fa mou

Chapter 268 People in the dark

Monkey's**~s wandering eyes made the promise completely speechless. Originally, he was a pure person, but when he was looked at by the monkey, he was completely promoted to **~slut. It doesn't matter how outsiders see it, but the trouble is that it has to explain it to Ling Xianger. This is a time-consuming and laborious process, and it has to endure great pain.

Sure enough, Ling Xianger's hand around Promise's waist suddenly became strong again, making Promise can't help shouting 'um' again. Just now, I didn't pay attention to the promise, so I shouted loudly. Now the promise is on guard, and this common dish is nothing to promise.

However, Ling Xianger's hearing such a promise, coupled with this brothel or something, is easy to make people fantasize. Therefore, Ling Xianger directly thought of her and the promise, and remembered that it was him or herself who shouted like this.

"What are you shouting about? I promise not to scream again." Ling Xianger's face was a little blushing.

Before the promise could speak, Bu Yi began to hold an unevenness for the promise. She said, "Sister Ling, isn't it a little too miserable for you to pinch Brother Xu like this and let him scream?"

"Boe, you don't know that this guy has two beautiful women in front of us and is still thinking about other women. Do you think you should pinch him?" Although Ling Xianger said so, she still let go of her hand with heartache. Just now, I may have made the promise red again.

There are many reasons why Ling Xianger let go, but the important thing is that she is distressed. Finally, when she saw her bruises, she not only felt sorry for her promise, but also distressed herself. However, as soon as some people come up, they can't help it. Ling Xianger is an example.

Xu Nuo suddenly was shocked. Why is Ling Xianger so amazing? He just thought of Ruolan and was found by Ling Xianger. Can't Ling Xianger still peep at her mind?

"Brother Xu misses women, why don't I know?" Buyi asked strangely, "Sister Ling, will you have something to do with him after you have been with him for a long time?"

"The ghost has something to do with him. Look at his expression, as well as the house and land deeds of the two brothel in his hand. He is not thinking about what the woman is thinking." Ling Xianger analyzed for Buyi so that this pure girl must not be deceived by the man's appearance, otherwise she may completely fall in love with that man.

The bitterness in the promise's heart was thinking about things, and Ling Xianger mistakenly thought that he was thinking about women. Fortunately, Ling Xianger just thought he was thinking about the woman in the brothel and didn't know how he was thinking about how to save Ruolan.

"Xiang'er, I'm just thinking about the problem, not women. If I miss women, I can only miss you." Promise explained quickly.

"Humph, who believes it?" Ling Xianger said she didn't believe it, but she never doubted it in her heart, and it was even sweet. It was just jealousy just now.

Women are sometimes jealous, but the time is very short, which satisfies the psychology of the promised big man. Which man doesn't want the woman he cares about to care about him? Of course, there is no exception.

"Well, in order to show my sincerity, you have all the last house deeds and land deeds, and we will give them to the brothers of the Horse Gang another day." As promised, he shook his hand, and the two light papers clung to each other and fell into Ling Xianger's hands.

promises to show his skills, which shows his skills. It may be difficult to rotate two pieces of paper into Ling Xianger's hand, but it is not impossible. Many people can do it. However, these two pieces of paper actually wanted to float over, and even the two pieces of paper had not been separated, which showed the profound internal force of the promise.

Xuo Xiaolu opened Buyi's mouth in surprise, but Ling Xianger just hummed, and then put the house deed and the land deed into the pocket of her sleeve.

The promise was not complacent about this hand, and even his eyebrows were deeply locked. He should have been happy, but he said seriously to Ling Xianger, "Xiang'er, can't Buyi play everywhere now? Let her take you around."

"Brother Xu, we haven't asked which woman you were thinking about just now. How can you go out to play?" Buyi is very interested in the issue of promise. Maybe the promise was thinking about her just now.

Just now, Ling Xianger said that she and Promise didn't agree, which might be a little deceptive, at least they had a tacit understanding. With the promise, Ling Xianger couldn't help frowning and said, "Do you really let me... go out to play?"

Ling Xianger's words mean that she wants to stay and help her promise. Now Ling Xianger is indeed a good help.

He promised to understand what Ling Xianger meant, but he refused, "No, you go and play. I'm fine. I want to think about today seriously."

"Okay, be safe." With that, Ling Xianger pulled Buyi and was about to leave.

"Pay attention to safety. Brother Xu is not a child. What's wrong with you alone in the restaurant? Why are you weird?" Buyi is very confused about the promise and Ling Xianger's approach.

"Ha ha, it's okay. Your sister Ling is caring about me. When you go out to play, you should pay attention to safety. Don't let the hooligans bully." Promise said to Buyi.

"Don't worry, if I'm here, who dares to bully Sister Ling, I will beat him immediately." Buyi said solemnly, "Let's go, Sister Ling. We still have a lot of places that we haven't played enough that day. Today, we can finally have fun today, and no one else follows us. It feels really good."

With that, Buyi pulled Ling Xianger out happily. After the two women left, they promised not to leave their seats, but to continue to eat the rest of the breakfast here.

He promised to eat slowly. He usually doesn't eat so slowly. However, even if he eats slowly, he is still the only one at this table. After slowly eating the promise of breakfast, he finally frowned again and got up and walked to the backyard.

It's good to be a boss. You don't have to pay for dinner, unlike other guests. Just say that the one who was far away from the promised table didn't eat much, but still had to pay, and he hurriedly left a piece of silver and then left.

This man left in a hurry, as if there was something urgent. But strangely, he just walked out of the door and looked around at the people who didn't pay attention to him, and then he went around to the back of the restaurant that was about to change its name to the guest house. Going down from this alley is the backyard of the guest building across a wall.

In this alley, there are naturally two walls, one with a door and no door on the other. Naturally, ordinary people live in the door. However, this guest was very unusual. He actually walked to the side where there was no door. Of course, he can't walk through the wall without a door, but he won't hit the wall, because he saw that there was no one around him and climbed over the wall in the backyard of the guest building.

Is this person a thief? He watched the guests in the backyard go out and went in to steal things. But unlike, because he clearly saw the promise walk into the backyard. Does he want to peep at the woman in the backyard to take a shower, but it doesn't look like it, because this is not when a woman takes a shower, but at most she is sleeping in. Is this a weirdo who likes to watch others sleep?

These are just questions. Don't you know when he climbs over the wall and looks at it? However, the man just climbed over the wall and just peeped at it. When he didn't see anything, he first saw a head with a smiling face on his head, a face he had observed for a long time.

"Hello, what can I do for you?" Xu promised smiled and asked politely.