fa mou

Chapter 264 Mysterious Gifts

Although he promised to say this, he cried aggrievedly in his heart: Even if I regard you as my sister, no god sister rubs my brother like this, which is causing people to commit crimes.

Bui didn't know the thought of the promise and heard him swear to say this to her (in fact, there was something in the promise, and most of his words were superficially determined to Ling Xianger: Look, this is not that I am not firm, but Bu Yi is upside down. Don't blame me, I didn't do anything), and she was even more excited.

When men are excited, they do things that are beasts or worse than beasts. And when women are excited, they will cause men to do things that are beastly or worse than beasts. This may be the cycle of cause and effect. Everything is born and bound by each other, and everything is fixed. Amitabha is good and good.

It's okay. I promised not to be a monk. Of course, I don't understand these principles. Transforming into a beast requires a great ** heart; and transforming into a beast requires more courage than **'s heart. There is also Ling Xianger at the scene, so the promise can't be transformed.

He promised to be fighting ideologically, but Buyi didn't feel all this, so Buyi asked happily, "Brother Xu, you really took my sister. Did you treat Sister Ling as your sister before?"

If you want to say that Buyi is stupid, she is really too lazy to use her brain. If you want to say that Buyi is clever and strange, this question, which pretends to be innocent, was suddenly asked to death by her. How to answer the promise at this time? There is no way to answer. If yes, then admit that he and Buyi have a chance to develop; if not, it's even worse. Don't you just admit that Ling Xianger is not as good as Buyi?

If Buyi is willing to use her brain, she will definitely think of this problem. So now, the promise can only be silent, with his eyebrows locked, and then touching his chin and thinking about the feeling of Buyi rubbing his arm.

As long as a person can be defaced to a certain extent, the thoughts of YY in his heart will not appear on his face. Obviously, now the promise to do this is all thanks to the old man. Those who are close to Zhu are red, those who are close to ink are black, and those who follow the old man will have such an effect.

Ling Xianger's vision is not senior, so she can't see what the promise is thinking. She just saw Promise frowning, bowing her head and thinking, with a sad look. When a man is strong, he will make women look up and worship, just like Buyi's promise. When a man is depressed, it will make the woman who loves him sad, just like Ling Xianger at this time.

"Bui, have you had breakfast yet? Why don't we have breakfast first?" Ling Xianger helped her promise to relieve the siege.

Buyi is obviously not so easy to deceive. Since he didn't say anything, then ask Ling Xianger. She asked, "Sister Ling, do you think Brother Xu has ever regarded you as a sister before?"

"I used to treat him as a brother, so that's all right." Ling Xianger said perfunctorily and then continued, "Okay, eat breakfast. I'm starving to death."

With that, Ling Xianger pulled Ling Xianger outside. Buyi got the answer she wanted. With satisfaction, she also felt hungry, so she went out with Ling Xianger. And the promise that had been pretending to be serious actually had some unfinished feelings. He found that he had become a little sultry.

Although the owner of the restaurant is no longer there, it is still operating normally, although the shop assistants are not so enthusiastic. The three promised to be early, but they came up soon. They just looked weak. It seemed that they were worried about their wages.

The three of them promised to have breakfast. They had just eaten half of it, and someone came to talk to them. It is a little eye-catching for two beautiful women with very different styles, each with their own characteristics and excellent temperament to eat breakfast in the restaurant.

Promised that from the back to now, he has received a total of 76 attention from other men in the restaurant. Sixty-six of them were men's jealousy and contempt, and eight of them were envious eyes. And the person who came across now is the one who has seen it twice.

What surprised the promise was that the man who came over was not jealous and envious, but just with some flattering taste. It seems that he did not come for Ling Xianger and Buyi, but for a promise. And promise, the flattering eyes of those men are very mindful, or **, and look uncomfortable.

The man came to Promise, first made a respectful bow, and then asked, "Excuse me, are you Mr. Promise?" The man's tone sounds like his subordinates talking to his boss. What's more strange is that if the promise is correct, this guy is the shopkeeper of this restaurant.

The promise was unknown, so he asked, "I am. I don't know what you want to do with me?"

If the previous shopkeeper flatters about the promise, then he can admit that his attitude towards the promise is quite flattering. The shopkeeper made several bows to the promise in a row, just like a bodhisattva, worshiping the promise directly.

"Hey, shopkeeper, please explain what's going on first. Don't always bow to me, okay? Everyone else is watching." The promise said helplessly. If a person treats you badly and does bad things to you, you can't stand it; if a person treats you too well, you may also be a little scared and unacceptable. Now, the promise comes from this situation.

"Oh, hehe, I'm sorry, I almost forgot the business." The shopkeeper hurriedly apologized, and even the apology was so flattering.

"Well, isn't it Boss Wang of our restaurant? He has offended the nobles, so now he has been arrested and may never get out again." The shopkeeper began to say details, "I'm worried that I don't know what to do with this restaurant. This morning, a nobleman sent me the house and land deed of this restaurant, saying that the official gave this restaurant to you."

With that, the shopkeeper took out the deed and land deed from his arms, and then respectfully handed the promise.

The promise was a little speechless. He took over the deed and the land deed, and then looked at Buyi and asked her with his eyes. This restaurant was originally Wang Yulang's, but Wang Yulang was arrested by the people of the prime minister's mansion, and now he has sent the house deed and land deed. Isn't that the prime minister's mansion?

"Brother Xu, Sister Ling, why are you looking at me?" Buyi, who was watching the bustle and eating breakfast, asked puzzledly.

"I said Buyi, haven't you really forgotten your father's instructions to you and really tell me all your father's words?" The promise is in doubt. It's not that he doesn't believe in Buyi, but he doesn't believe in her powerful ability. For Buyi, it is most normal to forget such a 'little thing'.

"Yes, Buyi, this is not a joke. Think about it quickly." Ling Xianger also asked uneasfully.

"No, it's just two sentences. How can I remember it wrong?" Buyi drank porridge and said vaguely.

"What's going on?" Promise waved two pieces of paper in his hand to Bouy.

There is a big difference between this paper and paper. Some are very cheap, but some are valuable to this restaurant, some can kill people, and some can buy large houses and luxury houses. And Buyi, for the concept of this paper, is completely at the infant level.

"What's wrong with this paper?" Buyi continued to ask innocently.

"This is the house and land deed of this restaurant. With it, it means that you own this restaurant." Promise to explain to Buye patiently.

"With this restaurant, it seems that these two ordinary papers are still a little different." With that, Buyi took the house deed and the land deed and looked at it interestingly.

"Isn't your father going to give me this restaurant?" The promise is even stranger.

"This restaurant is not my home. How can I give it to you?" Buyi asked back.

"Boss Xu, this deed and title deed were not given to me by this lady." The shopkeeper quickly explained, and then continued to whisper, "This noble man is a man with a sharp mouth and a monkey cheek."