fa mou

Chapter 250 Variable Buyi

No matter how high the sky is, how far people's thoughts are, only they can't do it, and there is nothing unexpected. Xu Yu was in YY, and suddenly felt a soft ~ meat pain in his waist, so he immediately woke up.

"Xiang'er, what are you doing?" Promise asked innocently.

"So what are you thinking about?" In order to promise face, Ling Xianger let go of the hand held around his waist. Ling Xianger just wanted to remind her to make a promise, but her way was more special.

"Haha, it's nothing. I was just distracted." Promise continued to laugh.

"Really?" How could Ling Xianger easily believe the promise, because when the promise speaks, she was obviously still secretly looking at Buyi. His eyes clearly didn't have any good intentions.

There was really nothing he could do, so he had to lean over to Ling Xianger and then bit her ear for a while. Ling Xianger didn't let him go until he promised to explain the reason for the matter.

However, Ling Xianger still said with a trace of worry, "Brother Xu, are you really sure? If you can't do it well, maybe you will really succeed by him, then..." Ling Xianger said and couldn't help looking at Bu Yi.

"Don't worry, I promise to keep her comprehensive, and I'm not the only one protecting her." The promised thing can be guaranteed, unless he really can't do anything, unless he dies, he won't achieve it.

"Sister Ling, Brother Xu, what are you discussing? Is it something funny?" The neglected Buyi asked strangely.

"Yes, we are discussing how to play fun and exciting things with you, but this thing is a little dangerous." He promised to give Buyi a vaccination first.

"Well, that fun and exciting thing is not a little dangerous. I'm not afraid of this." Buyi really has a fearless personality.

"Actually, this is not a game, but something about yourself." Promise doesn't want Buyi to do this with a playful mentality, because it's really not in the game. I promised that I would not let Buyi lose a hair, even if I let Wang Yulang touch it.

"About me?" Buyi was a little puzzled, "What else is there?"

"That day, your father suddenly called you back. He must have said something to you, right? Moreover, you sneaked out today, and there is also a master following you. You must be in trouble. Promise slowly analyzed that if it suddenly bursts out, maybe Buyi will doubt it, and the friendship between them will also change. Subconsciously, the promise has regarded Buyi as a friend. Although he is 'using' his friends, he has to say it first so that he can solve the problems of both sides at the same time.

"How do you know this?" Buyi asked in surprise, "My father said that I can't tell anyone except him. I can't disobey my father's words, so I didn't tell anyone."

"Don't doubt this. You haven't told anyone, and I haven't heard anyone. Because of many things, you don't have to hear what others say before you know. Sometimes you can understand seven or eight points by inference. Promise said confidently.

When he is confident, his image will always become tall enough to look up to him.

"Brother Xu, how did you infer it?" Buyi was another little star full of eyes. His hands continued to press his plump chest, still squeezed out a deep gully, and promised still glanced a few times.

"Because Brother Xu has a smart mind." Promise pointed to his head, "But don't be discouraged. You are also very smart, but you haven't used it in the right place before."

"Well, okay, Brother Xu, tell me, what the hell is going on? I will definitely do it beautifully." With such a little promise, Buyi has already understood three points. There are very few stupid people in the world, but there are many people who are too lazy to use their brains.

"The reason why your father didn't let you come out is that he specially sent a master to protect you when you sneaked away, which means that someone wants to hit you." Promised to talk to Buye in an inference.

"You mean, someone wants to kill me?" Buyi said incredulously, "No way, I didn't provoke anyone."

Buyi said that she was smart and stupid, because before she promised to come to Kyoto, she almost provoked all the women in this area, and now she still says that she didn't provoke anyone.

"It's not that someone wants to kill you, but someone wants to get you." The promise simply made it clear.

"Isn't this right? It's only for me to flirt with other women. Does anyone dare to flirt with me? He doesn't want to live anymore. Buyi now remembers the matter of flirting with women.

