fa mou

Chapter 150 Promise to Tanshan

Genghis Khan can drag down the torrent of square steel in ancient Europe with his rapid cavalry, which is to make full use of his strengths and give the enemy a fatal blow. Therefore, in the face of tricks, those straightforward 'warriors' play are a little overstretched.

Promise is a smart man. He has experienced the feeling of hand-to-hand combat. If it really goes on like this, I really don't know who can win in the end. This is not desirable for promises. He is a killer, and the use of the word 'smart' goes without saying.

Tanshan hasn't had such a competition for a long time, or he hasn't had such a fight for four years. At this moment, even if the promised fists and feet fall on him, even if the pain is beating all over his body, the pain can not only weaken his power, but make him more and more excited.

Obviously, Tanshan likes this way of play, but can he make it come true? I don't know when Tanshan can no longer touch the promise, and the promise can't beat him. Although it seems that the two of them are fighting equally, Tanshan feels very unhappy. It's like a man who is about to**, and suddenly the woman quit. This feeling was suffocated and could not explode, which made Tanshan unconsciously roar, but the roar did not help.

" promises, what's wrong with you? Are you afraid? Why are you dodging?" Tanshan questioned the promise, and the derogatory meaning in his words was obvious. However, this can also be seen from another aspect that Tanshan has a powerful sense of nowhere.

For the change of Tanshan, he promised to feel how keen a killer's feeling needs to be. Moreover, the promise is now not just to feel Tanshan's impatience, because every time Tanshan punches and every foot, he can't help but exert all his strength, which can be seen from the splashing bluestone stones. Because at the beginning, Tanshan only broke the blue stone.

"I'm not a masochist like you. I still cherish my body and don't want to be destroyed in your hands." While Tanshan was in a trance, he promised to give Tanshan another promise. Of course, this can't hurt Tanshan much. It's angering him. When he gets carried away with anger, it's time to promise to win. Patience has always been a promise, but Tanshan is different.

Of course, the old man looked at the scene on the stage. He couldn't help smiling and said, "It seems that the promise of this stinky boy is not just the progress we seem to be."

"Master, do you mean that Brother Xu will win?" Ling Xianger saw the fight between Promise and Tanshan before, which was hit on Promise's body and hurt in her heart. Now she sees that the promise has changed its strategy, which makes her think that the promise has a way to win.

"Maybe, although Tanshan is angry, his strength is still very sufficient. He is a freak. It's not easy to win him, so he can only watch it." The old man said this, and then he became worried when he saw Ling Xianger's hopeful expression.

"Actually, Promise is also a freak, and he will definitely surprise us." The old man couldn't help comforting Ling Xianger, but this is indeed the truth, and not only to comfort Ling Xianger, he also hopes to promise to surprise him again.

While the two were talking, Tanshan's anger on the stage had soared to another height. At this time, the promise was like a monkey jumping up and down in his eyes. He couldn't catch it, couldn't touch it, and it hurt when he looked at it.

And now Tanshan not only hurts eggs, but also hurts more and more. After all, he is not iron. Promised to look at the gap, and then gave him a hard time. No one can stand it.

The promise opened the distance again and then rushed over again. Tanshan dodged and rushed up to face, punching the promise. Tanshan is fast, but promises to be faster, and promises to like to play exciting things. That is to say, it's about to hit, but it's a little worse every time. Tanshan's fist brushed from Promise's face again. Although the strong wind blew Promise's cheek a little painfully, Promise punched Tanshan's ribs again. This time, Tanshan was not as calm as before, and the promised punch was almost to break his ribs. After all, the ribs are weak. There is no muscle obstruction there. If you hit it directly, it will be the ribs. Can this not hurt?

Tanshan covered his ribs, looked at the promise fiercely, and then squeezed words out of his teeth: "You monkey, a coward without courage, you can fight with me face to face." Tanshan is going crazy with anger.

"I asked you to compare with the old man, so can you compare with him?" The promise doesn't matter. This sentence directly choked Tanshan so much that he couldn't speak. He was not good at talking, but the promise also said a fact. Who is willing to use their strengths instead of their own weaknesses?

"Since you say I'm a monkey, I'm a monkey." Promise continued to say indifferently, "Do you know that tigers can kill evil wolves, but why can't they kill monkeys? Today, let me, the monkey, defeat your tiger. Promise continues to stimulate Tanshan.

"Ha ha, are you stimulating me?" I don't know what's going on. Tanshan, who was already very angry, suddenly calmed down. After all, he is the first warrior of the Atan clan. It is impossible to be scheming. Even if he has suffered so many losses under the old man, he will become shrewd.

"It seems that you are no longer angry. Is it necessary for me to stimulate you?" Promised to ask back. Although the promise asked easily on the surface, he had already thought about it. If this plan didn't work, he had to find another way.

Tanshan took a deep breath and then rushed to the promise. This time Tanshan is different. He is not in a hurry to win, but only wants to expose his flaws. And I have not exposed my flaws, which is the biggest victory, or there will definitely be a chance to win in the end.

Sure enough, after Tanshan changed his strategy, he allowed the promised action to move faster than Tanshan, but Tanshan's protection is tight, and the promise is not pleasing. And Tanshan's attack from time to time makes the promise dare not take risks to attack easily, otherwise he will be forced to drink Tanshan to fight hard. The current situation seems to be gradually becoming beneficial to Tanshan.

The promise could not be attacked for a long time. It seemed that his patience had become worse, and there was more contact with Tanshan on his limbs, which made Tanshan excited. In his opinion, it was his method that played a role, and it seemed that the promise had become impatient first.

"Master, do you think Brother Xu is in danger?" Ling Xianger could also see the situation, and she asked the old man anxiously.

"Take your time, or this boy may have some plans. He doesn't look like an impatient person." The old man said affirmatively.

But is it really like what the old man said?

Seeing more and more contact with Tanshan, he seemed to gradually retreat, because he was slowly retreating unconsciously. Seeing that the promise had been defeated, Tanshan's attack became even more crazy, as if he wanted to take him down in one breath.

And the promise gradually became as if it was only a fight, and there was no power to fight back. Just when the promise is at a disadvantage, it can be said that the house leaks and rain overnight, which seems to be God's intention to play tricks on people.

I saw the promise of slowly retreating. When I retreated, I suddenly stepped on a pebble on the ground. So, the promise slipped under his feet and immediately fell back.

"Be careful!" Seeing the situation of the promise, people who cared about the promise couldn't help exclaiming in unison. But strangely, the old man did not exclaim, but frowned secretly, as if he had thought of something.

Tanshan saw that the promise slipped backwards, which was a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity. Tanshan immediately jumped up and stepped down on the promise with a heavy foot. If the promise is trampled on such a heavy foot, the sternum will definitely be broken and he will die on the spot. But is this really the result?