, a cold sword edge touched his neck. Looking at the cold eyes of the visitor, the soldier knew that as long as he had a slight movement, he would immediately splash blood on the spot.

"Do you want to live?" Promise asked a nonsense question. But for this soldier, this nonsense is simply an alien sound, not to mention how wonderful it is. The soldier was still quite smart. He didn't say anything, just nodded desperately.

"Then you turn around." Promise and order. The soldier quickly turned around, and just as he turned around, he felt black in front of his eyes and fell down.

After promising to knock out the soldier, he picked up the soldier's long gun, which was what he needed to get down the wall. Naturally, it's much easier to go down than to come up. Promise came to the edge of the wall, took a breath, and jumped down against the wall.

When he fell to only one-third of the height of the city wall on the ground, he promised to hold the side near the head of the gun and suddenly inserted it into the wall. Two people weigh more than 200 catties, so the power of falling is still very strong. I only saw the contact between the head of the gun and the wall, pulling a shining spark. The harsh sound of squeaking seems so abrupt in this night.

"What's the sound? Go and have a look!" The sound finally attracted the attention of a large number of defenders.

"Captain, someone fainted." A soldier reported.

"Captain, a figure jumped into the city." Another soldier reported.

When the captain guarding the city ran over, he could only see a figure leaving quickly, and there was a long gun used by their soldiers at the lower end of the wall. And the hard wall has a deep scratch across one-third of the height of the wall. The captain couldn't help but praise - what a great hand.

Although he promised to go down the wall, he still dared not stop his pace. Because in order to prevent the barbarians from attacking, the trees within a few miles outside the city were cut down. Although there are weeds outside the North City, which can avoid a little people, it can prevent large-scale enemy raids.

The promise is running on the ground full of weeds, constantly making a 'chirp' sound. You can imagine how fast the promised speed is. Although Xu promised his face was very pale at this time, he did not dare to slow down at all. He had only one thought, that is, all the way north. When you run into the jungle, that's real safety. Of course, this is from the perspective of being hunted down.

Although it is a wide countryside, the promised route is not straight, but tortuous. This is very strange, but the smart promise did so.