fa mou

Chapter 247 Chapter 248 Buyi is fascinated

If two women are like 2,000 ducks, then Promise and Li Heizi are now like two flies, two of whom are secretly 'buzzing' flies. Of course, their 'fly' will not arouse other people's annoyance, but will arouse other people's curiosity.

People say that women are curious animals. No, the action between Promise and Li Heizi makes Ling Xianger and Buyi curious. Originally, two men who were in a cold war suddenly became extremely close, at least on the surface.

Buyi is an innocent and lively girl who can't hold back the doubts in her heart. Therefore, she asked at the appropriate moment and said, "Sister Ling, why did they suddenly become so close? Now they are still whispering. They were still in a cold war just now.

Of course, Bui can't figure it out, because most of her time in her previous life was devoted to flirting with women. However, knowing Ling Xianger's promise, she guessed the content of the conversation between the two guys.

"You'd better not know. They must have not discussed anything good." In order to avoid misleading Buyi, a pure girl, Ling Xianger had to persuade her to give up this idea.

However, Ling Xianger's persuasion aroused Buyi's curiosity even more. How can a girl who is too idle to flirt with women let go of such gossip? So, Buyi asked, "Sister Ling, did they know you very well before?"

"Almost, it's familiar to say that it's familiar, and it's not familiar to say that it's not familiar. Anyway, it's very complicated." Of course, Ling Xianger can't explain the relationship between them for a while. Even if she can explain it clearly, she won't tell Bui.

"Since that's the case, Sister Ling, how did you guess the content of their conversation?" Buyi suddenly changed his mouth and asked in a changed direction.

"Because..." Ling Xianger almost said, "It's better that you don't know."

"Sister Ling, just say it. If you don't say it, I will pester you every day, sleep with you, eat with you, and never leave you until you say it." Buyi began to disothe, and coquettishness was also her strength.

"Well, since you want to know, I'll tell you." Ling Xianger was so entangled that she had no choice but to say her opinion from the side. She continued, "Look at Brother Xu's expression. According to what I know about him, most of his expressions are talking about women."

"Really?" Buyi looked at the promise more curiously, "But this reason is also a little far-fetched. Didn't you say that you were the only one in Brother Xu's heart? How could he talk about other women?"

"I'm the only one in my heart, not that he has been insulated from women since then, and he can't even talk about women." Ling Xianger explained, "Of course, I'm not just relying on this. You see, that Li Heizi, whose eyebrows are still red, looks like he is humbious and taught. Look, he is still touching his chin obscenely now. I can't think of any other reason to make a man look like this except a woman."

Ling Xianger's inference is not unfounded. Of course, a strong man like Li Heizi will not ask for advice on martial arts. In addition to martial arts, there is only wine and women. However, they didn't drink. When they blushed without drinking, this is not talking about what women are talking about.

"Which one is Li Heizi?" Buyi suddenly asked.

"Don't you even know that big black man named Li Heizi? Isn't he from your family?" Ling Xianger is a little speechless, and this Buyi is too powerful.

"Oh, his name is Li Heizi. No wonder he is so dark." Buyi nodded and said. Her basis is simply unfounded. Who said that the person with black in her name will definitely be black, because Ruhua is not beautiful, and Sister Furong is just a big sister.

"Then what woman are they talking about? They are not talking about you, Sister Ling, are they?" Buyi continued to ask.

"No, Brother Xu won't easily talk about me in other men. Maybe he's talking about you, because they have seen you five times since just now." Ling Xianger said with certainty.

"Ah, really, what are they looking for?" Bu Yi suddenly became shy, "Brother Xu, there is no place to talk about others."

Ling Xianger couldn't help being defeated by Buyi's words. What is this? Obviously, she is the promised woman, and Buyi also came to join in the fun. If you secretly think about it, it's okay to talk about it secretly, but now, she is even in front of herself.

As the saying goes, will spring be far away after winter? This Buyi no longer flirts with women and returns to normal, or it's really time for spring.

Ling Xianger guessed that Bu Yifa ~ Chun's problem, I don't know whether it's right or wrong, but only Buyi himself knows this. However, Ling Xianger guessed a sentence correctly, that is, Promise and Li Heizi have seen Buyi five times in total. These five times, they promised to see it twice, and Li Heizi three times.

Ling Xianger guessed right, and of course she also thought wrong. She thought that Promise and Li Heizi were discussing women when they saw Buyi. In fact, everyone in the front was talking about women once, while the last three times were promising to talk about the plan with Li Heizi.

Yes, Li Heizi gave in under the whist of his promised 18 tricks, so he agreed to the promised proposal to help him solve this headache. If this problem is solved, he will be a little free, and he can try to see if this 18 girls are effective.

But when I thought about it, I promised to use a few strategies, which has made Ling Xianger obedient. If he uses all 18 articles, isn't that woman going to die for him? As long as Li Heizi thinks about this, he will be very excited. Even his eyes are shining and his cheeks are a little black and red.

The plan promised to deal with Wang Yulang is very simple. The simpler the plan, the more convenient it is to implement, and the easier it is for people like Wang Yulang to ignore. To deal with a smart person, either you use an extremely complicated plan and make him have nowhere to hide. Or you can use a simple plan, the simpler the better, because toss a coin, not flowers, of course, words.

The promised plan is simple, but a little risky. Therefore, Li Heizi couldn't help touching his chin and thinking for a moment. Because of his 'trust' promise and his resoluteness, he nodded and agreed.

This plan had to make Li Heizi think seriously, because the promised proposal was to follow Wang Yulang's plan and then catch him at a critical moment. Attempts to insult the prime minister's daughter have a lot of influence and will definitely put Wang Yulang to death. At that time, as soon as Wang Yulang is removed, the world will be much cleaner and they can also relax a lot.


This chapter is a little late. Shameless please collect it