The world is ever-changing

Chapter 85 Persuasion

After the world owner left, the two disciples came out of the cabinet and locked the door from the outside.

Long Yuan felt that he was the last one to enter the world pavilion, so he asked the other brothers around him. These people were also arrested like him, and most of them were arrested when they came back from the Rongdan Conference.

What makes everyone feel strange is that the world lord did not hurt them when he caught these people, including some people in a different realm under the world lord, and everyone saw that the world lord was not an evil one.

In addition, one of the messages they got was that the Lord and his men said that they would take them to a perfect world, which made everyone confused.

The reason why everyone sees this translucent house is that it is transparent from the inside out, and the movement outside can't be seen clearly, but it can see some light from the outside, which makes the house not particularly dark.

Several people have also tried, and it is impossible to rush out in their realm. Since they can't rush out, these people will not bother and have to wait for tomorrow!

I was speechless all night. Early the next morning, I heard someone outside the entry pavilion shouting: "Taoist friends in the entry pavilion, start preparing now!" A moment later, the ceremony of entering the world will be officially held!"

As soon as Long Yuan and others heard it, they felt confused. Long Yuan couldn't help thinking: What kind of tribe is this? Why did you catch us who grew up? And what ceremony are you going to hold? An idea made Long Yuan a little scared. Listening to what he said about the ceremony of entering the world, now that I am already in this world, so if I don't want to enter the world, will they kill us all first, and then find a way to reincarnate us? Is there really such a secret method in the world?

Long Yuan thought so, and most of the other people also thought so, so these people couldn't help but be a little noisy, but Long Yuan was not too excited. In addition to these doubts, Long Yuan was not so afraid, because Long Yuan had always thought of the world, and he had to do his best, even if he It's really God's will to die here. I can't change anything.

In a blink of an eye, a quarter of an hour said, and a disciple outside shouted, "The opening ceremony of the entry ceremony begins. Please speak!"

Then they heard the loud voice outside: "How disturbing are the disputes in the world? It's a perfect afterlife. Today, our perfect world has ushered in eight Taoist friends, who will share the happiness of the world with everyone! It is right and wrong to throw away the disturbances of the world. What is about to usher in is another perfect world. Let's invite these eight Taoist friends to come out and meet!"

After saying this, I heard the door of the house creak but open, which means to invite the people inside to come out. When these people see some scenes, they don't know what the world owner is playing, so everyone is a little hesitant and doesn't want to go out.

Long Yuan smiled when he saw this and said to himself: The realm of this world's lord is so high that if he really wants to kill himself, he can't run away. Anyway, it's always like this, and it's time to go out.

So Long Yuan's cat waist came out of this door. As soon as Long Yuan came out, he heard a burst of applause, and a disciple said, "A Taoist friend entered the world!"

Maybe it's because Longyuan took the lead and these people came out of it one after another! Two Taoist friends entered the world, three...!" Until everyone came out and announced that it was over!

Long Yuan was shocked as soon as he came out. There were hundreds of people around here, and everyone's realm was higher than his, which seemed to be a different realm. Everyone stood there respectfully and looked more restless today to the white-bearded old man sitting on a high platform, the world Lord Long Yuan had seen yesterday! The Lord of the world said leisurely:

"Don't be surprised. I invited you here today for one main purpose, that is, to let them live a perfect life like immortals. Everyone should be very clear that the suffering suffered by this practitioners is as much as human beings, but how many people in the world can achieve success and ascend to immortals? More people spend their lives in the process of cultivating immortals and finally achieve nothing, but in this process, they have to go through the hardships that ordinary people don't need to suffer, so they should live happily in the next life, and waste a good time for a pitiful chance of cultivating immortals, and finally I lost my life in pain, so I hope that the person who chose to use Youdan will automatically give up the cultivation of Youdan, because if there is no holy elixir, the probability of using Youdan to cultivate that kind of immortality is too small. Take me as an example. There are few people in the world who can cultivate talent, and I chose to use Youdan. I can only stay in the fourth level of psychic realm of this abnormal realm with my current cultivation progress, which shows that the possibility of using this Youdan itself to become an immortal is almost non-existent, and most of my previous life has been spent in a hundred practices, so I want everyone to give up the Youdan and choose Putan lives a carefree life. What do you think?

