fa mou

Chapter 260 There is only one antidote

Originally, Li Heizi looked at the promise and hit the first two words, and his eyes were brilliant. Even he couldn't help admiring his talent. However, the promise actually broke down at the critical moment, and the last explosion turned out to be no. Although the promise is talented, although Li Heizi doesn't mind him learning his three-character formula. However, this piracy should also be more professional, and even one word will be shouted wrong.

"Pro promise, you have to be more professional, but you are a master. That's explosive, explosive, not 'no', please concentrate a little?" Li Heizi couldn't listen any more, so he began to lose his temper.

However, the promise ignored Li Heizi and ran to the window of his room and grabbed the cup in Buyi and Ling Xianger's hand. At this time, he shouted the remaining two words in his mouth: "You can drink!"

"Brother Xu, what are you doing? Of course, who can drink this? Who doesn't know? I'm so thirsty. Hurry up and drink it." Buyi looked at Xu Nuo with some annoy and said, and his straight face turned a little red.

"Brother Xu, what's wrong?" Ling Xianger knew the promise and knew that he would not mess around. Ling Xianger also faintly felt something wrong, because her breath was a little disordered. There are only two cases of Ling Xianger's disorder. Either she used force or promised to use 'force' against her.

"I said I can't drink this water." Promise said a little gladly, fortunately, he found out early, otherwise it would really be self-defeating, and the consequences might be a little comedy.

"Why can't you drink it? Just drink it for me. I've sweated a little, and now I'm so thirsty." Buyi crossed the window and then grabbed the promised arm and rubbed it.

Buyi's action made the promise like being struck by lightning. He immediately stood on the spot and opened his mouth wide. He looked into Buyi's eyes, then swallowed his saliva, and asked tentatively, "Mayi, let me ask you a question. Have you... have you drunk water?"

"Yes, but it's strange that this water doesn't quench your thirst at all. The more you drink, the more thirsty you get, and it gets hotter and hotter." With that, Buyi couldn't help pulling the clothes close to her graceful body. Not to mention that Buyi's action of pulling clothes is quite powerful. Especially her flushed face, some blurred eyes, bright red mouth...

He promised to shake his head quickly and stop thinking about these things. He is really speechless now. I didn't expect that the first time I made a trap, I fell into this trap.

"Brother Xu, don't you want to tell me that you have taken medicine in this pot of water?" Ling Xianger asked tentatively.

"Hahaha, I'm afraid that Wang Yulang is shrewd, so I downloaded it. Unexpectedly, he was praised and carried away. He only drank my added aphrodisiac. Promise laughed again, and he explained embarrassedly.

"Why are you so careless? Are you still giggling there? Why don't you give us the antidote quickly?" Ling Xianger couldn't help being annoying, because she felt that her medicinal properties had also had an attack.

"No, did you drink it too?" Promise asked in surprise.

"Nonsense, there is water there, who doesn't drink it." Ling Xianger's current breath was really disordered. What's more, she found that Buyi was a little confused, and the eyes that looked at the promise became hot.

"Didn't the old man say that you are also an invulnerable body? How can you be poisoned?" Promise said unbelievablely, was it the old man who slandered himself?

"I haven't said that, and I haven't tried it, and the master said that the aphrodisiac he formulated is not a poison." Ling Xianger suddenly promised, "Your medicine must have come from the master."

"I just think it's useless for the old man to put it there, so I took some by the way. Isn't it used? It still works." Promise to continue to play haha.

"Stop talking, give us the antidote quickly. You think Buyi is dying." At this time, Buyi had fallen softly into Ling Xianger's arms and even begun to touch Ling Xianger's body. However, her hot eyes kept staring at Promise, like a ** female wolf, staring at a male wolf.

"What happened?" At this time, Li Heizi had calmed down and asked.

"Bui is poisoned." Without saying much nonsense, he immediately took out two antidotes from his arms, and then sent one to Buyi's mouth for her to swallow, and then clicked her acupuncture point.

"Poisoned, how can it be poisoned? So what should I do now?" Li Heizi was also a little stunned.

"This is the spring medicine I prepared for Wang Yulang. You want to fight with me, so I forgot to pour it down. Unfortunately, they all drank it." As he spoke, the promise kept pushing on Buyi for a while.

"For good that you have an antidote, otherwise I don't know how to explain it to the prime minister." Li Heizi said gladly that this was also his own arrangement. Li Heizi did not delay his promise to compare martial arts, and such a thing would not happen.

"Now the poison has not been solved. After you take her back to the house, and then untie her acupuncture points. At that time, she will be thirsty. You have to keep feeding her water. When she is a little conscious and wants to go to the toilet, wait for her to finish, give her this antidote, and then let her sleep for a while. It's a matter." As promised, she also helped Buyi massage. At this time, a lot of sweat came out of her forehead, and her face was not so red.

"I heard that there is no antidote for this spring medicine. If you don't find a man, this medicine will not be solved. How can you have an antidote?" Li Heizi took Buyi, who promised to hold over, and asked curiously.

"Actually, this is not an antidote. A medicine gathers the medicine and expels it out of the body as much as possible. The remaining medicine is to let her have a spring dream. Of course, it will be fine when the spring dream wakes up." Promise explained a little to Li Heizi.

"Oh, in that case, I have to send her back as soon as possible." With that, Li Heizi was about to turn around and leave.

"Li Heizi, wait a minute, I'll ask you about someone." The promise suddenly shouted.

"Stop talking, I know who you want to ask. For the sake of defeating me, I can only tell you that he is safe and good." After saying that, Li Heizi took Buyi and swept away.

"It seems that my father is really doing well." Ling Xianger couldn't help sighing.

"Yes, there is no need for Li Heizi to lie to us. He is a good person. I really hope to make friends with him." Promise said with some yearning.

"Don't sigh, give me the antidote quickly. This drug attack is really serious." Ling Xianger couldn't help urging her promise that if it hadn't been for her deep internal strength, she wouldn't have lasted for such a long time.

Hearing Ling Xianger's urging, he couldn't help saying innocently, "What kind of antidote? Hasn't the antidote been given to Buyi? The old man doesn't often say that in general stories, there is only one antidote, so his antidote is just one."