fa mou

Chapter 135 The Martial Arts Festival Begins

Originally, it was very quiet in the Ba tribe in the morning. However, this morning is a little special, because today is the quadrennial Martial Arts Festival, and it is also held at the doorstep, so it is particularly lively. The barbarians in the north, whether civilians or warriors, have a belligerent blood. Although limited by acquired talent, many people are not suitable for practicing martial arts, it cannot reduce their yearning for warriors. Early in the morning, the Ba people who were close to the competition venue of the Wu Festival rushed to the competition venue one after another to watch the game, so the scene of 'ten thousand empty alley' was formed (because the northern barbarians did not want to live together like Jin'an, and many ethnic groups lived scattered in the periphery, only in the center).

The enthusiasm of ordinary people has almost surpassed that of the warriors, because the warriors who participated in the competition had not yet arrived, and the high platforms providing the competition were surrounded by onlookers. There is also a process of drawing lots before the game, but this is not what the masses want to see, because if you go to see the lottery, you may not be able to occupy a good position. Therefore, the people in the places where the lot is drawn are sparse.

It didn't take long for the Ba people to wait, and the warriors who participated in the martial arts festival came one after another. They were all a group of people from every tribe gathered together. The patriarch Ba Li stood on the drawing table with a smile on his face at this time, but his heart was full of ups and downs, because this martial arts festival was too strange. The three major barbarians, the warriors of the Atan tribe participated in the competition accounted for one-third, while the warriors of the Ba people and Yu royal family accounted for one-third in total, and other small tribes accounted for one-third.

A total of 300 warriors participated in the martial arts festival this time, that is to say, nearly 100 Atan warriors participated in the competition. Have all the top warriors of the Atans been dispatched? The patriarch Baal couldn't help thinking about it. Doubt, but the game is still about to begin. There are nearly 300 warriors, and the lottery process will soon end. Each warrior draws a number, No. 1 vs. 2, No. 3 vs. 4... And there are six venues for the game, that is, 50 warriors compete there in each field.

"Listen, warriors who drew lots, everyone. The warriors from No. 1 to No. 50 compete on the No. 1 venue, and the No. 51 to No. 100 warriors compete on the No. 2 field..." At this time, the role of the patriarch Ba Li came out. He was tall and tall and loud. In addition, he was a warrior and angry. Full (because the patriarch of Baal did not sleep with any wife last night for today's game), the patriarch of Baal finally said, "I hope all the warriors will achieve good results and sprint to the last brave. I also hope that the warriors can stop in time when their opponents are defeated or admit defeat to defeat to avoid Someone died. Don't talk any more nonsense. Let's start the game. Come on, warriors. Most of the barbarians are wild, so injuries during the game are inevitable, and no one dies is the best result.

With the announcement of the Baal patriarch, the onlookers cheered. They also supported the patriarch. Of course, they also hoped to see the game soon. Thinking of that scene, everyone couldn't help but boil their blood.

Because real knives were used in previous competitions, there were many dead and disabled warriors in every competition, so later, it was changed to a bare-handed competition. This rule is even more exciting for barbarian warriors who are naturally satisfied with their bodies, because there is a feeling of fighting beasts with empty hands. For this reason, many warriors who are about to participate in the martial arts festival, even empty-handed to fight against fierce beasts, can they increase their strength more quickly.

The Warriors quickly came to their own field. They all gathered around the field, one for the convenience of playing, and the other to see how strong their potential opponents are. Promise drew lots at venue 6, Ling Xianger is venue 4, and Buck is venue 3. But strangely, none of them found where the old man was, because the old man was standing next to the field No. 1 and he was standing with an Atan. The man standing with the old man's muscles were swollen and his dark skin was full of scars. But this man is ** on his upper body. He doesn't care about these scars, but is proud of these scars. This can be seen from the eyes of the women who look at him, which is a symbol of a real man.

"If you didn't lose your martial arts at that time, it would be interesting to live this time." The dark-skinned Atan warrior said that his voice was very heavy, just like a dull drum.

"Tanshan, I believe you can also feel interesting in this martial arts festival." The old man grinned.

"The martial arts festival I participated in is because of your existence, so I haven't got the title of hero once, that is, because of you, I can have a goal, but now I feel that the martial arts festival is a little boring." The Atan, who was called Tanshan by the old man, said that there was a sense of height.

"Really, listen to you, it seems that you are bound to get the title of hero this time?" The old man still looked at Tanshan with a smile.

"Isn't it? Who else can be my opponent besides you?" Tanshan said conceitedly.

"There will be, just wait. Although I can't compete, I still have an apprentice. You will be surprised." The old man's voice is full of ** power.

"Real, I don't think your apprentice is my opponent." Tanshan told the truth bluntly.

"Ha ha, you're wrong. I don't have more than one apprentice. Just watch." The old man said mysteriously that he shamelessly included the promise in the ranks of his apprentice, but in the past two years, the promise and the old man are also a 'enemy'.

"Tanshan, it's time for your game. Let me see if you have made progress in the past two years and if you have a chance to defeat my apprentice." The old man provoked Tanshan and said.

"Then take a good look." With that, Tanshan stepped onto the stage.

In fact, Tanshan has heard someone calling his number for a long time, but the conversation with the old man seems to be more important than this game, or the 'scars' left by the old man for him are much heavier than this game. The only thing Tanshan can do now is to win the title of hero, but how much does this mean?

The game has begun, and the Ba people's referee has already announced the start of the game, but Tanshan is still thinking about other things. If you are distracted when you are against the enemy, you are an idiot if you are not very confident. However, Tanshan's opponent did not sneak up on him, but said to him, "Hey, what are you thinking about? Are you ready? I'm ready to attack." In a fair game, barbarians don't like to play sneak attacks, which is a shame.

"I'm ready at any time. For the sake of being an open warrior, I decided to defeat you with one move." Tanshan said arrogantly that his words were not only to his opponents, but also to demonstrate to the old man to show his strength.

"Hmm, arrogant guy, if you want to defeat me with one move, then you have to see if you have the ability." Tanshan's opponent is a young man, who is obviously arrogant. Hearing his words, he should also have some real skills.

"Don't talk nonsense. I don't like people who talk nonsense. If you don't attack, you won't have a chance to take action." Tanshan suddenly stared at him as an opponent.

The young man was looked at by Tanshan as if he were stared at by a group of fierce beasts, making his hair stand on end. The young man couldn't help it anymore. He only heard him shouting, and then rushed to Tanshan and punched the door of Tanshan. The young man's punch was angry and quite imposing.

Just as the young man was about to hit the gate of Tanshan, he suddenly saw Tanshan's figure shake, and then the onlookers only heard a 'pop', so the young man immediately stopped there.


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