fa mou

Chapter 227 First time to the horse racing gang

Wang Yulang left a lot of things to do with his promise, and also brought him a lot of doubts. He also inexplicably gave him a large pile of silver tickets and a gold jade phoenix that seemed to be quite valuable. In this way, Wang Yulang not only relied on a big backer, but also made a lot of money.

Since it is money sent to the door, there is no reason to promise. Besides, Ling Xianger gave the phoenix gond to Buyi last night, and now she just owes Ling Xianger a gift. Even if Buyi didn't say it just now, he promised to make up a gift for Ling Xianger.

Looking at the phoenix in his hand, he couldn't help but get up. If this team of phoenixes is worn on Ling Xianger and Buyi's heads respectively, is it a pair of maids and sisters? Of course, this idea just flashed in the heart of the promise, because what he dealt with next may be this innocent Buyi.

Of course, he promised that he would not act so rashly. For Kyoto, he is a complete outsider, and he doesn't know how deep the water is. If you rush to the water, you may be in danger of being washed away by the water.

To understand the situation of a place, of course, you need to find the local snake. In Jin'an, the largest 'local snake' is the horse gang. Although the horse racing gang is not as good as before, he still has a skeleton. Now the most appropriate thing is to go to the horse running to ask for some news about Buyi and Wang Yulang. Only by knowing the situation can we do things better, and we will not miss the business, and will not be involved in other people's struggles for no reason.

Promise the famous elder of the horse racing gang, this is the first time to officially go to the stronghold of the horse racing gang. In Kyoto, if you ask ordinary people for information, then four places are the easiest to find out. Of course, the first place is the imperial city in Kyoto. The other three places are the common brothel, the national Tongbao Qianzhuang, and finally the horse racing gang.

There has even been a saying in the civilian areas of Kyoto. As long as you get to the civilian residential area, you have already arrived at the horse racing gang. Promised to inquire about the stronghold of the Horse Gang and quickly came to a civilian area. I don't know what's going on. Before Xu promised to see the 'nest' of the Running Horse Gang, there were already two or three people greeting him.

It seems that many people know him here and even respect him. Those who greeted the promise will stop and stand, then bow to him slightly, and respectfully call him 'the elder'.

Elder, the elder's skin will become numb, and now the promise has numbly walked to the gate of the horse racing gang. This door is so big that it has no eaves, and even two doors are not installed. This is the door of the Horse Racing Gang, a door without a door.

As soon as the promise came to the door, someone greeted him, and the person who came was Wan Zhongtian. Looking at Wan Zhongtian's smiling appearance, he should have known that the promise was on his way, and what he promised him before he got up should also relieve a lot of pressure.

"Oh, promise brother, what brings you here?" Wan Zhongtian is very polite. He promised that he is now his money jar.

Hearing Wan Zhongtian's words, Xu promised a little ashamedly and said, "Well, it seems that I should be the elder of the horse racing gang. Although it's a name, I can't come to see my gang?"

Only then did Wan Zhongtian find that there was a mistake in his words and quickly said with a smiling face, " Elder Xu, look at my memory. It's not that there are too many people visiting in the past two days. When I'm used to talking, I said it. Elder Xu, please come in quickly and talk. I'll take you around today."

From their demeanor, if they are people who don't know the situation, they think that the promise is the helper, and they are the creditor-type helper who collect debts from Wan Zhongtian.

"Master Wan, I'm not here to visit today, but I have something to do. Please find a place to talk." Promise not to forgive Wan Zhongtian and say it directly.

"Well, since there is something on business, the elder Xu will come with me." After saying that, Wan Zhongtian led the way in front of him.

Waiting for Wan Zhongtian to lead the promise to a more secluded place, and then let people serve fragrant tea and pastries, and then asked the promise if he wanted to find two girls from the brothel. After finishing these, Wan Zhongtian asked, "Elege Xu, I don't know what's wrong with you coming so early?"

He promised not to talk about business, but to solve a question first. He asked, "Master Wan, didn't you say that the business of the horse racing gang is very bleak now? Why have many people come to visit in the past two days?"

"Oh, that's what happened." Speaking of this, Wan Zhongtian couldn't help smiling, "This is thanks to the gold and silver jewelry given by Elder Xu. I didn't expect that the precious jewelry bought by Elder Xu from various places could be so popular in Kyoto."

Speaking of these jewelry, Wan Zhongtian's words were endless. He continued, "Originally, I thought these jewelry were very valuable and could relieve the pressure of our horse racing gang, but I didn't expect that when I took a golden jade phoenix to the jewelry shop to identify the price that day, the price was far beyond my expectation. In addition, I heard that it was an ornament a long time ago, but it was ten times higher than my original estimate!"

"That's why I revealed that I still have some collections. Of course, I didn't disclose the news of Elder Xu. I said that I bought them when I went everywhere to transport the goods. Later, more and more people came, and they almost broke the threshold of our horse racing gang.

"I really didn't expect that those things could relieve the pressure on our horse racing gang a lot. I didn't expect it to be so valuable. Why didn't I expect to resell these things everywhere?" Wan Zhongtian couldn't help sighing.

After listening to Wan Zhongtian's sigh, he promised to say, "This method is good, but don't resell it in Kyoto. Everything will follow the trend, and once this momentum passes, it will not be so popular. It's a good way to resell it in other prosperous towns. Of course, don't just limit it to gold. Silver jewelry. Our horse racing gang should also change. I used to just deliver goods to various regions to make money for others, but now we will do it ourselves. We have been working since childhood. Anyway, many of us are not, and we can also endure hardships.

"Esbyterian Xu has a good idea, so I'll give it a try." Wan Zhongtian immediately clapped his hands and cheered, but soon became embarrassed. "Although this method is good, we have only slowed down now. There is a lack of funds. It seems that it has to be discussed in the long run."

Seeing Wan Zhongtian's cunning eyes, he couldn't help laughing. He said, "Since I'm a member of the Running Horse Gang, of course, this favor should be helped. Why are you polite to me?"

With that, he promised to take out the silver ticket that Wang Yulang gave him this morning, which had not been a little too late. In addition, when he got up today, the 100,000 taels of silver tickets found in his clothes for no reason were all stuffed into Wan Zhongtian's hands. Now I promise that I only have some broken silver on my body, plus a one to be sent out.

Wan Zhongtian saw that the promise had given him so much money at once, and his eyes did not blink when he gave the money (the promise was just entangled in his heart, but he was reluctant to give up the money and couldn't hold Wan Zhongtian).

Wan Zhongtian couldn't help but be moved by the promised lofty sentiment, not only for him, but also for the helpers of thousands of horse runners. Wan Zhongtian is originally a temperamental person, but he is just a little indecisive in his personality.

He suddenly held the promised shoulder, and finally showed eight points of emotion in his eyes, which was a sincere look. He said, "Brother Xu, you are the real brother of our horse racing gang. You are now our real elder. If Elder Xu can solve the crisis for our horse racing gang this time, our brothers of the horse racing gang will always remember your credit."

Wan Zhongtian suddenly said so many heartfelt words and made such an impassioned speech that he didn't know how to say it. Especially Wan Zhongtian's eyes, it is really uncomfortable to see the promise. This kind of look does not make people feel cold, but makes people look like chicken skin. In the daytime, and two big men...