fa mou

Chapter 238 What I can do for you

Ruolan's requirements are not high, or she no longer expects to have any requirements. As long as you still have me in your heart, whether it's hatred, hatred or enemy, it doesn't matter. Just ask you to remember me.

"I don't remember you. I have completely forgotten you." The promised breath is a little heavy.

"So you don't hate me?" Ruolan still said with a smile. Anyway, it's good to talk to him.

"I don't hate you anymore, because I think you are very pitiful. You are a poor person, and there is nothing worth hating me." Promise took a breath, and his mood slowly calmed down.

"Real, you also think I'm pitiful?" Ruolan's face had no smile, in exchange for a faint sadness, "What do you think I'm pitiful? I'm now in beautiful clothes, and I live a worry-free life now..."

At this point, Ruolan didn't say any more, because the promised attention was not on her at all. Xu Nuo turned his head. He stroked Ling Xianger's cheek and whispered, "Not only don't I hate you, but also want to thank you. It's not because of you, I won't meet Xiang'er, such a good woman as her."

Originally, Ruolan thought she didn't care at all, but after seeing the promised action, she suddenly felt a heartache and then felt inexplicable pain.

She said in a deep voice, "It seems that you still won't forgive me, you know, but you don't know. I have a hard time." Ruolan's words were very messy, and her mind was even more confused at this time.

"You are making excuses for what you have done wrong." Ling Xianger, who had been silent, suddenly said, "Since you have betrayed Brother Xu before, you should pay the corresponding price. No matter what the reason is, after all, you have done something wrong."

"What's your name?" Ruolan suddenly asked her name.

"Shouldn't you say your own name before asking someone else's name?" Ling Xianger said proudly.

"Ha ha, it seems that you are really suitable for him, and even the tone is similar to his." Ruolan smiled bitterly and then continued, "My name is Ruolan, only this name. As for my last name, I don't know. Sister, can you say your name?"

"I'm not your sister. I have a surname. My name is Ling Xianger." Since Ling Xianger knew that this was the woman who had betrayed her promise and let the woman who had been entangled in her heart, she would certainly not be polite to her.

"Ling Xianger, it's so good, the name is good, and the person is good." Ruolan said sincerely.

"Brother Xu said that I was good, but what you said doesn't count." Ling Xianger continued to target Ruolan.

"It seems that you like him very much and care about him." Ruolan said with some envy.

"No," Ling Xianger actually denied Ruolan's statement, but her words were more certain, "I will always love him, care about him all the time, and be with him all my life. I will be his wife."

Ling Xianger's words are very resolute, but more resolutely, she holds the promised hand. Hold your son's hand and walk with him, or that's the truth.

Ruolan was envious just now, but now she has a sense of sadness in her heart. It would be great if the woman around him was promised to be her, or she was the one holding his hand. Promise was cultivated by her and the closest one to her. She didn't know when she began to care about this persistent guy.

Ruolan said that she could wait for two years for him. However, missing is the most painful thing. Before a year, Ruolan is about to collapse. She was under pressure, so she did a bold thing. This is what most women, even men, can't do.

Thinking of this, Ruolan asked lightly, and she said confirm, "Really?" She was talking to Ling Xianger, but it was more like asking for a promise.

So, the promise answered her and answered affirmatively, "Yes, at least she won't betray me. She deserves me to pity her forever."

"I have also done a lot of things for you, and we have been together for a long time. Isn't it worth your pity?" Ruolan's tone slowly became excited.

"You..." The promise was a little stunned, "What do you mean by that?"

"Hmm!" Ling Xianger snorted first and then said, "You stupid head, she is saying that she likes you. Maybe she didn't find it before, but after she betrayed you, she found that she liked you, so she has been blaming herself."

Hearing Ling Xianger explain for her, Ruolan's eyes couldn't help softening her. She smiled and said, "Thank you, girl. I didn't expect you to have so much."

Ling Xianger hurriedly shook her hand and said, "Don't thank me. I'm not a lot. I'm just telling him what you mean. I like him, but I don't want to lie to him. Even if a woman likes him, I don't care. This shows that he is very attractive, doesn't it?"

"Anyway, thank you." After Ruolan finished speaking, she said to the promise, "A promise, how can you forgive me?"

"Impossible." Promise said lightly, "I said we are already strangers."

"Even if I can't do anything for you?" Ruolan felt a little distressed.

"You work for me, haha, you are now under the command of Second Master An. You are his woman. It's a joke to say what to make up for me." I don't know whether the promise is sad or angry now.

"I'm not his woman. He used to think about it, but I didn't let him succeed." Ruolan said it resolutely.

Ruolan's promise was obviously not believed. He said, "I can see that Erye An is not a simple character. He has a strong desire to possess. How can he let go of a woman like you?"

"Ha ha, so, do you also think I'm very beautiful, attractive, and attractive to you?" Ruolan couldn't help but be a little happy, even if the promise was only an indirect praise for her.

"Yes, I admit that you used to be very attractive to me and let me do anything for you, but that's just the past. Since the moment you betrayed me, the feeling you gave me was no longer attractive, but fear." Promise to speak your mind.

"However, you still completed the task I assigned you and returned to that place." Ruolan's tone was very light, but her words were very bitter, and her heart was even more bitter.

"That's what I owe you and I promised you. I didn't want to believe all that, but I did see it with my own eyes." Ruolan's heart is bitter, and there is no contradiction in her promise.

"Have you seen the medicine box I prepared for you and the letter I left you?" Ruolan asked hopeful.

"I burned it, but thank you for your medicine box. Without it, I might have died." Promise lied, and until now, he still keeps that letter, which is what Ling Xianger also knows. Hearing the promise, Ling Xianger couldn't help leaning on him to encourage and warm him.

"If I leave that person and come back to you to compensate you, will you accept it?" Ruolan suddenly asked boldly, which was also the one she wanted to ask most.

"Impossible," the first sentence of the promise denied her, "That Second Master An will not let you go." There doesn't seem to be much blame in the tone of promise, but a little concerned.

Of course, Ruolan heard the meaning of the promise. She smiled and said, "Nothing is impossible. As long as he comes step by step, he will slowly lose interest in me and lose its utilization value. As long as I can escape the last disaster, I can follow you."

"But I already have Xiang'er, and I don't need other women anymore." Promise held Ling Xianger's hand tightly and comforted her, because he could feel a little uneasiness in her heart.

"I can be your maid, that girl, isn't she shouting to be your maid? Since she can, I can do it too." Ruolan said firmly, and her eyes were full of excitement.

"Second Master An won't let you go. How can he not know your ability unless you die." The promise is also very sure.

"Even if I die, I am willing to. He is a perfection-seeking person. He has always said that I am the closest woman to perfection, but do you know why he didn't possess me?" Ruolan seems to be making up her mind.

"Because you are not perfect enough, his requirements are so high?" The promise is in doubt.

"No, in his words, it's because I was close to perfection and infinitely close to his perfect aesthetic, but I did something that made him lose my interest." Ruolan said very excitedly, and she seemed to be very nervous.

"This is also the only thing I can do for you before I see you, because I think you are much more important than him." Ruolan finally made up her mind, "Do you know why I wear a veil? I haven't brought it before."

"The reason why you wear the veil should be the same as Xiang'er's, for fear of causing unnecessary trouble." Promised to guess. Women like them who are outstanding and have excellent temperament will cause trouble everywhere.

"Ha ha, that's good, I'm afraid of causing trouble." Ruolan said with a wry smile, "But my sister and I have the opposite trouble." With that, Ruolan took off the veil on her face.