The world is ever-changing

Chapter 22 Magic Machine Door

The old man was not obscure and directly put forward his ideas to Long Yuan, which made Long Yuan have more trust in the old man, because few ordinary strangers would put forward their plans so directly, but had to hide their ideas first, and then implement them little by little, and the old man in front of him But on the contrary, he directly showed his purpose, much better than those sinister villains.

Thinking of this, Long Yuan took a step forward and replied, "Since the seniors need the younger generation here, the younger generation will naturally not shirk it!"

"Hmm! That's good! Wait for me in the hall over there first. I'll be there in a minute. Remember! Except for a few stone rooms here, you are not allowed to go anywhere else. If you accidentally touch my organ, you will be unlucky!" The old man spoke quickly.

Long Yuan walked out of the stone room and walked to a larger stone room, because he thought that the hall mentioned by the old man should be a bigger place.

When he walked in, as he imagined, this room was indeed a living room, which could be seen from the furnishings inside.

A rectangular stone table, there are two wooden chairs next to the stone table, and two stone stools on the other side. Other places are similar to those stone rooms. They are all natural stone walls chiseled, but one thing attracted Longyuan's attention. There is a plaque hanging above the middle of the hall with three big words: "The magic machine door ”

Long Yuan thought to himself that he now has some knowledge of the sects of the world, and they don't know anything about them before. After all, he has stayed in Xiong Wangtang, a semi-secular and semi-worldly place. In fact, he also understands that Xiong Wangtang is just a small force in the cultivation world, and some big sects only need to move a little. It is easy to use some means to destroy small forces like Xiong Wangtang, which is why Xiong Wangtang's people are so afraid of Liu Yunzong.

In this Yunhua mainland, the large sects are divided into seven sects and eight veins and many scattered sects. Most of the seven sects are people who have practiced to the realm of chemical in the previous sects and were founded, including Tianjian School, Dinghai Island, Shendaomen, Liu Yunzong, Rootless Water World, Holy Fire Flag, and Netara Emperor

The eight veins, also known as the eight veins, are mainly the veins of foreign bodies that our ancestors majored in, and they all have achieved, including: Tianma, Earth Dragon, Turtle Snake, Tiger, Eagle, Giant Whale, Apes, and Walrus.

Long Yuan thought about the famous sect he knew, but he didn't think of the shadow of the magic gate. When Long Yuan was thinking about the plaque, the old man came in from the outside and saw that Long Yuan was stunned by the plaque, he laughed a few times and went straight to a wooden chair to sit down. Then he picked up a cup of tea on the table and drank it all. He waved to Long Yuan to ask Long Yuan to sit down. As soon as the teacup was put down, he said, "Have you ever heard of the world's first sect of magic machine door?" This sentence stunned Long Yuan. Long Yuan originally thought that this magic door was just a small scattered school, but he didn't expect the old man to say that this was the first faction.

Seeing Long Yuan's surprised expression, the old man's eyes also widened. He looked at Long Yuan and said, "What? You don't know? Don't you even know such a big gang?"

Long Yuan didn't know what to say, because he really didn't know that there was a gang like Shenjimen, and he didn't even hear of it at all, but the old man in front of him didn't seem to be joking. Long Yuan's face turned slightly red and he only smiled at the old man silently. This is his best answer, because if he told the truth To be honest, it may hurt the old man's heart, and it's not good to lie.

"Since you haven't heard of it, I'll tell you the story of my biggest magic door in the world!" The old man didn't seem to be angry when he saw Long Yuan's embarrassed expression. I guess people often listened to the magic machine door with this expression.

My divine machine door was first founded by Jiang Zhuzi, an old man of divine machine. When Elder Jiang created the divine machine door, the divine machine door belonged to the first school in the cultivation and chemical industry. There were more than a dozen rudders in Yunhua mainland, and thousands of disciples under the door. According to that time, our divine machine gate was quite famous in the cultivation and chemical industry.

But later, the old man seemed not so excited to talk about what happened later, but looked sad.

