fa mou

Chapter 174 Ling Xianger chooses an upper room

However, can this difficult question be difficult to promise? This is also a waste of promises to follow the old man for the past two years. Because the old man can teach Ling Xianger something, can't he promise to steal from the side? Even the old man's messy 'learning' promises will be learned unintentionally, just like when he was a killer in the past, he inadvertently learned 'self-borne consequences'.

I only saw that the promise was not in a hurry, and if something happened, he said, "Oh, I studied too hard last night and ended up sleeping late, so I was a little trance, and it's common to be in a daze. Moreover, this is a daze for others, but for readers, it is thinking about problems.

"Yes, that's right, I'm thinking about problems. As a scholar, it is inevitable that you have to recite the right poems. It's good to think more when you are free or inspired." Promise felt that his excuse, no, the scholar should be called an excuse, which was simply perfect.

"The prince recited one or two good poems, and I, a little girl, listened attentively." Ling Xiang'er Ma* made a whole army. Ling Xianger took this army, which can be said to be the rear cannon, serial horse, car front gun, or serial cannon on chess, promising to die directly.

"Ah, chant poetry, don't do it. Now that the sun is high, I'd better find a restaurant to have a rest. Now you're hungry. Let's go." With that, the awkward promise led the way.

However, Xiang'er stood there and didn't move, just looking at the promise.

Promise asked strangely, "What are you still standing there for? Aren't you in a hurry to go back?"

"You are going in the wrong direction." Ling Xianger is waiting for you to speak speechlessly.

"Oh, it turned out that I'm going in the wrong direction. Hey, it's because Pinghe Town has changed so much in the past two years that I almost can't recognize the way. Let's go." With that, the promise was like nothing. He changed his direction and continued to walk his way to make Ling Xianger depressed.

Ling Xianger didn't expect to promise to 'enter the play' so quickly and really become a scholar. But she still despised the promise in her heart. Obviously, it hasn't changed much here. This guy is still going the wrong way. Obviously, he is guilty.

This is still a ace killer. Ling Xianger doesn't know the east, west, north and south in a word. Maybe the person he wanted to kill was looking for fun in the brothel, but he ran to the casino and squatted in the whistle. If Ling Xianger said this sentence, the promise would definitely be shocked. Because Ling Xianger guessed the only ame in her promised killer career, and it was also the first task. It was because of that time that Promise saw 'conceit' from the girl in the brothel.

The two did not speak any more, but walked in the direction of the guest building one after the other. Promise to walk in the front, Ling Xianger walks in the back, and the people in front will definitely not see the look of the people behind. However, that only applies to ordinary people. Even if he promises not to concentrate on feeling it, he can feel that Ling Xianger's mood is getting more and more excited. This is a kind of excitement for children who leave home and go home again after a long time.

This feeling can be experienced, but it can't be felt. This is a very contradictory feeling. Although the promise was contradictory, he was also happy because of Ling Xianger's excitement. Because he believes that Ling Xianger should also be happy at this time.

has walked to the east street where the guest building is located, and Ling Xianger's pace has become much heavier, as if it takes a lot of effort at each step. Ling Xianger's mood has changed a lot, from the previous excitement to the current hesitation. Because she doesn't know what the guest building will look like, whether it has been sealed by the government, or has been rebuilt, or maybe it has been changed. The guest building is no longer the guest building, will it still be her home?

Just as Ling Xianger hesitated, a strong arm encouraged her. Xu promised to hold Ling Xianger's hand, and then gently shook it to give him an encouraging look. This look includes care, love and pity, and support.

At this moment, Ling Xianger doesn't care about the promise to hold hands on the street. What are other people's eyes for this encouragement? Ling Xianger nodded firmly and then walked over with Promise.

It surprised Ling Xianger, because the guest building she saw is still the guest building. This guest building is still full of customers. Although it has been painted once, it still retains its previous taste. Seeing this, Ling Xianger couldn't help shed two lines of tears. The reason why she gave the house deed and land deed to Li Heizi at the beginning was to hope to maintain what it is today. It seems that Li Heizi understood what she meant, and Li Heizi also did. Although she and Li Heizi are enemies, Ling Xianger is sincerely grateful to him for the first time.

"Let's go in and have a look and eat something. We used to greet others, but now let others greet us, or we can meet acquaintances." Seeing Ling Xianger falling into his thoughts, he couldn't help giving her advice.

"Okay, it's up to you." Now Ling Xianger is not in the mood to think about anything else, and everything is up to the promise.

When they entered the door, there was no welcome man at the door, and of course there were no flattering words. After entering the door, the person standing behind the counter was no longer Ling Xianger, but a middle-aged man. And this man was also calculating like Ling Xianger at that time. Of course, this man is not Li Heizi. Li Heizi may have gone to Kyoto.

However, the guest building still changed, which they heard from the man who greeted him. I only heard the clerk smile and ask, "These two guests, I don't know whether to eat or stay in the hotel?"

In the past, the guest building was not like this. At that time, the clerk would ask, "Guest, I don't know if you are eating in the lobby or going up to the private room above?"

It seems that in addition to eating, the guest building can now stay in the hotel. Xu Nuo looked at Ling Xianger, who was thoughtful, and then said, "All of them."

"Well, guest, do you want one room or two? I can prepare the guest room for you first." The man asked again. Because the guy saw that this was a prince and a maid, but he didn't know if the maid was close to him, so he asked.

"Let's have a room." Ling Xianger answered first. The advantage of going to the house is that there is more than one place to sleep, and the space is very large.

Besides, Xu Promise and Ling Xianger don't care what others think of them, and others don't think much about them. This is just a more romantic scholar. This can be seen from the ambiguous eyes of the guy who treats you.

However, the guy still has the awareness of the guy. Since he is a distinguished guest, he will be treated as a distinguished guest. The clerk said, "Okay, please come with me." With that, the shopkeeper led the way.

The new guest building, its guest rooms are built in the back, and the former rooms have been changed into the current guest rooms. And the so-called upper house is in the backyard, where Ling Xianger used to live.

Because it is the upper room, there must be the specifications of the upper room. Therefore, the garden in the backyard has not been removed, and the rockery is still standing there, but the house in the backyard has changed a little.

Coincidentally, the man led Xu and Ling Xianger into the upper room, which turned out to be the place where Ling Xianger used to live. Although it has changed a lot here, Ling Xianger can always remember the direction.

After the shopkeeper led Xu and Ling Xianger into the guest room, and then said to Xu Yue, "Guest, please take a rest here first. I don't know what kind of food you like to eat. We will prepare it for you immediately and bring it to the guest room for you."

"Let's just put some of your restaurant's specialty dishes and some rice." With that, Ling Xianger handed the clerk a piece of broken silver.

At this time, the shopkeeper was very happy. He hurriedly collected the silver for the reward, and then smiled flatteringly at the two, "Okay, okay, we will prepare it for you right away, and the meal will be served to you immediately." It seems that Ling Xianger's silver reward really works, and the clerk's attitude towards her immediately changed.