"This person should be your father's political enemy, or want to use you to get your father's help. If you want to reach the sky in one step, the best and simplest way is to get your body." Promise to say the key to this plan is Buyi's body. A woman must attach great importance to her innocence.

"Brother Xu, do you mean that this game should be a bet on my body or as bait?" At the critical moment, Buyi became smart again. This concern was difficult for even Buyi to accept the innocence of her daughter's family. She couldn't even help hugging her chest, as if the pervert was a promise.

"Don't worry, I will protect you from this. Do you know why Li Heizi left? Because he promised this matter, he will also secretly protect you and guarantee that you won't lose a hair." Promise said confidently. The promise of self-confidence is still very high, but Buyi no longer admires it, but is meditating.

"Well, isn't this very exciting? Don't you like exciting things?" Promised to continue to seduce Buyi, and he felt that he was evil at this time. But there is no way. If it doesn't make sense, he can't carry out this plan. Because for Buyi, it is impossible for him to use strong means. Although it is easy to knock her out, it is just a matter of action.

"But if she is a girl, she will also have something to be afraid of." At this time, Bu Yi's tone was much weaker and his voice was much lower. He was simply a qualified lady.

"When did your speech become so gentle?" The promise is a little ashamed. This Buyi has learned to talk about people's family now. When she was strong, she was weak, but when she needed to be like a woman, she changed again.

"It is said that they are girls. Shouldn't girls talk like this, so that they can please men." Buyi now remembers what he taught her before he promised, and he used it well.

"Real?" Xu promised with a suspicious look, and then looked up and down at Buyi, "Why can't I see that you are a girl at all."

"Although I wear men's clothes, my essence is a weak girl, Brother Xu, didn't you say that you can't just look at the appearance?" Buyi's current theory has been pushed out one by one.

When did I tell her that she can't look at things? Why don't I remember this? I promised to think about it with some puzzlement.

"But if you wear men's clothes and dress like men, you should have some manly spirit, otherwise I will be sorry for your clothes." The promise was also confused by Buyi's transformation, and even his theory became messy.

"Oh, is that the reason for this dress and this dress? This is very simple." Buyi said and suddenly reached out to take off her clothes. Buyi's move was so crazy and attractive that he couldn't help but look forward to it. However, this is in public. If it is in private, the promise will not mind Buyi's impulse. Because of the two balls of things on Buyi's chest, ** force is not small.

Just as she promised to think about whether to stop Buyi's move, Ling Xianger had already taken the lead. Since Ling Xianger took action, Buyi will definitely not succeed.

As soon as Bu Yi's hand took off a button, Ling Xianger grabbed her hand and whispered, "Bui, what are you doing? In public, didn't you care much about innocence just now? Why are you going to take off your clothes now?"

"Oh, Sister Ling, where do you think? Of course I know this is in public. I just took off this man's clothes, not to be stripped." Bu Yi was misunderstood by Ling Xianger and stared at her promise, and her face couldn't help blushing. However, this blush is due to Ling Xianger's misunderstanding or the promised look.

After listening to Buyi's words, Ling Xianger touched her body. After touching her, she was relieved and did not stop Bu Yi's behavior. But what Ling Xianger doesn't know is how envious Ling Xianger's promise is at this time. How wonderful it would be if it could be replaced. Ling Xianger didn't know his back to the promise, but his eyes were looked at by Buyi, who even bit his lips rarely.

Buyi was right. She just took off the man's clothes. As soon as she took off her coat, took off her hat, and shook her hair, suddenly, a beautiful, lively and lovely girl appeared in front of them. Buyi is very simple and simple, and does not apply powder, which not only does not look ugly, but even has a fresh and refined feeling. This feeling, even the promise, couldn't help but be stunned.

"Brother Xu, it's okay. I'm no longer a woman in men's clothes. I'm a complete woman, so that I can have something to be afraid of, right?" Buyi looked at the promise and said proudly. I don't know whether she was proud of her disguise or happy because of the promise.


Third update, three book friends, welcome to join the group: 86831757, Mr. Zhuge is just this treatment, haha, but I'm not Liu Guanzhang