fa mou

Chapter 223 I'm really a girl

Walking to the luxurious table, Second Master An did not sit down immediately, but turned his head and asked Ruolan in a low voice, "You seemed to be restless just now. You rarely do this. What's wrong?"

"I was wondering if the master would really sell me just now." What Ruolan said is half true and half false. If she is really sold to a promise, the result may be what she wants, but the consequences are terrible.

"Ha ha, it turned out to be because of this matter. Don't worry, didn't I just say that you still have value for me now. You are at least much more valuable than gold and silver treasures now." Second Master An didn't hide it at all.

"Will you really sell me when I'm as valuable as gold and silver treasures, or when I have no use value?" Ruolan cares about this problem, or whether it will really be sold to the promise.

"Do you know why I say you are not a beauty?" Second Master An suddenly asked.

Rulan didn't answer and couldn't answer. She was waiting for his answer.

Second Master An continued: "It's not because of what's on your face, but because your mission has failed once, and I can only tolerate your failure once. If you really make me completely lose interest in you, I will really sell you. But then he may not buy what you are now. Do you understand?

Second Master An's words were very soft, but his tone could make people cold to the bone. Even Wang Yulang beside him couldn't help beating a thrill. However, Ruolan seemed to be used to his way of speaking. She didn't react much, but just answered 'I know' and bowed her head and was silent.

People say that there is a knife on the head of the word color, how big the color heart is, how big the color courage is. At this time, Wang Yulang didn't know which lust he was overwhelmed by. His attention actually hit Ruolan again, and this time he said it openly.

I only heard him say hurriedly, "Second Master, if you really lose interest in her in the future, you can give me a reward. I will definitely be very grateful to the second master."

However, after saying this, Wang Yulang felt that he was wrong and made a huge mistake. Because he was immediately stared at by two cold eyes, as if a poisonous snake had seen its prey, making him feel like falling into an ice cellar.

Yes, it was Ruolan who looked at him. She, who had always been calm, had the impulse to kill in public for the first time.

Looking at Wang Yulang and Second Master An, he narrowed his eyes and said, "Do you know that if I hadn't been here today, you would already be a dead man."

"Second master, I know I'm wrong, I know I'm wrong..." Wang Yulang quickly bowed and accompanied me continuously. It seems that later, his head will suddenly move.

"For your merit, I will spare you this time. If there is a next time, even if I am present, she may kill you." Second Master An said lightly, "Well, now it's time for you to perform."

"Yes, yes, I'll go now." Wang Yulang secretly wiped a cold sweat and then left in frustration.

Seeing Wang Yulang's gray figure, Second Master An couldn't help sighing and then said, "It seems that it's really not easy to subdue a capable subordinate. No one is comparable to you, but you are a little emotional, which is your biggest shortcoming."

"It's because I'm emotional, so I'm still with you. If you completely lose interest in me and really sell me, I won't be emotional at that time." Ruolan also replied lightly.

"Ha ha, it seems that this is your shortcoming and your little bit. No one is perfect." Second Master An sighed and then continued, "You just killed. Are you really going to kill him? He is the pawn I managed to help up."

For Second Master An's words, Ruolan did not hide his answer: "Yes, as you said, if there is a next time, I will really kill him. He is just a pawn, and he can help the second one at any time."

"Haha... You are still more frank, and it seems that only you can be my confidant." After Second Master An came here, he laughed like this for the first time.

Ruolan lowered her head again and didn't say anything more, but she thought to herself: Now she is a confidant, and she may be called a confidant in the future. When have you ever believed in others?

Master An naturally doesn't know these words in Ruolan's heart. And they didn't know what happened here, because he was on guard at this time and was bombed by Buyi's little girl with questions.

"Hey, promise, are you really going to buy that woman?" Buyi seems to have found a new continent. He was already sick, but now he is lively and excited.

Hearing Bu Yi's question, Xu Yi couldn't help peeking at Ling Xianger and saw that she was also looking at him. Promise hurriedly said, "No, no, no, that's just a joke. Didn't I already have incense? How can I be interested in other women?"

"Cut, if it weren't for the fragrance here, you might have said it in another way." Buyi obviously didn't believe the promise, and she continued to insite the promise, "You want to be a maid when you buy that woman, then you might as well buy me. I'm very good at serving people." With that, Buyi also winked his beautiful big eyes at Promise.

Buye's words made the promise extremely speechless. He hurriedly said, "You are too expensive. I can't afford it."

"Can I be your maid for free?" Buyi still refused to give up, as if this maid's 'errand' was very new to her.

However, the promise made her depressed. I only heard the promise say, "People say that there are no good goods at cheap, and it's even worse for free things. It's better to lack than abuse."

Buyi lay weakly on the table and said helplessly, "Am I really such a failure? Now it's been sent for nothing, and no one wants it."

Promised: It's okay for you to flirt with women casually on the street, and your father doesn't care about you, and the second master An, who seems to be very good at it, also respects you. Who dares to provoke you, let alone be a maid.

Although he said so in his heart, he said, "How can you fail? Anyway, you are also the famous Miss Buyi and one of the three famous sons in Kyoto."

Hearing the title of the third son, Boy suddenly got angry. She snorted angrily, "Don't tell me about this. I'm still angry. I don't know which boring guy even ranked me in it."

Speaking of this, Buyi couldn't help looking at the promise, and then said pitifully, "A promise, you have to believe me, I'm really a girl."

"I know you are a girl, there is no doubt about it." With that, Promise couldn't help staring at Buyi's plump breasts. Because no man's breasts will grow like this, even few women can have her breasts. It is estimated that the only thing she is better than Ling Xianger in her figure is the thing on her chest.

Promise to sit with the two beauces, talk all the time, and talk happily, which attracted the attention of the prince with a knife on his head.

Just as Buyi wanted to continue talking, he heard a man behind him say, "Miss, there is still a vacant seat here. I wonder if I can sit down?" Although the man said so, he had already sat down.

There are square tables and round tables in this superior restaurant, promising that the three of them will sit at a square table for four people, and of course there is one seat left. And the two sides of this seat are exactly Buyi and Ling Xianger.

"You are so rude. I didn't allow you to sit down, so you sat down by yourself." Buyi said very unhappyly.

Sitting down was a prince dressed as a scholar. Looking at his shaking his head and weak appearance, he was not a nerd, but a half-hearted man, and he was a half-baked man with excessive wine and sex. Unfortunately, Buyi hates this kind of sissy the most, otherwise she won't pretend to be a man.

"Oh, it turns out that Miss Buyi, the third son of Kyoto, is also here. Xiaosheng's surname is Yang. I've met Miss Buyi. Please forgive me for being clumsy. I didn't see Miss Buyi here for a while." The student, who claimed to be Yang, hurriedly got up and saluted Buyi, and then continued, "I just asked the veiled lady. She didn't say anything, which was tacit, so I took the liberty to sit down."

It turned out that Yang Shusheng did not regard Buyi as a woman.