The Lord's words are reasonable. The probability of using this elixir to become an immortal is really small, but as far as everyone knows, there are still people who can cultivate this chemical realm to become immortals. The Lord of the world uses himself as an example to prove that this existence is negligible and let everyone give up voluntarily. .

In fact, these people are also very clear about choosing this elixir. If there is no holy elixir, the possibility of using this elixir to achieve positive results is indeed very small. In fact, many people also want to use this eudan very much, and then be able to change a variety of animals, and that kind of life will become much better. Who doesn't imagine being in the sky like a swallow? Flying freely in the sky, who doesn't want to swim happily in the water like a fish, so many people choose this elixir and swing between these two elixirs.

Just as everyone was reconsidering this issue, the Lord of the world said again! Let's give up this Youdan! I will provide you with Putan, all kinds of Putan, as long as you are suitable for practice! In addition, I have a secret method. You can know how many blood-soluble elixir you can learn through your bone and flesh, and if you have really high qualifications and qualifications above me, I can also see it. If so, I can also respect your original choice and let you choose this elixir again!"

The world's famous saying is very clear, that is, he has a secret method that can help others judge this qualification. If the qualification is very low, even if you really use this elixir, it is just a waste of elixir and life to practice.

At this time, one of the middle-aged people in his forties came out and said, "I am willing to accept the test of the world lord. If I am really not suitable for immortal cultivation, I am willing to use Putan!"

"Good! Come here!" The lord of the world smiled and seemed to be very satisfied with the middle-aged man. After hearing this, the middle-aged man walked over to the lord of the world.

The lord of the world looked at the middle-aged man who came over and thought that the lord of the world must have been refined into a Dharma eye now. First, he observed with this magic eye, and then he stretched out his hand to hold one of the middle-aged man's hand, and then closed his eyes, as if he was meditating. In fact, his consciousness flowed in the middle-aged man's body. The process of movement.

In a short time, the world owner stared at the sky and smiled, "The qualifications of Taoist friends are still acceptable, but it is impossible to cultivate into immortals! However, practicing Putan can become more than 20 kinds of animals, which is already good!"

Although the middle-aged man was also a little comfortable when he heard this sentence, after all, this was also what he expected, so he just shook his head and silently returned to his original position. Although everyone looked so depressed, they could see that he had no doubt about the inference made by the world.

Seeing that the world owner can really see people's qualifications, four people who have no confidence in themselves came forward to let the world owner check. The world owner saw these people nodded slightly and smiled at the corners of their mouths.

Long Yuan is not in such a hurry to go up, because he has always done nothing about his qualifications. What kind of qualifications he has just been able to do, and it is not good to let others come and go, and he doesn't want to compare with this qualification.

After a while, these four people have completed the test. Their qualifications seem to be better than those of the first old man. There are three animals that can change nearly 100 species, and one can change nearly 200 species. However, none of them are qualified to cultivate the realm. It seems that there are only the first three layers of this realm of transformation. Enjoy life!

At this time, the world lord looked at Long Yuan and the other two people who had not been tested, and his expression seemed to be a little complicated and said faintly, "Hasn't the three of you given up this road of cultivation? It doesn't matter. You can also test it. If it's really qualified, I won't consider letting you use this Youdan!"

Although the Lord of the world said this, the three people still did not move.

At this moment, one of the young people with a beautiful face quickly took out an elixir from his arms and put it in his mouth. Obviously, in this case, he wanted to take the elixir in advance, but before his elixir reached his mouth, he saw a wind blowing, followed by a dark shadow from this young man. Nian's eyes flashed, and the Youdan in the teenager's hand disappeared in an instant, leaving only the teenager who was still open and stunned. At this time, everyone saw a big black bird on the shoulder of the world.