Later, after the death of the old man of Shenji, the magic machine door lost its former demeanor, and other sects also squeezed out the magic machine door. Fortunately, there was the prestige left by Jiang Zhuzi, as well as several of his good apprentices. Although the divine machine door was not as the glory of Jiang, it was not as other sects. After all, the divine machine old man The things left are very good. Some can make some production tools and sometimes some weapons. Therefore, with the economy of these magic doors, it is not a problem. In this way, it has developed for several generations. Until the emergence of the fifth generation disciple Xu Pan, Xu Pan took advantage of himself to be smart and good at research, so he took Elder Jiang What was left was played to the extreme, and he studied the organs very thoroughly. In this way, the divine machine door went to a glorious period again, but the good times did not last long. Xu Pan was almost obsessed with the organs, so no matter who came to him to design the organs, he readily agreed, but when Xu Pan was designing organs for others After offending several large factions, several factions united to eradicate the divine machine door in the name of being a sinisterous mechanism. In fact, they wanted to eradicate the magic machine door in one fell swoop, saying that they would eradicate the villains. In fact, they fell in love with the various skills of the magic machine door. Because several major factions joined hands, the divine machine door could not be the enemy at all. At that time, the crowd Many superficial rudders were broken and eradicated by their opponents, leaving only a few more hidden rudders. Xu Pan also died of serious injuries against the enemy. Since then, the divine machine door has quietly retreated in the cultivation world.

But our magic door has not completely perished, and we are also developing secretly, but because we dare not recruit people head-on, there are fewer and fewer people! Until my generation, I am the only one left in the magic door.

"Ah! Are you alone?" Long Yuan looked at the old man in surprise and thought about the mulberry experience of this magic machine door over the years.

"Yes! I was alone. There were some brothers, but they all left one after another because they didn't have any future if they went on like this, and they didn't want to be hunted down by those sects!"

Speaking of this, the old man also stopped to look at Long Yuan, as if he was also thinking about this experience, and neither of them had spoken for a long time. After a while, the old man broke the silence first.

"My name is Guan Qingjiu, the ninth generation of the magic old man. What's your name?"

"My name is Longyuan!" Long Yuan did not hide from this straightforward old man.

"Oh! Longyuan!" Guan Qingjiu repeated and continued, "I also intended to pull you to join the magic machine door, but I'm afraid that you will finally leave like a few apprentices I recruited before, so I'm leaving you here for a year now, and you can make your own plan in a year!"

Long Yuan thought for a moment and stopped talking, because he was a little moved when he heard the old man's words and had some impulse to join the magic machine door, but he knew that joining a sect was not small. Let's wait a little longer!

"Another reason why I left you here is that I want to repair this cave, and now I lack a helper!"

When the old man said this, Long Yuan nodded and said, "I will definitely do my best. That's what the senior told me!"

Guan Qingjiu waved his hand and said, "Don't call me a senior in the future, just call me old man Guan or close the work?"

Long Yuan thought about these two names. He thought it was better to call Guan Gong. After all, Guan Qingjiu was much older than himself, but he also felt a little strange when he called Guan Gong. Maybe Guan Qingjiu called him this because he regarded himself as a craftsman, but he had no choice but to call it that now.

These Tianlongyuan are further familiar with some of the environment in the cave. It is about ten feet away from the mouth of the cave to the stone room inside. According to Guan Qingjiu, there are many organs ambush here, so that Longyuan must not step in, and there is no mechanism in the stone room here that can ambush and move freely.

There are three bedrooms, a hall, a kitchen and another furnace room. This furnace room is the place where Guan Qingjiu built weapons. Now Long Yuan has carefully observed that the furnace room is not the same as other rooms, but is connected with the other two stone rooms, one of which is full of various stones, which may be used for The original material of refining utensils, and the other room is a storage pool in the middle, which attracts a clear spring on the mountain. This pool can be used to quench the utensils, and can also reduce the temperature in the furnace room, and the other part can also be used as domestic water.

Long Yuan has helped Guan Qingjiu do some chores these days, push some stone into the furnace, or add charcoal fire to the bottom of the furnace, inject the melted ** into the formulated model and other activities.

Long Yuan has been cutting wood on the mountain since he was a child. These chores are nothing to him? Instead, he worked hard, and Guan Qingjiu didn't stop nodding in his eyes.

Guan Qingjiu has never told Long Yuan what he was doing, and Long Yuan did not ask. He thought that if Guan Qing wanted him to know, he would naturally know, and there was no need to ask what happened.

But Longyuan can see more or less from these things made. Some of these things are some sharp arrows, some are some gears, some knives the size of daggers, and some are like plum darts.

Long Yuan thought that these things might be used to attack others, but Longyuan couldn't guess why he made these things.

On this day, Guan Qingjiu couldn't help but say the usefulness of these things.

"Longyuan! You are the most peaceful person I have ever seen. Why don't you worry? I know you want to know why I made these things? But why don't you ask me?" Now it is Guan Qingjiu who has doubts in his heart.

"Hehe__! Shut down! If you don't want to say that there is a reason why don't you don't say it?

"Hmm! It's really yours. Seeing that you have such a good mentality, you must be a blessed person. Guan Qingjiu went on to say, "These days, you can see that I am a quick-spoken person. If I don't say something, I will feel uncomfortable!"