fa mou

Chapter 172 Return to Peace

He promised to hear the old man's solemn tone and see that he had made up his mind. It seemed that it was time to leave. Promise never dragged on. He was a man, so he took his woman's hand and slowly walked out to the mouth of the valley. Ling Xianger looked back step by step, looking at the old man's back, Buck waving his hand, and the morning scene in the valley. All this slowly faded away in her eyes, making Ling Xianger's eyes shed tears again.

Finally, Ling Xianger shouted, "Master, we will definitely come back!" After saying that, she didn't look again, turned her head and promised to leave the valley. In the past two years, Xuyi has asked the old man how to leave this barbaric land, how to avoid traps and poisonous miasma, and has also practiced it.

turned around and talked about the old man. When he heard Ling Xianger's shout, he became excited again. Today, it was the beginning of the old man's life, and he shed the most tears. It is said that the daughter is the father's intimate little cotton-padded jacket, not to mention the intimate daughter and apprentice of the old man who is also a master and father?

"Master, they have left, and we have to do our business next." Buck reminded the old man. The matter of Promise and Ling Xianger has begun, and what they discussed last night is also about to begin.

"Well, I haven't been so slewd for a long time, and I shed tears." The old man said with emotion.

"I always think you are the cutest." Buck said bluntly.

"Hey, when did you learn to talk like this?" When the old man saw Buck's change, he couldn't help diverting his attention and his mood was not so heavy.

"This is not what you often say. Famous teachers make great apprentices. I'm your apprentice. I can't lose face to you. Moreover, people always have to learn to 'grow up', which is also what you said." Buck said all the old man's previous words like a few treasures. This shows that he not only remembered the old man's words, but also understood the meaning of some of the old man's words.

"Okay, that's good. It seems that the Ba people still have great hope." The old man couldn't help praising.

Speaking of this, the old man seemed to remember something, suddenly patted his head, and then exclaimed, "Bow, I forgot to tell this stinky boy something."

"Ah, what's important?" Buck was a little speechless. This is the problem. Sometimes he forgets business. He continued, "Would you like me to chase them back or let me bring a message?"

"Oh, forget it. Since you forgot it, there's no need to say." The old man sighed and said.

"Since it's an important thing, you should tell them. Isn't it that you taught them the wrong route?" Buck asked with a little doubt, and his eyes were full of suspicion.

"In your eyes, is your master so miserable?" The old man couldn't help drinking Buck and directly lowering his head.

Looking at his 'record', the old man continued, "This is not a thing, but a person. I hope they don't encounter it, otherwise it will definitely cause a lot of trouble."

"Who is so terrible?" Buck couldn't help asking curiously. For the old man, very few people are called terrible by him, or Tanshan is barely one, or promises are also one. But he was the first to say it so solemnly, so Buck was not curious.

"It's just an old friend. There should be few opportunities they encounter." The old man comforted himself.

"Even if they encounter few opportunities, they will still encounter them. I'm not worried about promises, but about my sister." Buck said what was on his mind. Yes, with the promised martial arts, it's useless for you to worry. But Ling Xianger, that's another saying. After all, she is 'not deep in the world', which is Buck's opinion on Ling Xianger.

"Ha ha, you don't have to worry about this. If that guy doesn't lose his memory, even if he meets Xianger, he won't do anything to her." Saying this, the old man suddenly changed his tone, "But. It's hard to say about this guy's promise. If he touches him, he will be in trouble.

"Master, are you still biased against promises?" Buck asked weakly.

The old man looked at Buck, who bowed his head and asked, and was not angry, but said righteously, "I'm biased against him. Men, you have to go through all kinds of training to stand at the top of the world, or you can live in the world for nothing."

"Master, do you mean to let me do the same?" Buck has learned to 'Think' now.

"Ha ha, that's right, that's it. My expectations for promises are just like expectations for you." The old man said it very high-soundingly, but there was another idea in his heart: promise, promise, you stinky boy, I hope you can live up to my wish in those years. It's not that I forgot to remind you, but this can make you more progressive and exciting, isn't it?

The two left, outside the valley... promised that they didn't know why they suddenly felt itchy, and then sneezed several times in a row. Promise couldn't help rubbing his nose, because there was a strange feeling in his heart. Of course, the promise won't know. At this time, the old man is still 'counting' him, and it is no wonder that he will sneeze several times in a row.

Ling Xianger saw that Xu Yi sneezed several times, and then asked with concern, "Brother Xu, what's wrong with you? Did you wait too long last night and caught a little cold?" With that, Ling Xianger touched the promised cheek with her little hand, and then touched his forehead. The concern in it was beyond words.

The promise was very sweet in his heart. He grabbed Ling Xianger's hand and then said, "I'm not so vulnerable. If I can make me tired and sick all night, I used to learn so many things in vain. Maybe someone misses me."

Although he said so, he didn't think so in his heart. He thought it must be someone who cursed behind his back. However, or, his two-year appointment with that woman is coming soon. Maybe the woman is thinking about him. Of course, Promise felt that the last idea was so naive. This may be just the woman's casual words, which may be just his wishful thinking. With so much, perhaps, even the facts will make people feel vague.

"Cut, I don't believe it. You must be thinking that the master must scold you behind your back, right?" Ling Xianger asked suspiciously, but she knew the promise.

"Haha, the idea in my heart was actually guessed by you. You are really a roundworm in my stomach." The promise frankly admitted Ling Xianger's speculation.

"I don't want to be the roundworm in your stomach." Ling Xianger snorted and then acted coquettishly.

"Then what would you like to be my, my woman, boss, maid, or bodyguard?" Promise couldn't help making fun of Ling Xianger.

The promise gave Ling Xianger so many choices at once, but it was a little difficult for her to adapt. She was thinking about which one was better. But when she saw the playful expression of promise, she knew that she had been fooled by this guy again.

Ling Xianger suddenly blushed, and then rushed to promise and shouted, "I don't do anything. I'm going to eat you and let you be the roundworm in my stomach."

He promised to dodge with a smile, and then led the way in front of him and said, "If you can catch up with me, I will let you eat, but maybe whoever will eat it then."

"Well, even if you eat me, I won't let you get out of bed." Suddenly, a very powerful sentence burst out of Ling Xianger's mouth, and then really caught up with it. It seems that he really has a chivalrous demeanor, or was taught by the old man.

Ling Xianger's words almost made the promise lose his breath. Of course, he said reluctantly, "Let's see who can't get out of bed."

For a while, there was a series of plots in this dense forest. Turning into a subversive drama of women chasing men and women eating men, the laughter of the two, flirting and flirting constantly echoed in this quiet dense forest.


The Internet was disconnected in the morning, and it is only updated now, but it will not be less. There is another chapter in the evening