The world is ever-changing

Chapter 61 The Big Wolf

Long Yuan followed these three people for about two hours, and the two also stopped to say how far it was. The middle-aged man responded, "It's not far away!" I'll be there soon!"

The two teenagers followed without any suspicion. Maybe these two think that they are in this realm of change, and this middle-aged man is only in the realm of bone, so there is no danger to follow him.

In a blink of an eye, a mountain forest appeared in front of it. The forest is full of trees, and you can't see the inside from the outside, which makes people feel a little horrible.

The middle-aged man also looked at the forest with fear and said to the two teenagers, "The two heroes are bold, but the villain came here with twelve courage! The wolf's nest is in a cave in the woods!"

When the two teenagers heard this middle-aged man say this, although they were also a little uneasy, they still pretended to be fearless on the surface and replied, "Brother, don't be afraid! How many wolves are here? It's okay, let's go in!"

"I'm sorry! I can't help being scared every time I come here, so I'll take you in! There are still some practitioners waiting inside, and maybe it's almost time for the wolf to come out!" The two felt ridiculous when they saw that the middle-aged man seemed to be trembling.

As soon as the three people turned around and got into the forest, Long Yuan felt that the forest was not right. His consciousness felt that there was a heavy murderous atmosphere in it, so he did not dare to enter, but wandered outside, jumped on a big tree nearby, and looked into the depths of the forest. Most of the forest was covered by leaves, which was ugly. To clear the situation inside, Long Yuan had to listen carefully.

At this time, the middle-aged man led the two teenagers into the woods. Not far away, he saw a relatively flat depression in front of him. There were more than a dozen people standing here, each of whom was not weak in his skills. They were basically soft, metamorphic, and even a few people in the growth realm.

Most of them are a group of two or three, and there is also a single person. In front of this group of them is a huge cave. The cave is dark and deep, and you can't see the situation inside, while the inside and outside of the cave are overgrown with weeds and look a little desolate.

And most of these people look relaxed, some even talk and laugh, and don't look like the enemy at present. Of course, there are also people who stand silent.

The middle-aged man led the two to the middle of these people and said, "Two immortal masters, this wolves are in the hole in front of them. We have understood the habits of these wolves before. As soon as the sky gets dark, they will come out of the cave. At that time, these immortal masters can kill this wolves together!"

The two teenagers nodded and agreed. They saw that there were so many people at this time, and some doubts were basically dispelled now.

After saying that, the middle-aged people said to this group of practitioners: "I'm working hard, and it can only drag everyone down here, so I will quit first. After killing the wolf, we will go outside the forest to receive the reward. My fellow villagers and I will wait for everyone's good news outside and celebrate with wine!"

Most of the practitioners had some indifferent faces and couldn't help talking about it.

"It doesn't matter whether you reward or not!"

"Isn't it just a few wolves? There are still so many people, and I, Li Da, can clean them up alone!" A big man with a tiger's back and bear waist said excitedly.

"Yes! We are all practitioners. It should not be a problem to kill more than a dozen wolves alone with our kung fu. It's really a big deal to find so many people!" Another white-faced monk with a trace of bookishness replied.

Among these ten people, there was a short and thin man and a girl, who was the father and daughter of the Wei family that Longyuan wanted to find. When Wei Tong saw so many people coming to kill a few wolves, he also said excitedly, "Dad! When the wolf comes out, you have to let me kill a few more and practice it. This is a good opportunity for me to hone!"

"Hmm! Be careful. Your safety is more important!" Wei Chen still said to his daughter with a serious face, and he was a little relieved to see so many people.

Originally, Wei Chen was seeing the middle-aged man coming to invite himself and his daughter to kill the wolf. He didn't want to come, but his daughter had to quarrel to practice. Wei Chen knew that although his daughter was now in a state of change, she lacked experience with the enemy, so he also wanted his daughter to practice more, but he always felt that Some are not safe, but her daughter is excited and has to come. Wei Chen couldn't twist her daughter and followed the middle-aged man here.

Just as this group of people were talking, the middle-aged man had already walked out of the woods, and the middle-aged man ran away all the way out of the woods.

These Longyuan were stunned when they saw it. Why did he come out by himself? There must be something wrong with it, so Longyuan looked into the forest more vigilantly.

