fa mou

Chapter 230 Wang Yulang's own ambition

Ling Xianger couldn't help but be surprised to hear this so-called promise to deal with Wang Yulang for the first time. Although Ling Xianger was very surprised, she didn't show it on her face and didn't even turn her head when she looked out of the window. However, the promise clearly saw that Ling Xianger's fist under the table was tightly written.

Ling Xianger's movements, of course, promised to understand that this is due to the sublimation of feelings. Ling Xianger did not expect that there would be a 'deal' with Wang Yulang, and it can be seen that after going out today, Ling Xianger's good impression of Buyi seems to have improved a lot. Since she is a friend, of course she doesn't want to be used.

"I can try my best to deal with your request, but it's hard to say whether it's successful or not." Promise said with some embarrassment, which is also a reasonable thing.

However, Wang Yulang seemed to be very eager about this matter. He said, "No matter what method you use, you have to create opportunities for me, otherwise you don't want to gain a foothold in Kyoto."

After hearing the promise, he was very embarrassed and reluctantly said, "Then I have to try my best, but after I get it, how can I inform you next?"

"You just need to tell the boss here." Wang Yulang thought for a moment and then said, "Listen to what you mean, do you want to be hard?"

"What else can I do besides this?" Promise said helplessly, "I'm not a matchmaker, and she doesn't like you either. How can I combine your good deeds at will?"

After listening to the promise, Wang Yulang gritted his teeth and said, "Well, in this case, let's do it like this. When the matter is a finale, Buyi has to admit this fact. She can't escape."

"I can do your business for you, but I don't know if I have any benefit?" Promise suddenly asked about his own benefits. A gentleman loves money and people's feelings.

"Didn't I just give you money? Why do you still want it now?" Wang Yulang couldn't help frowning at the greed of the promise, which seemed to be much more greedy than Wang Ba.

"You know, I'm not going to inquire about the news again, but also to buy the people around Buyi, and buy this and that to make Buyi happy. It will cost a lot of money." Promise began to break his fingers and calculate for him, "Just say that I went to the horse this morning to ask for information, and they asked me a lot of money."

"A broken gang, what's worth the money?" Wang Yulang complained.

"Although the gangs are broken, they are well-informed. I don't know their prices. I didn't see them at night, so I gave them all the silver tickets you gave me." This is the truth of the promise.

Wang Yulang couldn't help but be speechless. He looked at the promise like an idiot. That was 10,000 taels of silver tickets. In the past, this guy seemed to be very shrewd and fierce. Didn't you see it wrong before? This guy is only ruthless but has no brain. Yulang couldn't help doubting whether the promise could get things done.

However, there is nothing he can do now. As long as Wang Yulang makes a bet, at least the stupid person will not betray him. Wang Yulang took out 10,000 taels of silver notes again, and then threw them on the table and said, "Pay attention to spending money in the future. This is 10,000 taels of silver notes. Many people have never seen so much money in their lives."

For Wang Yulang's money, he promised to smile and then accept it. However, in Wang Yulang's eyes, Promise is a little bit of a little money, that kind of greedy smile. Wang Yulang knew that there was no common language with the promise, so he might as well visit his brothel. So he repeatedly told him to promise to hurry up, and then left.

Wang Yulang's headache was temporarily left to Promise. Just now, he pretended to be very relaxed, and now it's his turn to promise a headache. Originally, Ling Xianger wanted to use the unique trick, and then asked about the promise, but he said the reason. However, as soon as she saw the headache of the promise, she felt distressed.

"Brother Xu, isn't this difficult to do?" Ling Xianger also knew that she had asked a nonsense, but she didn't ask, and she was panicked.

"It's not difficult to do, but I don't know what to do." Promise to say it directly. He came to Kyoto for too short, and he knew too little about Wang Yulang, Buyi and others. Now he really can't think of a good way.

"Listen to Wang Yulang's words, did he threaten you with his father's affairs?" Ling Xianger guessed that only this reason could make the promise difficult.

"It doesn't matter if a Wang Yulang is, but the power behind him is very terrible and he is rashly involved. At that time, let alone save his father, we may not live in peace, even in Kyoto, so we don't even have a foothold, so we don't know what to do." Promise frankly, Wang Yulang alone is not a concern, but many things involve more than one person.

