fa mou

Chapter 123 The old man taught each other

The old man looked at the shadow of the promise and said to himself, "If this son can train well, he will become a great weapon in the future. He has courage and calculation. The most rare thing is that he has a lot of blood."

He promised that he used to be a first-class master in the hunter organization, and he also took yin and yang grass. Now, in the eyes of the old man, he promises that he is still a piece of jade, or has not been fully developed. If it weren't for the old man bragging and sighing, he really has the ability and has a lot of stories.

"Master, in fact, every time you quarrel with Brother Xu, in fact, you are very optimistic about each other, right?" Ling Xianger heard the old man's sigh and couldn't help saying, "Although Brother Xu's mouth is very powerful, he gradually admits you, and you always don't like Brother Xu, but you are extremely optimistic about him, aren't you?"

"Ha ha, my apprentice is really smart, except for Buck," the old man looked at Buck, making Buck couldn't help lower his head, and then he said with a smile, "I'm not used to promises. As for whether the stinky boy's mouth is very powerful, only you know."

Seeing the old man's sudden obscene expression, Ling Xianger was a little puzzled. She asked, "Brother Xu's mouth is fierce. How do I know that he didn't say anything about me?"

"No way, that stinky boy hasn't kissed you yet. He's really that serious. Oh, I forgot that you lost your memory. He must have coveted you before, or kissed you or something, so he loved you so much." Sure enough, the old man said ten words, but few words were serious. Well, the profound appearance of a gentleman just now has become obscene again.

"Master, what are you talking about? Don't be unscrupulous, or I will ignore you." Ling Xianger is not like she used to be in the guest building. In the past, she looked like a lady and was able to deal with those playboys. But now, Ling Xianger has become a small jasper and often blushes. This may be what the promise said. Ling Xianger is like a piece of white paper now. What you draw on it is.

"Okay, can't I go without saying it? Then let's start training now." As the old man said, he became serious and changed his face quickly, which was a little strange.

"Master, what should I do?" Buck said quickly. This master is really lustful. He really has a female apprentice, so he forgets the loyal male disciple. The old man, even Buck has some ideas about him now.

"Oh, you, given that your grades are not very good this morning, so go to train again, then go home for dinner, and think about your own shortcomings in the afternoon. Only when you think too much can you become a master. Always let the master teach you that is, a flower in a greenhouse that can't stand the outside. The wind and rain, your previous comparison with the promise is a good example. What the old man said was the same, and it seemed to make some sense. At least, honestly Buck thinks so.

"Okay, master, I know. I will definitely work hard." After saying that, he ran away. Sure enough, this Buck still obeyed the old man's words.

Looking at Buck's distant back, the old man said with emotion, "Although this son's qualifications are mediocre, he can work hard and persevere, but after all, he is limited by talent, so it is difficult to reach the realm of a real master."

"Master, the most important thing is that Buck is obedient and doesn't treat you like Brother Xu." Ling Xianger seemed to see through the old man's mind.

"Hey, I was really told to treat you. Which master doesn't want his apprentice to be obedient." The old man did not feel ashamed of being exposed at all, but admitted it generously.

"Master, you are really biased. Brother Buck is so diligent that you don't want to teach more. Brother Xu ignores you, but you have to accept him as an apprentice. Brother Xu is an arrogant person. How can he worship him as a teacher by the way?" Ling Xianger is a little embarrassed for Buck now.

"Hahaha... This is not for you as a girl, so that I can have more time to teach you. After all, you haven't learned anything before, so you have to make me think about it." The old man laughed and said, "As for the two of them, one is very talented, but he is too self-centered, and the other is relatively poor, so he is too dependent. Both of them are extreme. Why do I always accept promises to be an apprentice? I think he should also do my intention. Although he won't worship me as a teacher, I let him be your partner, that is, indirectly teaching him something. He may see my idea.

"As for Buck, I did this to change his bad habit. I rely too much on my guidance, and he will not have any outstanding performance in the martial arts two years later. So you have to remember that the master can only teach you, but it's up to you how to go. Otherwise, you can only stick to the master's realm and don't have your own things.

"Everyone has his own characteristics. Only by giving full play to his own characteristics is the condition for becoming a master. You know the master's good intentions now."

The old man talked freely and did not have the usual obscene situation at all. He is now a master, an excellent and dedicated master.

"Oh, master, I know. What you mean is that I will follow my feelings in the future. No matter what you say, I don't want to listen, right?" Ling Xianger blinked cutely, like a studious disciple, consulting the master's own unsolved problems.

After listening to Ling Xianger's words, the old man felt like he was about to faint. The feelings that I was so serious and solemn just now were completely misunderstood by this seemingly smart disciple, and it was completely misunderstood.

The old man's face was full of bleakness, and then slowly squatted down, held his legs in his hands, and then buried his head between his legs. He muttered desolately, "Oh, it seems that I really met someone unfavorable. I thought I could pick up a treasure and relieve the worries of the master, but I didn't expect it to be a grass that I couldn't help. , have I really become old and how can I go in the future? I really don't know what to do..."

"Ah, master, you are still a little literary, and you can make a slippery. It's quite rhyming." Ling Xianger said with a smile.

"Xiang'er, play by yourself and let the master suffer himself. It will be fine soon." The old man was infinitely sad at this time.

"Oh, master, I was joking with you just now. I understand what you mean." Ling Xianger quickly shook the old man's arm.

"Do you really understand?" The old man looked at Ling Xianger hopefully.

"I really understand. I just saw that you were very serious and solemn, because I had never seen it, so I made a little joke." Ling Xianger knew that she had hit the old man, so she quickly explained.

"Oh, I didn't expect that my old man was wise all his life and fell into the hands of your little girl. I convinced you. You are simply more ghost than that stinky boy." Ling Xianger shook her head and stood up. Knowing that Ling Xianger understood the meaning of her words, she did not pay attention to Ling Xianger's jokes.

"Old man, do you know that it's bad behavior to say bad things about others behind their backs?" Suddenly, a voice came from the back of the old man.

"Brother Xu, you're back." Ling Xianger shouted happily.

The old man turned around and looked. Sure enough, he was standing on the roof with two fat rabbits in one hand and a small bundle of wild vegetables in his hand, looking at the two of them.

The old man was too 'sad' just now, so he didn't know when his promise would come back. However, the old man is very dissatisfied with the promised behavior. Does the so-called master have to stand on the roof of others?