At this time, when the people in the woods were talking, suddenly an old and deep voice came from the cave, which shocked everyone, because they thought that it was possible for a group of wolves or other beasts in the cave, and ordinary beasts could not help these practitioners, but if someone existed Things are complicated, because they all know that there are people outside the sky. There are many more powerful people in the world, especially those who have entered the realm of transformation. They are very afraid, but how can there be such a powerful figure on this barren mountain?

"Hahaha...!" This mysterious voice burst into laughter, which made everyone feel furious and horrible from the depths of their hearts!

"I didn't expect so much wolf food to come today! It looks like it's all above the soft state. It's good! Not bad! Ah! There are still three that are in the realm of growth. That's great!" The mysterious voice stopped, as if observing everyone. No one found this person. It seemed to be hidden in the hole opposite, but at this time, no one would dare to come forward to check. They all looked at each other in consters and looked frightened. At this time, the mountains were so quiet that they could only hear the song of birds.

A young practitioners finally couldn't help but feel a little horrible and depressed anger and asked boldly, "What kind of person pretends to be a ghost? Why don't you come out to meet!"

"Hahaha!" The mysterious man's laughter sounded again, as if he was not provoked by the young man, but in a good mood.

"I know that the purpose of you people came here is to kill wolves, but I won't disappoint you, but it's not certain whether you can kill wolves or not! Hahaha!"

As soon as the mysterious man's words fell, everyone felt a dangerous atmosphere covering the whole mountain forest.

"Wow...!" The mysterious man found a wolf-like howl, which seemed to be just in the blink of an eye. Dozens of strange animals appeared around the mountain forest. It is strange to say that they all look like wolves, but their heads seem to be twice as big as ordinary wolves. These wolves are about 30 or 40, simply It was an enlarged pack of wolves, which made everyone suddenly scared.

These wolves did not rush up together, but surrounded the group of people and narrowed the circle little by little, as if they were commanded by someone, approaching in an orderly manner.

At this time, everyone was completely relieved of the relaxed appearance just now, and they all showed their own blades in front of their chests, as if facing a big enemy.

The circle of these wolves narrowed little by little and approached the crowd little by little. At this time, everyone could see that these were indeed wolves, but they were relatively large.

After seeing it clearly, everyone can't help but relax a little, because if it is a wolf, even if it is bigger, people in their realm are enough to deal with it.

Thirty or 40 wolves surrounded these dozen people and did not attack, as if they were waiting for some order.

"Hahaha! You'd better capture it if you have it! Otherwise, it won't be good to be torn into pieces!" The mysterious voice came to mind again.

When everyone heard this sound, they all looked a little panicked, but none of them put down their blades and surrendered. After all, everyone has the desire to survive, and they don't want to give up even a slight chance to live.

"Hmm! It seems that none of you want to surrender, so let you see the strength of my wolf brother!" The mysterious voice snorted coldly.

Then a vicious wolf ran towards the crowd. Close to this side was the young man who had just shouted boldly. This young man is a person in a soft state. Now he looks a little anxious. Seeing that the evil wolf ran over, he took a step forward, raised the steel knife in his hand, and hit the evil wolf's head.

The young man's speed was not slow. The knife flashed in front of the wolf, and his hand fell. Everyone thought that this knife would cut off the wolf's head, but to everyone's surprise, the wolf did not dodge and still rushed forward. He only heard a rattle, which seemed to be the sound of metal touching the stone. Goodbye This knife was cut, and the young man used enough strength, but he did not cut off the head of the evil wolf, but only cut off a wisp of wolf hair.

At this time, everyone was just in a slightly relaxed mood, and suddenly disappeared. You know, the muscles and bones of the wolf are so strong that it is beyond everyone's imagination. An ordinary sword can't hurt it. So many evil wolves are terrible.

The wolf continued to rush forward and threw the young man to the ground. He opened his mouth and bit the young man's throat. The young man was frightened, his body changed, and his neck dodged the wolf's mouth, but this bite still bit the young man's shoulder. The young man screamed and was trying to find a way to get out. But the wolf did not give him a chance. He raised a wolf's claw and continued to grab the young man's throat. Originally, the young man was also in a soft state and could hide the throat and other key parts through changes in shape, but the wolf reacted faster and was very accurate. He grabbed his throat with one claw. On the top, this sharp claw suddenly scratched his throat, and blood splashed everywhere. Obviously, the evil wolf's claws were no less than the sharp blade made of fine steel.