"I don't know what to do. I don't really want Wang Yulang to succeed. Not to mention that Buyi is the daughter of the prime minister, she is also our good friend, the first friend who came to Kyoto, isn't she?" Ling Xianger also said unbearablely.

Hearing Ling Xianger's words, Xu's eyes couldn't help but light up. He hurriedly asked, "Xiang'er, how do you know that Bu Yi is the prime minister's daughter?"

"When I went out to play today, she told me that she was the prime minister's daughter. The reason why she pretended to be a man to flirt with women was also because of this. She was really lonely." Speaking of this, Ling Xianger couldn't help sighing for Buyi. She was also a sentimental woman.

"Really, didn't you have a good time today? How could she go back early?" He promised to ask about Ling Xianger's play. Anyway, he can't think of a countermeasure, so let's put aside Wang Yulang's problem first.

"Her father asked her to go back." Ling Xianger's first sentence moved Xu Yu's heart. "I don't know why. The person sent by his father was very tough and must let her go back. Bu Yi had to compromise."

Ling Xianger was talking when she suddenly found that the promise was thinking hard, so she asked, "Brother Xu, is there anything wrong, or do you think of something?"

"That's right," the promise seemed to have figured out something and suddenly said, "Xiang'er, have you noticed today that Buyi and those accompanying people can do martial arts?"

Ling Xianger thought about it for a moment and then said, "Didn't you ask me to be more careful today? If you don't say that I haven't paid attention to it, the people accompanying Buyi seem to be good at martial arts. Even the sedan chair man seems to have so many hands, because they are particularly stable when lifting the sedan chair, and even the pace is almost the same. Consistent."

"Since the martial arts skills of Bu Yi's entourage are good, why does she have to go back? Is there any problem?" Promise muttered to himself, and then continued to think about it.

"Will it have anything to do with Wang Yulang coming here today?" Ling Xianger said inadvertently, "Listen to his tone, as if he had come to you before."

Hearing Ling Xianger's words, Xu Nuo immediately raised his head and looked at her with burning eyes. Seeing that Xu promised's excited eyes that were almost 'eating' her, Ling Xianger said with some trembling in her heart, "What's the matter, Brother Xu, am I wrong with me?"

"No, you're so right." With that, Xu Nuo couldn't help holding Ling Xianger's face, then quickly kissed her, and then continued, "Why didn't I think of why Wang Yulang came back so quickly? He must have a reason. It seems that's the reason."

Ling Xianger was promised to kiss in public. Although she was through the veil, she couldn't see her cheeks red at this time, let alone her head was hot at this time. Therefore, Ling Xianger was a little dizzy and couldn't help asking coquettishly, "What's the reason? Why can't I understand?"

"Wang Yulang came to see me yesterday, and today he came again, and it happened that it was time for Buyi to go back," Promise began to analyze. "It seems that Buyi's father should have discovered Wang Yulang's plan, or found the action of the forces behind Wang Yulang, so he felt that Buyi might It was dangerous to let her go back, and her tone was still so tough.

"If this is the case, since Wang Yulang's plan was discovered by Buyi's father, why did he still come to us and ask us to do so?" Ling Xianger still didn't fully understand.

"Ha ha, I think this matter seems to have become easier. The more complicated they become, the simpler we are." Xu Yu finally began to laugh. He continued, "The original plan was definitely caused by the forces behind Wang Yulang, and today's request may only be Wang Yulang's own."

Indeed, if today's intention is only Wang Yulang's own request, then he must have done it without telling the forces behind him, and it seems to have some unspeakable purpose. If it's just to deal with Wang Yulang alone, it will be much simpler, as promised before.

"If that's the case, it's really much simpler." Ling Xianger nodded and continued to ask, "So, Brother Xu, how did you guess that it might be Wang Yulang's own request?"

"This is actually very simple. Although he has not been with Wang Yulang for a long time, he used to be sharp and flamboyant. Even now, he hasn't changed much. I guessed it based on his personality." The promise can't help selling at this time.

If she didn't explain the promise, Ling Xianger didn't understand. She hated this feeling of going up and down the most. So, Ling Xianger didn't say anything. She just stared at the promise and stared at him bitterly. Ling Xianger knew that her trick was very effective and guaranteed to achieve the expected effect after using it.


There will be another chapter