fa mou

Chapter 177 Promise also has a secret

I don't know whether Ling Xianger is going to revenge on her promise, and then she can't get along with him or herself. After she went to the street, she strolled around and looked around. She rarely bought things, and she just looked at it. Give full play to the fine tradition of women shopping and pressing the road, only looking but not buying things; men accompany women shopping and pressing the road, so they have to look up and count the sun.

When a person is excited, especially a woman's excitement of shopping, she will not feel bored. Anyway, it feels fresh and interesting everywhere. Fortunately, Ling Xianger remembered to cover her face with a silk scarf and then said to the promise that the prince would come and go, so no one noticed the two of them.

A big man said that he would rather provoke villains than women. Because women's revenge is very 'powerful', and you can't help but do this revenge, just like the promise now. Promise was dragged by Ling Xianger for a day and didn't return to the guest building until the evening. Ling Xianger's nominal shopping is only carrying a small package. Yes, there are only a few belly pockets and some rouge gouache and so on.

There is no doubt that Ling Xianger is very satisfied with the promise of 'retaliation' throughout the afternoon. Even such a good person feels a little tired, but Ling Xianger is still full of interest, as if she is still a little unfinished. If she hadn't promised that Ling Xianger had said she would leave for Kyoto tomorrow, she might have visited the night market tonight.

As for the secret Ling Xianger said, she seemed to have forgotten it. It was not until the two of them finished dinner and couldn't help asking the promise that Ling Xianger pretended to answer him mysteriously.

However, the first sentence still means 'retaliation' promise. She said, "Why are you so stupid? The master always praises you for being smart. You can't even think of this. Since we live in such a good room and without money, of course, my secret is about money."

"Money, where did you get the money?" Promise couldn't help asking strangely.

"Hey..." Ling Xianger laughed proudly and continued after a long time, "Do you know why I gave Li Heizi both the house and the land deed at that time?"

"He is a good person, or do you think it's better to give it to a more pleasing person?" Promise replied with speculation.

"Of course, this is only one reason and another reason." Ling Xianger still hangs her appetite for promises.

"Is this other reason that you hid money in this guest building? Moreover, this money is hidden in the backyard, so you chose to live here? Promise is a very organized analysis.

"Why did you guess it all of a sudden? They finally have a secret. Can you make me a little mysterious?" Ling Xianger couldn't help complaining and finally added, "You are really a man who doesn't understand amorous feelings at all. I don't know how I fell in love with you."

The sweat promised, who just pretended not to know, was despised by her and said that she was a fool. In this way, it seems that I am not worthy of her. And now, promise to say all the conjectures, and she says that you don't understand amorous feelings and don't understand women's thoughts... Men are absolutely difficult to 'combine' women. Women are always a new force, while men are full of energy, decline, exhausted three times, and finally play.

The promise can't help sighing: Don't guess the woman's thoughts of men, don't guess, don't guess, you can't guess, you can't guess, you don't understand...

However, the promise is not so easy to give in. I only heard him say, "You are always the most mysterious woman in my heart. Maybe I don't understand the amorous feelings, but I will always be single-minded to you, so you like me."

In the face of the sudden affectionate promise, coupled with the blurred eyes, gentle words, and heartfelt confession, Ling Xianger suddenly became a little unaccustomed. Ling Xianger didn't know whether it was better to be moved or to escape the promise. Because if you look at it like this, Ling Xianger may fall immediately.

However, the promise did not give Ling Xianger a chance to escape. He slowly walked towards Ling Xianger, then gently hugged her thin waist and said tenderly to her, "Xiang'er, didn't you say that you would show me the color of your belly pocket at night?"

Ling Xianger's shyness and the fragrance on her body have made the promise a little emotional. Ling Xianger can certainly feel the promise. Because they are hugged together, Ling Xianger can certainly feel that she is resisted by something hard somewhere.

Men are afraid of softness, and women are afraid of hardness, both physically and psychologically. It's not that the promise is too lustful, but that Ling Xianger is too charming. She fell softly in the arms of the promise, as long as she gives full play to the character of the man's 'hard'. It's not that Ling Xianger is not reserved, because the promise is too affectionate, and the 'tough' character of the promise makes her have to fall into the arms of the promise. This matter complements each other. This is a masterpiece of the Creator's wisdom. It is not understood by mortals and can only be enjoyed.

Therefore, he also wanted to enjoy the promise. Before he acted, he said another sentence. He said, "Xiang'er, didn't you say you would tell me a secret at night? I think you are a secret, so I want to know your secret."

If he promised to know, it was also because of his words that he could not have ** with Ling Xianger tonight. He would not say it even if he beat him to death. Sure enough, after Ling Xianger heard the promise talking about the secret, she reacted from the confused state.

"Ah, I forgot that I still have to withdraw money." With that, Ling Xianger left the promised arms, then tidied up her clothes and quietly went out to withdraw money.

"Are you going to withdraw money now? Aren't you afraid that others will see it?" Now the sky has just darkened, so I promised to remind Ling Xianger.

"It's okay. Others can't find it. Even Li Heizi was difficult to find it at the beginning. Let alone ordinary people now." Ling Xianger said confidently. She suddenly turned around, stared at the promise and continued, "Moreover, when I go to withdraw money, you are not allowed to peek. I will give you a surprise."

"What should I do? Won't you leave me alone in the empty room?" Promise said with a little sadness. At this time, he is like a dissatisfied boudoir.

"You, just stay 'conceited' by yourself." Ling Xianger said powerfully.

"Well...do you also know what conceit means?" Promise asked curiously.

"Let you stinky men know, and don't let our little women know. If you want to be conceited, hurry up. I don't want to see it when I come back." With that, Ling Xianger went out briskly.

Don't think Ling Xianger is very powerful. She is forced to endure it. Except for us, Ling Xianger's cheeks suddenly turned red, and then she couldn't help but secretly pluck a promise.

The place where Ling Xianger hides money is very hidden and conspicuous. At this time, the guest building is the only place that can be familiar to Ling Xianger. Undoubtedly, Ling Xianger must have hidden the money in the hidden rockery. Even if others go in, they can't find the money. Because Ling Xianger is very hidden, and she hides silver tickets, not silver.

Ling Xianger pretended to take a walk, then saw the gap that no one could see, and suddenly dodged into the rockery. Obviously, no one has come in this rockery for a long time. Imagine which customer will be bored enough to go to the rockery.

Ling Xianger pounded in it for a long time and looked at no one before walking out of the rockery. At this time, there was already an oilcloth package in her hand. The package is not big, but the package is tight. Ling Xianger didn't know if the promise would really be conceited in the house, so she walked around the outside before entering the room.

As soon as Ling Xianger entered the room, she saw that the promise seemed to be in a hurry, as if it was hiding something. Moreover, Ling Xianger clearly saw that Xu promised's face was a little red, and his breath was a little unstable...

Seeing this scene, Ling Xianger couldn't help asking with a red face, " Promise, what were you doing just now? You won't really..."

When he heard Ling Xianger's question, he couldn't help laughing and said, "Why don't I tell you for the time being, just let yourself have a secret, can't I have a secret?"


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